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Poor memory, slow reaction time, brain fatigue, or lack of concentration can all affect our day to day quality of life, job performance and personal relationships. Sometimes, these slow changes in how our brain is responding appear subtle, and may take several people to point out these changes they’re noticing in our behavior. Gradual change in our brain health is normal as we age, and can be supported by many, many factors including a diet rich in plant nutrients, daily exercise, problem solving, and incorporating brain supporting herbs into our daily routine.

Below are four herbs with a lengthy traditional use as brain supporting herbal remedies, and budding research to now back up those long suspected effects on brain health and concentration.

Lions Mane (Hericium erinaceus)) is a medicinal mushroom primarily studied for its nootropic – or brain supportive – effects. The beta-glucans within the fruiting body of this long used mushroom are what is primarily used and studied for brain health. Lion’s mane has been shown to directly support cells within the brain by bringing them nourishment and over time improving cognitive function, particularly in the elderly and even in culinary doses by supporting nerve and brain health.

Read more: Improvement of Cognitive Function by oral intake of Hericium erinaceus

Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) is one of the most well studied herbs that we use today, particularly for cognitive function and mental support. Ginkgo is one of the oldest living tree species on the planet, and has a very long generational history of use as an herbal medicine. Several clinical research studies have shown ginkgo’s positive effect on the brain, including enhancing memory recall, improving mental alertness and reaction time, and even supporting concentration. For best results, look for capsules with a standardized dose.

Read More: Brain-Cognition Effects of Ginkgo biloba 

Read more: The Vagus Nerve: What Is It and How Can We Support It?

Bacopa (Bacopa monnieri) is an herb used traditionally for brain support, in particular improving attention and processing speed. It has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for generations as a memory tonic, and can now be widely found in many modern day brain supporting herbal formulas and supplements. Studies have recently shown the bacopa protects the brain by way of neural antioxidant support long term, and may play a role in the prevention of cognitive disorders (but more research is needed in this area). Bacopa is a classic example of an herbal remedy that works best with long term use, and reinforces the fact that there is often no quick fix to an imbalance, but rather a guided and sustained approach using the appropriate herb at the appropriate dose.

Read More: Review of Nootropic Herb Bacopa 

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) is a treasured herb in any garden, and a family favorite for a number of health reasons. A member of the mint family, lemon balm is a sweet and playful herbal ally that is gently stress reducing, while acting to calm the brain and racing thoughts. Lemon balm is a wonderful remedy for a busy brain in the evening, especially for those who feel too stressed to sleep, or can’t turn their mind off in order to relax into sleep. Not only can lemon balm help many alleviate an overactive mind, the resulting enhanced sleep duration of course also supports brain health long term.


If you are needing support with brain or cognitive health, reach out to our doctors at Richmond Natural Medicine to work with you in finding the best solution for your individual needs.

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