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December is a very unique month when it comes to health and wellness challenges. We have a change of season from autumn to winter, sometimes a higher than normal level of stress, extra travel, holiday foods and extra savory meals, and often very social meal gatherings where our diet fluctuates significantly from our normal day-to-day. Below are 5 tips for holiday digestion support with some simple daily habits to keep in mind. 

Read More: Healthy Holiday Recipe Round Up 

5 Tips for Holiday Digestion Support 

  • Avoid drinking ice-cold beverages around mealtimes. Icey drinks dampen our digestive fire and make it harder to digest our food, especially in the colder winter months. Instead, opt for room temperature or slightly warm beverages before or after meals. 


  • Add fennel seed to your food! Fennel is a natural carminative (meaning it helps with gas and bloating) and is a perfect addition to heavier dishes such as hearty soups, stews, pasta, or roast. It also adds a delicious and aromatic flavor to any dish. 


  • Do your best to avoid holiday grazing. Allowing at least 4 hours between meals encourages healthy digestion and allows your stomach time to properly digest the food you’ve recently consumed. 


  • Enjoy after-meal herbal teas. Peppermint, fennel, and chamomile teas are excellent to support your digestion post-meals and to serve for your guests after a large gathering. A pot of evening herbal tea is always a welcome addition to a dinner party when you have a house full of guests. 


  • Remember to eat fiber! We need about 25 grams of fiber daily for optimal digestion and healthy elimination. Most people barely consume half of this on a daily basis. Fiber-rich foods include all vegetables, fruits (with the skin) beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, and leafy greens! Eating enough fiber also has the added benefit of supporting cholesterol and blood sugar levels over time. 


If you need individualized support with maintaining your nutrition practices this season, consider scheduling an appointment with Dr. Beliy to review your needs and your lifestyle practices. Together you can create a personalized nutrition plan that supports your needs and optimizes digestion.


Contact us at (804) 885-3082 to learn more about our practice and to schedule an appointment. 


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