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Several things contribute to how our body maintains a healthy weight during our lifetime. It’s not just calories in and calories out as the rhetoric may lead us to think. Factors such as age, metabolism, thyroid health, food sensitivities, poor sleep, stress, daily movement and exercise and our food choices all make a difference. It is easy to assume that if we are over or underweight, we should immediately either restrict or over consume more calories. But for most people, there may be a little more to it than that.

A holistic approach to weight management looks at all of these contributing factors and how they present in the context of your life. How has your weight fluctuated throughout your life, and what has been your “normal”? When we look a little more closely at the timeline of weight loss or gain, we want to look for other inputs that may have contributed to this change such as periods of prolonged stress, a change in your lifestyle, an injury that prevented you from exercising, experiencing a trauma of some kind or any hormonal changes. You may have the best diet in the world, but if you’re under chronic stress, unable to exercise or experiencing hormone or thyroid problems, these may be impacting how your body is holding weight. Some people dramatically lose weight in these situations while others may gain weight.

Learn More: Optimizing Weight With Holistic Nutrition

Questions to get you started with holistic weight support

  • How has my weight changed over the past year?
  • Why do I feel like I need to gain or lose weight now?
  • Do I know the reason for my previous years weight loss or gain?
  • What are the changes that I know will support my weight management?
  • What is my goal? Is it a number on the scale? How my clothes fit? How I feel?
  • Is this a realistic goal based on how my body has historically carried weight?
  • What are your obstacles in reaching this goal? And where can I get additional support?
  • What are you truly willing and ready to change in your life?

If you’ve been experiencing frustrations in maintaining your weight and need individualized support in finding a solution and long term plan, consider making an appointment with one of our naturopathic doctors for a personalized approach to reaching your goals.


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