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Did you know: Richmond, VA is consistently ranked in the top 15 worst cities for seasonal allergies by the Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America? It’s no wonder we see quite a large influx of people suffering from severe allergies beginning in the spring nearly every year!

You have probably seen an increase in indoor spaces using air filters or air purifiers during the pandemic, but did you know that incorporating one into your home can also be very beneficial for seasonal allergy support? If you suffer from environmental allergies, keeping your home and workspace as allergen-free as possible can greatly reduce the symptoms of seasonal allergies and may also be of benefit if you live in areas with a high air quality index


Air purifiers are small, usually, easily portable devices that filter and clean the air within a moderately sized room. Most small air purifiers filter both particles and gases, allowing them to clean pollutants from the air while eliminating odors as well. These can be placed in any room or office where allergens are present, or where you need to spend long hours either sleeping or working to improve the air quality around you. 

Benefits of Air Purifiers & Air Filtration for Allergies 

  • Just as the name suggests, these help to purify the air of environmental allergens and pollutants, lessening environmental triggers that may cause symptoms such as itchy eyes, sore throat, sneezing, fatigue, or headaches. 
  • Air purifiers can reduce dust, mold, airborne bacteria, and even pet dander from moderately sized spaces. 
  • May improve sleep quality when kept in the bedroom. If your allergies keep you awake during the night, adding an air purifier to your sleeping space can clean and filter the air circulating in your bedroom.
  • If you have a regularly used fireplace or wood stove, air purifiers can reduce the amount of smoke and ash throughout the home.


Read More: Combating Seasonal Allergies with Naturopathic Medicine


You can always talk to your naturopathic doctor regarding their suggestions for air purifiers, or look into Consumer Reports for comparing various brands available. Your naturopathic doctor may also give you personalized recommendations for reducing symptoms of allergies in your home or office to use in conjunction with air purifier support. 

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