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Advances in technology and the advent of post-industrial society have certainly had their benefits, but there are also some inherent drawbacks. One of the biggest downsides, which is actually quite a large topic, is the separation from nature into living in more of an “artificial” world.

Rather than spending significant time each day outside in the sunlight, most of us are inside, existing in an artificial world. We no longer have the benefit of being in touch with nature, because we feel as though we don’t need to be. However, this separation from nature is a major contributing factor to many chronic health problems and needs to be addressed.

How The Artificial World We Live In Contributes to Health Related Imbalances

The three of the biggest “artificial influencers” that we deal with on a daily basis include:

  • lack of fresh air and sunlight in favor of indoor, recycled air and synthetic lighting
  • exposure to an increasingly high number of chemicals and toxins including everything from bath and beauty products, to household cleaners and plastics
  • consistent intake of nutrient deficient, manufactured foodsi.e. manufactured foods that come in a box, not resembling something that came from the Earth.

Although the immediate effects of these artificial influences are not necessarily obvious and acute, they can and do contribute to a number of chronic health issues over time that naturopathic doctors face in treatment scenarios every day.

Lack of sunlight leads to the now commonly seen low Vitamin D status and mood disorders such as Seasonal Affective Disorder. Vitamin D is also extremely important for immune function, among other things. Lack of sunlight during the day, along with exposure to artificial and/or blue light at night (from electronic screens such as TVs, computers and cell phones) contributes to a disrupted circadian rhythm and sleep disorders. Insomnia is extremely common and it’s amazing how many health issues can resolve just by improving one’s sleep.

Quite often, the symptoms caused by the disconnect from our outside world can be greatly reduced when we recognize how these artificial influencers play a role in the body.

For example, there is a direct correlation between chronic toxin exposure and, hormone dysregulation and over-burdening of the liver, which then impairs the body’s ability to detoxify itself. This can lead to a whole host of health issues, including chronic headaches, constipation, skin issues and PMS. When we remove some of these body burdens – i.e. “lessen the load” on the liver – we often see a return of normal function and symptom reduction.

How Food Production in the U.S. Can Pose Serious Health Risks

Nutritionally, practitioners here find a common pattern of calorically dense, yet nutrient-deficient diets of mainly processed foods contributing to common health issues like diabetes and cancer.

Also, the food system that is large-scale industrial agriculture, depletes the soil of minerals and beneficial microbes, which can lead to low body mineral status as well as deficient and/or disrupted gut flora (i.e. microbiome). The minerals are important for countless necessary biochemical reactions in the body, while the microbiome is important for not only digestive health, but also mental health and immune function.

What Can We Do to Reduce our Exposure to Artificial Influencers?

While there are many health issues that can arise from living in a more artificial world, the good news is there is a lot we can do to improve health both from within this model, as well as by developing a new model or habits that shift the framework.

Top Recommendations:

  1. First and foremost – get outside!! Aim to spend at least 30 minutes outside each day, surrounded by nature if possible.
  2. Consider supplementing with a high-quality Vitamin D3.
  3. Reduce screen time at night and stop using all blue light-emitting screens at least an hour before bed to avoid confusing your pineal gland and disrupting melatonin production.
  4. To reduce toxin exposure, switch out personal care and home products for cleaner versions. Use glass instead of plastic for food storage and cooking. Keep windows open, get some plants for your home and office and consider buying air and water purifiers. Check the internet for many great resources and recommendations on non-toxic brands.
  5. Increase intake of real foods, especially organically grown vegetables. Reduce intake of processed foods. Consider supplementing with probiotics and minerals and increasing intake of fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir and high-quality yogurt.
  6. Increase regular movement – do something you enjoy such as walking or dance and incorporate more organic movement like taking the stairs instead of the elevator and walk or bike as your mode of transportation when feasible.

Many of the aforementioned lifestyle and supplement changes are recommendations Richmond Natural Medicine practitioners often give to their patients as general, foundational improvements to health. Working with a Naturopathic Doctor allows you to get more specific, targeted recommendations for your specific background and needs. ND’s are well-trained to help individuals find workarounds in their environment and solutions to help their bodies adapt and thrive, even in an artificial world.

If you are interested in booking an appointment with one of our other practitioners, please contact our office at (804) 977-2634.


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