Homeopathy For Pain

A constitutional homeopathic remedy can help ease chronic pain and improve quality of life. Homeopathics are selected by understanding details of the pain as well as who the person is as a whole.  

According to the National Institutes of Health, pain is the most common reason people seek care in the United States. In addition, pain impacts more individuals than heart disease, diabetes, and cancer combined*. Much like any other chronic illness, chronic pain presents in many ways. Ten different women can be diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and feel pain but each may need a different homeopathic preparation based on their personal experience of symptoms. Homeopathic remedies are a gentle, yet powerful form of medicine that is safe to incorporate alongside pharmaceutical pain medication.

However, you’ll be surprised to find that when using homeopathy to aid in pain management it’s common to become less reliant on over-the-counter or prescription pain relievers over time. The naturopathic approach to pain means that your ND may use homeopathy to support both you and your pain, as opposed to just focusing on the pain.

The Basics of Assessing Pain

The following questions help us gather a basic understanding of your pain and may sound familiar to you. Monitoring changes in these parameters over time can help us track your healing:

   Where is your pain?

   When did it start? Was there an event you can recall that may have caused it?

   Have you felt this pain before?

   What makes it feel better or worse?

   What does it feel like exactly?

   Does your pain radiate anywhere? How severe is your pain?

   Is there a time of day that it feels better or worse?  

Beyond the Basics

In supporting pain through homeopathy, we have additional elements to consider. Here is a sampling of what kinds of questions a naturopathic doctor may go on to ask you about your pain:

   Movement and position: With pain, are you compelled to stretch and massage the area or are you averse to touch or pressure of any kind? Maybe you want to apply intense pressure and hold the painful area tight to avoid any jarring. Maybe you need to keep moving your body in a restless fashion to obtain some relief.

   Speed of onset: Does your pain come on slowly or does it present suddenly?

   Other symptoms: Are there other organ systems in the body that get aggravated in some way alongside the pain? For example, a patient may always get a fever with their pain or may experience relief from pain after diarrhea.

   Sidedness: Is the pain always on the left or right side of the body? Did it once begin on one side and migrate to the other?

   Mental/emotional component: When you’re in pain, do you want loved ones close or would you prefer to be alone? If someone consoles you, do you feel better or aggravated? With your pain, do you tend to feel particularly weepy, sad, angry or depressed?  

   Environment and stress: Is there a particular social situation in which you feel your pain flare before or after?

Remedy Profile: Arnica

Many people are coming to understand that arnica can be used to help bruising-type pain or to heal strains and sprains. While this is true, there are many other remedies that can also support those symptoms. Looking closer at arnica, you’ll see when indeed it may be the indicated remedy and also recognize that it’s not always what’s best.

When someone has a pain that can be helped by homeopathic arnica, they will express physical, mental and emotional symptoms in a particular way*. After enduring an acute injury, there will be a feeling of shock and a strong aversion to having anyone touch the painful area. Due to the shock, the person may feel strongly that they can help themselves, even if there is a significant trauma present. With arnica, this person will return to being more in their body. Someone with chronic pain, like arthritis, who will benefit from arnica, often has a history of a shock or trauma. However, if they want that area touched and are seeking support from others, arnica is not our remedy!

To learn more about how naturopathic medicine and homeopathy can help you experience less pain and greater ease in your body, call our office at (804) 977-2634 or send us an appointment request here. RNM also offers additional services such as herbal medicine, acupuncture, and craniosacral therapy that are excellent complements to homeopathic support.

Read More About Our Use of Homeopathy

  1. https://richmondnaturalmed.com/homeopathy-2/
  2. https://richmondnaturalmed.com/classical-homeopathy-as-a-naturopathic-treatment/


  1. https://report.nih.gov/nihfactsheets/ViewFactSheet.aspx?csid=57
  2. https://nesh.com/what-is-dr-paul-herscus-cycles-segments-approach/


1,042 Views0
How Does Vitamin D Affect Immune Health?

Recent research suggests that Vitamin D plays a bigger role in our immune health than we earlier thought.

In February 2017, an analysis was published that suggests Vitamin D supplementation plays a moderate role in the prevention of colds and flu. In addition, the research supported that Vitamin D can help reduce the risk of respiratory infections among populations that lack adequate sun exposure and it’s naturally existing dose of Vitamin D. The analysis reviewed over 25 different studies with over 10,000 participants and found that there was a significant reduction of likelihood to develop respiratory infections of about 10% for those that did not get the recommended 600IU’s of Vitamin D but had begun supplementing with Vitamin D.

Sources of Vitamin D

In the United States, many foods are already fortified with Vitamin D. Most dairy products, some cereals, and fish oil supplements can be found to have added Vitamin D. It is also a common addition to multivitamins in doses of approx. 400IU. As a result of natural sun exposure, the body produces its own Vitamin D. However, this varies dramatically depending on the amount of time you spend outdoors daily, the season, and the region where you live.

Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)

In 2010 the official RDA for Vitamin D was established as 600IU’s for adults daily. These guidelines were set forth mainly to ensure adults get enough vitamin D for bone health and optimal calcium absorption. But with new research coming out every year since, and more research needed overall, the guidelines may shift as we start to see the beneficial role that Vitamin D plays in a multitude of other body functions like immune support.

How Can Richmond Natural Medicine Help?

If you have questions about your specific dietary requirements for Vitamin D, schedule an appointment with one of our Naturopathic Doctors to discuss your nutritional intake and to explore new ways of boosting Vitamin D intake daily. Our Naturopaths use an individualized approach to supporting their patients on their life-long health journey. Call our office at 804-977-2634 to schedule your first or next visit or send us a message here.

Our Doctors Specializing in Diet & Nutrition

876 Views2
RNM’s Guide to 2019 Diet Trends

“What diet should I follow?”, is one of the most common questions patients are asking their doctors, naturopaths, and nutritionists over the past several decades.

The answer? It depends.

There is no single universal diet that works for every one of us. We are all different and require individual attention, and choosing a diet that’s in line with your health needs is something that a well trained naturopathic doctor and nutritionist can help you determine.

These days there is a constant stream of trending diets coming across our news feeds, and it can be overwhelming to try to distinguish the benefits and pitfalls of each of them. Our staff is here to help. In this Diet Trends guide, we’ll be diving into three of the most popular diet trends of 2019: Keto, Intermittent Fasting, and Carb Cycling.


One of the most unique aspects of the keto diet is that it was born from research done on medical nutrition therapy for specific health conditions. This diet emphasizes the ratio of fat consumed, instead of emphasizing protein, carbohydrates, or fiber. The general ratio of a ketogenic diet (with some minor fluctuation)  is 75% fat, 20% protein, and 5% carbohydrates. The overall goal of the ketogenic diet is to transition your body away from burning carbohydrates (glucose) as energy, into burning fat (ketones) as your main energy source. In the absence of blood sugar circulating in the body, our bodies will quickly begin using fats (which turn into ketones) as an energy source. This encourages the body to burn through fat, rather than store it. After a brief period of consuming very high amounts of fats in the diet with extremely minimal carbohydrates, the body transitions into a state of ketosis.


  • Research shows that following a ketogenic diet can result in more rapid overall weight loss in comparison to following the traditional “low-fat” diets or even the Mediterranean diet. Burning fats (or ketones) as the body’s energy source is a very effective way to rapidly lose weight and give people an immediate, heightened sense of increased energy.
  • Keto can improve blood sugar levels in people with Type-II diabetes, at least short-term. There is significantly less blood sugar circulating in the body when following a ketogenic diet. 


  • Although there can be significant benefits to Keto for some, the long-term use and sustainability of this diet is still unknown and remains relatively unresearched. The majority of people will not be able to sustain this diet long-term due to the body’s preference for using glucose as fuel rather than ketones. The Keto diet is both difficult to follow and difficult to maintain, and once the diet is discontinued it’s likely that long-standing health issues will reappear.
  • The keto diet heavily emphasizes high-fat foods such as red meat and other animal products, which are inflammatory to the body when consumed in excess. 
  • There is always a concern when any diet drastically limits daily consumption of leafy greens and vegetables. To this day, there is significantly more research on the long-term health benefits of a whole foods-based diet than there is research on the benefits of the keto diet.


Soaring in recent popularity, intermittent fasting has officially been trending in Google searches for well over a year now. However, intermittent fasting is in no way a new way of eating and has been practiced for thousands of years. The foundation of intermittent fasting is to only eat during specific blocks of time, which allows the digestive system to fast for longer periods of time. This helps boost metabolism, enhances digestion, and encourages sustained blood sugar control. There are several different variations of intermittent fasting, each method having its own benefits for certain groups of people, but the long and short of it can easily be summed up to not snacking after dinner. If you allow yourself three meals per day with appropriate snacks and eliminate snacking or desserts after your dinner time, then you break the fast at breakfast the next morning. Break-Fast…Breakfast. That’s what we’ve all mostly been doing this whole time. Intermittent fasting simply brings more awareness to the timing of our meals and allows our bodies to rest and digest. 


  • Allows for lots of flexibility, and is not restrictive. This diet does not restrict calories, foods or food groups, and is not accompanied by all of the rules most other diets come with. It’s a simple, easy-to-follow nutrition plan appropriate for both single persons or families.
  •  Encourages mindfulness eating. By establishing specific blocks of eating times (such as 10 am – 6 pm), you eliminate mindless eating after dinner, or unconscious snacking outside of blocked eating times. 
  • Our bodies are enhanced and designed to eat this way. Evolutionarily, our digestive system was designed to adapt to times of restricted food intake. In fact, we tend to function less optimally when we are constantly consuming foods. Giving the body a long window of time to rest and digest is generally well-tolerated and leads to overall enhanced digestion.


  • Some people may use the concept of “fasting”, or intermittent fasting, as an excuse to under-consume foods or skip meals altogether. Be cautious and aware, especially among younger adults, adolescents, and those with a history of eating disorders, that this popular diet trend is not being used as an excuse to limit food intake under the guise of following a “healthy diet”. 
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, this is not recommended, as pregnant and breastfeeding women should not limit or restrict their calories or frequency of eating.


Carbohydrate cycling is a practice where you alternate carb intake on a daily or weekly basis. This diet encourages eating more carbs one day or week, and then drastically decreasing carb intake on other days. It is designed to help people lose weight and gain muscle quickly. Generally speaking, carb cycling is beneficial for high-performance athletes who are capable of adhering to individualized diets for a short time in order to enhance performance and training. Carb cycling is ultimately a dietary tool for short-term use. It is not designed to be used long term, but rather as a technique to help people overcome a weight loss plateau, and to be used alongside daily exercise.


  • This diet requires that you stay mindful of carb consumption each day, which overall, can encourage you to consume more fiber-rich leafy greens and vegetables.
  • Eating fewer carbs generally helps prevent energy fluctuations in the body. Carbohydrates provide quick energy by breaking down as glucose in the body. When we consume high amounts of carbs daily, our energy levels and blood sugar fluctuate wildly. Limiting carbohydrates – especially processed carbohydrates – helps to keep our energy levels stable and blood sugar more balanced.


  • Some people experience constipation and/or bloating during higher carbohydrate days due to fluctuations in water retention. 
  • Carb cycling is not recommended for women with any type of hormonal dysregulation or thyroid imbalance, or who are pregnant or nursing.

What To Keep In Mind When Selecting a Dietary Plan:

  • Every person is different, and their dietary needs are specific to them. Although we all require the same basic macro and micronutrients, the quantity and frequency of these vary greatly from person to person. Some people function much better with a higher protein, higher fat diet, while others can function optimally with plant-based proteins and fewer carbohydrates. It is common for people to get attached, vocal, and defensive about their diets. Never feel peer-pressured into following a diet just because it worked for someone else. Make sure your dietary needs dictate what’s best for you, regardless of what’s working for someone else. 
  • Not everyone responds well to every diet. You may have tried a diet in the past and had great success. When another trendy diet comes along, don’t be surprised or discouraged if you don’t feel your best on that new diet. Remember, everyone is different, and your body may thrive with one diet, but struggle on another. 
  • Where’s the research? And for what group of people was this plan designed? Always find the where, how, and why for a specific diet plan. For example, the ketogenic diet was originally used as a therapeutic diet for people with epilepsy and seizures. It was later found to be a useful strategy in conjunction with some cancer treatments, and then later for overall weight support and energy levels in certain groups of people. It was never designed as the perfect diet for all humans, but rather for a specific subset of people with unique health conditions. Don’t forget to ask who created a dietary plan and what their qualifications or motivations are for doing so. Are they financially gaining or selling products from you subscribing to a dietary plan? It’s always a good idea to run these diets by a licensed nutritionist or dietitian before committing financially to something that may require unnecessary or expensive supplements, and still be ineffective for your health needs in the end.

Questions about the newest diet you read about? Looking for support with your diet or need help making a transition in your diet? Our naturopathic doctors are here to guide you to better health. RNM practitioners incorporate nutritional therapies, herbal remedies, homeopathy, and many other modalities to help you thrive in life. From preventative medicine to chronic illness care, our Naturopaths can help. To book a Naturopathic or Nutrition appointment, call our office at 804-977-2634 or visit our website here.

Our Naturopaths That Focus On Nutrition:

Dr. Viktoriya Beliy, ND MScN


  1. Ketogenic Diet: Is this ultimate low carb diet good for you?
  2. History of the Ketogenic Diet
  3. Effects of fasting on glucose homeostasis
731 Views0
men's health holistic approach
RNM’s Five Preventative Tips for Men’s Health

Men’s health encompasses a wide number of issues. From stress and nervous system support to mental and cardiovascular health, and, of course, prostate and reproductive health as well. When looking at men’s health from a naturopathic perspective, there is so much we can do preventatively before any symptoms even begin to present. Unfortunately, research shows that men do not seek health support at the same rate as women. In fact, men tend to avoid medical care until an illness or injury occurs, and symptoms can no longer be ignored. But there are simple and effective daily habits that men can take on to promote health and longevity. These small changes in diet or even by embracing appropriate medicinal herbs can create a positive effect on men’s vitality. Try these 5 preventative tips for men’s health that can be practiced every day:

Heart Support

Hawthorn – Traditionally used as a cardiotonic, hawthorn is one of the best botanical cardiovascular supports for all ages. The whole plant extract (including leaves and berries) improves coronary circulation and reduces the likelihood of oxygen loss to the heart. When used long term it also increases the strength of cardiac muscles. Hawthorn may be taken as a tea, tincture, or capsule, with a recommended dose of 1-3g dried flowers, leaves or berries, or as a 3-6ml of a 1:2 ratio.

Caution – Hawthorn should not be used in conjunction with cardioactive drugs. 

Prostate Support

Pumpkin seeds – Two of the most significant health concerns in men over the age of 50 is benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) and urinary tract health. With these two types of concerns, prevention is key for both overall urinary tract and prostate health. Preventative actions include reducing inflammation and providing nutritional support that can reduce the occurrence of BPH, like pumpkin seeds. “The seed contains [linoleic] fatty acids, specific delta-7-sterols, tocopherols, and micronutrients….which are claimed to account for the therapeutic effects and have not been found in other sterol-containing plant extracts used in BPH treatment”. Daily consumption of 1⁄4 cup of pumpkin seeds (or about 5g whole seeds) can be therapeutic.

Mind Support

Bacopa – Often, healthcare providers don’t discuss mental cognition and brain health until an issue arises, or when it’s much too late. The brain can greatly benefit from support through nutrition, botanical supplements, and exercise in order to remain healthy, strong, and sharp well into older age— but for optimal benefits, this support should be provided daily. Long-term use of the herb Bacopa monnieri has been shown to enhance overall memory function, and its short-term use helps to decrease forgetfulness. Bacopa also aids the brain in repairing neurons that have become damaged, as well as improves neuron communication. Use of this herb may be ideal for those who live in a larger city, as it can help buffer the brain from incoming environmental toxins. Bacopa can be taken as a tincture, tea or capsule, with a dosage between 200-400mg daily in multiple divided doses.

Mood & Emotional Health

Tulsi (Holy Basil) – Rooted in the mint family, Tulsi is an aromatic and delicious herb with naturally occurring chemicals that are uplifting to the mind. In India, Tulsi has been used for generations as a sacred plant, and many people keep a tulsi plant in their home as an herb of gratitude, health, and longevity. For emotional support, holy basil is often used to uplift the spirit and promote digestion. It’s also an energetically warming, moving and uplifting herb. Holy basil is for people who are a little emotionally discouraged, disconnected from themselves or others, or experiencing the “winter blues”. When taken as a tea many describe drinking tulsi as a “hug in a cup”. Consumed daily, Tulsi is a mild adaptogenic and supports the endocrine system as well as the emotional self. It can also help support the adrenal glands under times of stress. Tulsi is best taken as a tea and can be enjoyed twice daily in the morning, afternoon or evening.

Immune Support

Reishi Your immune system is always working, and before you even get sick there are plenty of actions you can take to support long-term immune health. In fact, there are some botanicals known as immune-modulators that can be ideal for long term use. They can work daily behind the scenes within the immune system because they do not stimulate the immune system. You only want to use immune stimulants when you’re under an active immune threat, like a cold or bug. Be aware, stimulating the immune system constantly can ultimately lead to auto-immune issues. The safer option for immune health is immune-modulators, which can be taken daily to support a healthy immune response as well as for overall inflammation in the body. One example of an immune-modulator is reishi mushrooms. They are one of the most widely researched mushrooms for preventive or acute health, and even for cancer prevention. These anti-inflammatory mushrooms are rich in polysaccharides and plant sterols and have a therapeutic and lasting immune effect. Reishi can be taken year-round or seasonally as a capsule, tincture or powder, and generally between in doses of 2-4g daily.


The Big Picture: A Holistic View of Men’s Health

It can be so easy to get caught up in our body’s singular systems and the actions we can take to care for those individual parts. Try not to get overwhelmed by these systems. Remember, whole-body health is best achieved through preventative daily habits. Here are a few to keep in mind:

  • Eat a diet that’s colorful and whole foods-based. Aim for five different colors of foods that you recognize as whole and unprocessed.
  • Exercise regularly for 30 minutes per day, at minimum. When you get your body moving, you enhance your blood and lymphatic circulation throughout the whole body – including the brain. Don’t forget to mix up your workout here and there. Walk one day. Bike another. Rock climb or weight lift throughout the month. Consider swimming and hiking seasonally. As often as you can, challenge your body to work different muscle groups and your mind to try new activities.
  • Do something different with your routine. When we settle into a routine, the brain can actually stop creating new neural pathways. Challenge yourself to drive a different way to work or to the grocery store. Brush your teeth with your left hand. Fix a new recipe once a week. Do brain puzzles on your phone or newspaper each morning. Explore a new hiking trail once a month. Learn a new language. Make art or play music. All of these activities challenge your brain to think and learn differently, and in turn, supports healthy brain function.
  • Practice gratitude. The practice of gratitude has exploded with new research supporting mental health and overall well-being. Each day, write three individual things you are grateful for on slips of paper. At the end of the week read over them. Consider inviting close ones to join you in reading these messages of gratitude. You will be surprised by how your gratitude is elevated in their presence. We forget how much there is to be grateful for every single day. Living in a state of gratitude completely shifts our perspective from living in “lack” to living in abundance. 

*Always consult your naturopathic doctor or clinical herbalist for appropriate dosing recommendations before supplementing. 

If you are a man seeking preventative support for your overall health or for a specific area of your health, reach out to our office here to learn more about our Naturopathic doctors and the support they can provide. Here at RNM, both Dr. Viktoriya Beliy and Dr. Vanessa Ferreira work specifically with Men’s Health issues. Learn more about each of them here.


  1. Hawthorn in the Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease 
  2. Pumpkin Seeds & Mens Urinary / Prostate Health
  3. Gratitude & Happiness: A Measure of Subjective Well-Being
  4. Gratitude and Loneliness: Enhancing Health and Wellbeing in Older Adults
  5. Ganoderma lucidum and Innate Immunity
  6. Gender Differences in the Utilization of Health Care Services
748 Views0
Women’s Health & PCOS

Regardless of our culture’s recent fixation, women’s health encompasses so much more than pregnancy prevention and reproduction. Women’s bodies are both complex and harmonious. Moment to moment, female bodies are capable of keeping equilibrium through the unpredictability of our world. From emotional support and dietary enhancement, to sleep and circadian rhythm balance, we should always be looking at the full picture of women’s health when working with any imbalance – no matter how big or small. By using a naturopathic approach to women’s health, and specifically women with PCOS, we are able to address these complex imbalances.

How PCOS Manifests & Presents

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) affects around 1 in 10 women in the US and can take years to be accurately diagnosed. Often, PCOS symptoms are overlooked until a woman starts struggling with infertility and conception. In fact, many women deal with PCOS symptoms for over a decade before being appropriately treated, and sometimes even then, the approach is limited to prescriptions of hormonal birth control, estrogen agonist/antagonist drugs, and sometimes androgen (male hormone) blockers. Beyond the prescription of these drugs, there is much more to consider when addressing PCOS clinically.

Development of PCOS often goes like this: Shortly after a young woman begins menstruating, they may experience negative symptoms such as heavy/irregular cycles or acne as their hormones are regulating. If they seek medical support for these concerns, they are often prescribed hormonal birth control (pill, patch, IUD, etc) as a solution, which may only temporarily mask the initial concerns by forcibly managing estrogen levels. These women never truly had the opportunity to allow their bodies to naturally find hormonal balance before being prescribed birth control, and now have lost that insight by continuing to take birth control for many years. When the time comes to get off birth control, usually to begin conception, many of these women find they now have issues with infertility or may start presenting other symptoms of PCOS.

Common symptoms of PCOS include excess facial hair, balding or unusual hair loss, developing more muscle, irregular menstrual cycles, anovulation, infertility, fatigue, enlarged ovaries, and development of cysts on the ovaries. Anxiety and depression are also common accompanying symptoms. In addition, many PCOS cases begin with hyperinsulinemia (excess insulin circulating in the blood) and elevated levels of testosterone, androstenedione, and estrone. As insulin levels increase, androgen levels increase as well. Ultimately, women with PCOS may present with insulin resistance, an imbalance caused by those same increased levels of androgens. Thus, effective holistic treatment of PCOS includes focusing both on hormone balance and nutrition support to modulate insulin levels.

Hormone Dysregulation

Women’s hormones operate on a highly elaborate, harmonious feedback loop. Each moment of each day, these hormones are communicating throughout the body and with one another. Our reproductive system does not stand alone. It is directly responsive to our endocrine system, our lymphatic system, our immune system, our digestive system, and our nervous system. When one system is thrown off, it is likely that additional symptoms will begin presenting in other body systems. It’s important to remember that although you may initially seek hormone imbalance support, your naturopath may recognize that other body systems need support as well.

When we have a hormone dysregulation, symptoms can arise differently from person to person. In general, symptoms of hormone dysregulation can present as fatigue, irritability, painful or lack of menstrual cycles, acne, sudden body temperature fluctuations, infertility, excessive body hair, hair loss, skin tags, and change in skin color or texture. Each one of these symptoms, however, is not specific to hormone imbalance. This is why understanding the larger picture of your health story is so crucial.

The Naturopathic Approach

Your naturopathic doctor will be looking at your entire health picture, including family history, current diet, stress levels, medications and supplements, sleep, and your recall of symptoms and their timeline of presentation. In addition, your doctor may recommend a full hormone lab panel to tailor an individualized plan just for you. Even if you present with classic hormone imbalance symptoms, you can be confident that your naturopathic doctor will not limit their focus to hormones alone. In women’s health, hormones are only one piece of a larger, more complex puzzle. Hormone imbalances will be addressed through appropriate dietary and lifestyle adjustments, herbal and homeopathic supports, and education on the root cause of the imbalance. Other recommendations may include sleep hygiene, stress management practices, exercise suggestions, or biofeedback support. Just like PCOS does not develop overnight, rediscovering your balanced state of hormonal harmony will not happen immediately. Your naturopath is here to empower you to take control of your health and regain that balance.

Unfortunately, modern medicine’s approach to women’s health is often to treat patients through a quick fix of pills that may only provide temporary relief or can even make women feel worse. This is where you can feel confident about our holistic approach as a Naturopathic practice. We are focused on helping women understand and heal their bodies, as well as understand the work required to make lasting changes to their physical, mental, and spiritual balance.

If you’re struggling with hormone imbalances such as menstrual irregularity or PCOS, reach out to Richmond Natural Medicine here to schedule an appointment with one of our naturopathic doctors. Together, we can establish a sustainable, personalized, and effective path to your inner harmony.

Read More: Beyond Balancing Hormones

861 Views1
Autoimmune disease
Supporting Autoimmune Conditions Through Naturopathic Care

Functions of the Immune System

The human immune system is a highly complex and intelligent system that is constantly protecting us from pathogens, viruses, and diseases. It has the ability to recall past pathogens and vigilantly protect us again and again, as well as fight off multiple new external attacks at once. The immune system serves several functions, including:

  1. Protecting against antigens (small proteins that can lead to an immune response, like pollen)
  2. Fighting off viruses and parasites
  3. Flushing the body of damaged or dead cells
  4. Detecting cancerous or precancerous cells

Recognizing the Internal vs. External

For the immune system to function properly, it must be able to identify between a cell that belongs to the body and external foreign pathogens. Cells inside the body include our own organs, tissues, lymphatic system, blood, bacteria, and microbiome. The immune system works in harmony with our body to protect and maintain the balance of everything within us.

The body typically recognizes foreign pathogens as anything outside of us, including viruses, antigens, parasites, infections, and allergens. When the immune system recognizes these invaders, it works quickly to flag and attack them. During minor attacks, we hardly notice this is happening. But when our immune system is working hard to fight off an invasion, we may experience flu-like symptoms or redness and inflammation at the site of an injury. We may also notice an increase in body temperature and symptoms of intense fatigue that require bed rest. Ideally, the immune system should respond to foreign attacks only when dealing with an acute issue, not on a regular basis. Thus, when the immune response becomes uncontrolled within the body, it can easily trigger an autoimmune condition.

A Triggered Immune Response

Autoimmune conditions develop when the immune system is unable to distinguish between the internal and the external. It begins to attack our own healthy cells and then becomes an uncontrolled response. Although the specific cause of autoimmune conditions is not fully clear, we know that they can develop in any part of the body. Some of the most common culprits of autoimmune disease include our genes, viruses, bacteria, toxic chemicals, certain pharmaceutical drugs, childhood trauma, poor mental health, chronic stress, and even elevated levels of histamines or estrogen. More often, the development of any autoimmune disease is caused by multiple factors. Because we do not yet understand the single causes of autoimmune disease, it is important to first identify the triggers that contribute to a patient’s heightened autoimmune response and work to decrease the burden on the body.

Naturopathic Approach to Autoimmune Conditions

Here at Richmond Natural Medicine, we believe that your history and experience with an autoimmune condition is unique and worthy of a personalized approach. First, your naturopathic doctor will assess both your family and complete health history, all the way back to your first illnesses. Your early health history can provide insight into your past immune system function. Your naturopath will take great care to hear about your symptoms and develop a timeline of their presentation. They will also inquire about your lifestyle, stress levels, allergies, sleep cycles, and current dietary intake.

Our diet plays a huge role in impacting the function of the immune system and therefore is a significant part of re-balancing any autoimmune disease in the body. Consuming foods that are unsuitable with your ancestry or are highly inflammatory could be worsening the presence or impact of any symptoms you are experiencing. Your naturopath may make suggestions for lowering or removing the inflammatory habits in your diet and lifestyle, as well as implementing supplemental, herbal, or homeopathic supports along the way.

True Healing Takes Time

Following a holistic approach to any autoimmune condition often requires balancing multiple body systems at once for long periods of time. There is rarely a quick fix for any autoimmune condition because rewiring the immune system to stop attacking the body takes time. Through a naturopathic approach, we gently teach the immune system how to properly engage with the body again. Your naturopathic doctor is here to empower you in your health, and to be part of your care team for a truly comprehensive, safe and personalized approach. Some examples of the autoimmune conditions supported at Richmond Natural Medicine include:

  • Lupus
  • Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Psoriasis
  • Celiac Disease
  • Endometriosis
  • PANDA’s
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
  • Type-1 diabetes
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • POTS

If you are struggling with an autoimmune condition and would like to layer in a comprehensive, personalized, and holistic approach to balancing your immune system, call our office at (804) 977-2634 or visit our website here to schedule an appointment with one of our Naturopathic Doctors specializing in this area.

857 Views0
Naturopathic Approach to High Blood Pressure

Hypertension—or high blood pressure—is one of the most commonly diagnosed diseases in the U.S. today, affecting more than 75 million Americans. Unfortunately, less than 50% of those with hypertension manage to keep it under control. Because high blood pressure is one of the few diseases with virtually no outwardly noticeable symptoms, it is often referred to as “the silent killer”. Complications from high blood pressure can seem to come on quickly. If and when symptoms do present, they commonly include occasional dizziness, headaches, sporadic high heart rate, nervousness, and skin flushing. However, these symptoms are not specific to hypertension.

For someone to be diagnosed with hypertension, they must have a blood pressure reading consistently over 140/90 mm Hg. While it is normal for blood pressure to rise and fall during normal daily activities, such as exercising and sleeping, when blood pressure is consistently elevated over a period of time hypertension is more likely the cause.

Fortunately, your blood pressure is easy to check every single day. You can do this at almost any local drug store. And, if you have been diagnosed with hypertension, then your naturopathic doctor can absolutely help you get to the bottom of how and why this is presenting.

Root Causes of High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can be potentiated by several factors, including high stress, and (to some extent) genetic predisposition. Lifestyle and diet, however, plays the most significant role in both the presence of hypertension, and as an effective solution. Stress is the key player in how and when high blood pressure is present. And here’s why:

High stress is one of the leading causes of hypertension, and when addressed first, it can have an almost immediate positive impact on blood pressure. Stress causes a cascade of hormonal responses, physically constricting the arteries and leading to a more rapid blood flow and higher pressure against the endothelial layer of the arterial walls. When under stress, we release aldosterone, a mineralocorticoid steroid hormone produced by the adrenal gland. Aldosterone sends a message to the kidneys to retain salts. This signals nephrons to increase reabsorption of sodium and water, and releases potassium in the kidneys. Water will always follow sodium, leading to an increase in blood volume, which ultimately leads to an increase in blood pressure. Your kidneys play an enormous role in maintaining healthy blood pressure, and the kidneys are directly responsive to stress.

Aldosterone receptors (many of which are in the heart) can bind glucocorticoids, another class of steroid hormones. So, if you’re really stressed, your glucocorticoid levels go up, and you will start filling up aldosterone receptors and your blood volume will increase, thus increasing blood pressure. By controlling our response to stress (or better yet – reducing the causes of stress), we can effectively reduce the amount of aldosterone that is released on a daily basis, and therefore protect the kidneys.

Naturopathic Approach

Your Naturopathic doctor will first review any blood pressure medications that you may be taking in order to safely work alongside them. Then, they will thoroughly assess your lifestyle to determine what may be contributing to high blood pressure on a daily basis. Likely, they will suggest stress and lifestyle modifications to support your goal of lowering blood pressure sustainably, and often recommend appropriate herbal medicines or supplements – as well as dietary suggestions – to support your cardiovascular system, central nervous system, and your kidneys. All of their recommendations will be tailored for you and your lifestyle, and whether or not you are currently taking any medications to address high blood pressure.

Long term, the goal of a naturopathic approach to managing hypertension is to eliminate the cause, and thus prevent blood pressure from elevating again. This occurs by educating patients on the cause of their high blood pressure (which may differ from person to person), and offering tools and techniques to manage this effectively and sustainably over time. They can also easily work collaboratively with your other health care providers to deliver the most holistic and comprehensive care possible.

Are you interested in learning more about incorporating a naturopathic approach when managing high blood pressure? Request an appointment with one of our Naturopathic Doctors or give us a call at 804-977-2634 today.

Read More: Naturopathic Approach to Cardiovascular Health

Read More: 5 Supportive Remedies for High Blood Pressure

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Personalized Nutrition: Fad Diets Vs. Individualized Diets

Within the world of nutrition, it can seem like there is a lot of overwhelm regarding what the “best” diet to follow is on any given month. With near constant blog posts, social media influencers, and health headlines coming across our feeds about keto, vegan, paleo, IFM, whole 30, alkaline, and intermittent fasting diets (the list goes on and on), which one is best for you? How do you choose? It’s very common for all of the diet fads and trends to present with conflicting information, leading to further confusion about what you should and should not consume. This is where educating yourself about your own nutrition needs really pays off. Creating an individualized diet – often with the help of a trained nutritionist – is almost always a more sustainable, affordable, and health aligned choice.

Keep in mind when hearing about a new diet fad:

  • Who is promoting this? Are they benefitting from the “sale” of anything within this diet such as supplements, meal packages or subscriptions? And are they a trained professional within the nutrition profession? (Social media influencers and some “wellness” bloggers usually are not).
  • What is the research? Where is this diet information coming from, and how was this information gathered? Make sure that any nutrition protocol has legitimate research to back it up, ideally with 10+ years of human use and documentation.
  • Is it sustainable for you? Is this a diet that you can reasonably keep doing in order to maintain your health goals?
  • Does it absolutely meet your required nutrition needs? The #1 issue with fad diets is that there is no one right diet for everyone. Every single person requires different things to balance our health, and following a popular diet that works for one person may not work for you.
  • Are they only focused on calories? Calorie counting diets alone are not a sustainable diet solution. Calorie counting does not take into account food nutrient quality, and that’s a huge problem.

The Benefits of a Personalized Nutrition Plan:

  • All of your specific micro and macro nutrient needs will be met. This can often be done through a thorough nutrition assessment from your nutritionist, or through appropriate testing so you know exactly what you need, and how much.
  • Any issues with food allergies or food intolerances will be taken into account, and avoided. If you’re continually consuming foods you may be allergic or intolerant to, this can lead to other issues stemming from inflammation and/or digestive imbalance. Getting the appropriate testing for these will greatly enhance your long-term, individualized nutrition plan.
  • Other aspects of your health are addressed nutritionally, including hormone balance, metabolism, activity level, blood sugar support, applicable family history, weight support, cholesterol support, and digestive health. Your individualized diet plan can serve as a truly therapeutic key to your overall health when created just for you.
  • A nutrition plan will be created for you that is sustainable. It will meet your current health goals while being possible to maintain long term, so there’s no “falling off the wagon” once you’ve reached your goals.
  • When working with a nutritionist for an individualized diet, you can expect this diet to change as your health changes. This is an excellent benefit, because your health is never stagnant, and nor should your diet be either.

Remember, “food is medicine”, and each person’s medicine should be as unique as they are individually. Fad diets are often always based on a single principle or goal, which is usually reductionist specific (i.e, lose weight by burning ketones, or increase energy by fasting longer, for example). A holistic, person- centered diet should always be enhancing to whole body health, not depleting by focusing on a single goal and ignoring the other areas of health support or ignoring the synergy of the body. Food can be amazingly well suited and tailored for each person, and with the help of a nutritionist, an individualized diet can be created just for you that not only addresses your specific health goals, but can be supportive of your individual needs.


Ready to enhance your health through nutrition and build your life-long individualized diet?

Book your Initial Nutrition Consultation with Dr. Viktoriya Beliy here.

Dr. Viktoriya Beliy is a licensed naturopathic physician who completed her education and a year-long residency at the National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, OR. During her time at NUNM she also earned her Master’s in Nutrition concurrently with her doctorate in naturopathic medicine. She has additional training in classical homeopathy through the New England School of Homeopathy with Dr. Paul Herscu and Dr. Amy Rothenberg. She enjoys treating all conditions, especially focusing on dermatology, women’s and men’s health, endocrinology, and autoimmune conditions.

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Top 5 Richmond Natural Medicine Tips to Improve Your Sleep

Sleep is foundational to optimal health. If you are not getting adequate, good quality rest you are not allowing for proper tissue repair and healing.

Sleep can make a huge impact on your overall health and wellbeing. It improves memory and mood, reduces inflammation and improves immune function, in addition to decreasing the risk of heart attack, stroke and diabetes.

Here are 5 simple tips to improve your nightly dream time.

  1. NO SCREEN TIME at least an hour before bed. The blue light from screens disrupts the production of melatonin in the brain, thus negatively impacting sleep. Remove all wifi devices from the bedroom. Turn off the screens and read a book, meditate, pray or journal.
  2. Go outside for at least 20-30 minutes daily. Our bodies are attuned to nature. Our circadian rhythms are dependent upon natural sunlight on the retina of the eye. Plus fresh air, grounding and simply being in nature offer other healing benefits as well!
  3. Exercise and regulate your blood sugar. Avoid caffeine after noon, avoid alcohol (especially in the evenings), eat regular anti-inflammatory balanced meals and discontinue eating 3 hours before bed time.
  4. Tea time anyone? Herbal teas before bed can be very calming and serve as a ceremony to remind the body it is time to rest. Great options include chamomile, lemon balm, passionflower and valerian. There are plenty of combination sleepy teas out there such as Nighty Night, Bedtime and Cup of Calm.
  5. Magic of Magnesium. Deficient magnesium can lead to poor sleep and insomnia. It relaxes and calms the body and mind for improved sleep. I would suggest magnesium glycinate rather than magnesium citrate.

Can you imagine, peacefully drifting off to sleep as soon as your head hits the pillow. Having deep uninterrupted sleep, waking rejuvenated and ready for your day?

Yes, it’s possible.. it may seem like there are a lot of obstacles, but there are endless ways to support healthy sleep!

As Naturopath’s we aim to treat the cause. Knowing the underlying cause of sleep disturbance guides the recommended supportive therapies, which are always individualized. If you have tried everything or have been struggling with sleep concerns for far too long, consider making an appointment with one of our Naturopathic Doctors. You can contact our office at (804) 977-2634 for more information.

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Nutrition Support for Balanced Probiotics & Gut Health with Dr. Beliy

For a healthy digestive tract, we need a balance of good bacteria and beneficial yeast to support the digestion and absorption of our foods, and maintain our immune system.

A healthy amount of probiotics is essential to immune function, as the good bacteria will populate the lining of our digestive tract and crowd out other harmful bacteria from sticking around. When our probiotics are out of balance (known as dysbiosis), we may experience a number of symptoms that can be remedied by changes in diet, decreasing stress, and appropriate supplementation.

Symptoms of Dysbiosis

  • Irregular bowel movements
  • Bloating in the lower GI
  • SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth)
  • Multiple food allergies or sensitivities
  • Decreased immune function
  • Diarrhea and/or constipation
  • Bad breath
  • Skin issues such as eczema and acne

The complete picture of our individual gut health, also known as our microbiome, is a topic of increased attention and study in the past 15 years. Probiotics have been linked to digestive health conditions such as SIBO and IBS, autoimmune conditions, and even our mood and behavior. We have between 400-500 million strains of probiotics in our gut (somewhere between 5-6 pounds of healthy bacteria), and it is essential to keep them happy, stable, and fed by eating a diet rich in nutrients and prebiotics.

Dr. Viktoria Beliy takes a holistic diet approach to balance our gut flora, improve the stability and population of healthy probiotics, and maintain a strong digestive tract. When working with patients, she notes, “I see that a diet high in processed foods, refined sugar, and low fiber negatively impacts gut health and probiotic balance”. In each individual case, she will adjust your diet appropriately to re-balance any deficiencies and support the stability of a healthy microbiome through a variety of recommendations.

“Eating a diet that has a good balance of protein, healthy fats, and fiber will provide all of the nutrients that you need for a healthful diet. Eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables will provide vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This diet full of soluble and insoluble fiber will help with proper digestion, elimination, and also provide the ‘food’ [prebiotics] for the probiotics to thrive. In turn, the probiotics will then make short chain fatty acids that will provide the fuel for the colon cells to multiply and form a healthy digestive tract lining. Supplementing with a probiotic supplement is a great option while working on your own probiotic balance and incorporating more foods with probiotic strains.”

There are several fermented foods that are high in probiotics themselves, including kombucha, sauerkraut, full fat yogurt, and kimchi, all of which are wonderful to include in the diet.

Supplementing with Probiotics

Along with individualized dietary recommendations, Dr. Beliy may also recommends specific probiotic supplements. There are hundreds of probiotic supplements on the market today, and not all are created equal. Just like our fingerprints, our gut microbiome is very specific to each of us, and requires an individualized approach. It’s important to match the appropriate supplement to the person, and choose an option that is both probiotic strain specific to each person, and also of excellent quality. Dr. Beliy looks for some specific things when choosing a probiotic supplement for each individual patient.

“I like to look for multiple strains of the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species. Finding a probiotic with fungal spore strains, like Saccharomyces boulardii, will also add some extra coverage. There are specific strains that are better for female health vs. what you would want in a children’s probiotic, which you can always ask your doctor about. Having a prebiotic included in the blend can also be helpful. In general, your probiotic should have at least 10 billion CFU’s. A high quality supplement will be 3rd party tested, look for a seal from NSF or USP on the bottle. Most probiotics should also be refrigerated, however some fungal strains do not need to be refrigerated. Some brands that I’ve seen work well include Klaire Labs, Microbiome Labs, Jarrow, Innate, and Garden of Life.”

If you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms, or feel like you need support with dietary improvements and individualized support, consider scheduling an appointment with Dr. Beliy.

Read more:

Nourishing your Gut Microbiome

The Role of Probiotics in Gut Health

Ferments & Probiotics for Digestive Health

The Role of Prebiotics and Prebiotics in Inducing Gut Immunity

Dr. Viktoriya Beliy is a licensed naturopathic physician who completed her education and a year-long residency at the National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, OR. During her time at NUNM she also earned her Master’s in Nutrition concurrently with her doctorate in naturopathic medicine. She has additional training in classical homeopathy through the New England School of Homeopathy with Dr. Paul Herscu and Dr. Amy Rothenberg. She enjoys treating all conditions, especially focusing on dermatology, women’s and men’s health, endocrinology, and autoimmune conditions.


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