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In a time when we are spending more time online than we are sleeping, we can access almost any amount of information that we need and are also exposed to plenty of extra content that we probably don’t. Especially on social media and online blogs, at this point we can be completely consumed by too much wellness information – most of it conflicting – and not necessarily relevant to what your body needs individually. Many of our clients at Richmond Natural Medicine come to us having spent hours, if not years, researching their own solutions to their health needs, only to be overwhelmed at the number of recommendations and cost of trying dozens of different remedies. When you’re drowning in a sea of niche and influencer-driven wellness trends, it may be hard to take a step back, zoom out, and assess if your basic needs are being met on a daily basis. Read on to learn ways to reset and get back to basics.


Often, the simplest approach to our body’s wellness needs is the best place to start and to keep consistent. Are you sleeping well? Hydrating enough each day? Moving your body? Connecting with nature? Feeding yourself simply and well? These are the foundational, basic things our body needs to thrive. If we overlook these for too long, it is unlikely any amount of additional supplementation, specialized diets, or wellness trends are going to be sustainably useful. 


This is an opportunity to pause, assess your foundational, basic needs, and re-focus. 

Getting Back to Basics

Sleep – This is your body’s rest and repair time. You cannot “make up” sleep on your days off, and if your body is going too many days, weeks, or months without adequate sleep, everything will feel these effects. Your nervous system will feel upregulated. Your digestion may be erratic. Your energy levels will be low, and even your mood and behavior will deteriorate. It can be challenging to commit to 7-9 hours of sleep each night when your lifestyle is working against this, and this commitment will take time to allow for. Even increasing your sleep by 15 minutes every couple of weeks will be helpful. 

Read More: Sleep Hygiene Best Practices


Movement & Exercise – Your body is designed for movement. Walking, stretching, running, swimming – our joints and muscles need this every day in order to stay strong and function well into older age. If you’re sitting behind a desk 6+ hours a day, then on the couch or in a car for even more hours, movement is absolutely something you should prioritize each day. Going for a walk instead of scrolling on your phone, stretching for 5 minutes upon rising and going to bed each night, or taking up a partner sport like tennis or rock climbing can make a huge difference in keeping your body vibrant and healthy!

Read More: The Mental Health Benefits of Movement & Exercise 


Hydrate – Drinking enough water each day supports every single body process for the better. From our digestion and elimination to joint and muscle health, to circulation and mental alertness and metabolism – water is so very essential, and less than half of people consume enough each day for proper functioning. The general rule of thumb for water intake is to consume half of your body weight in ounces each day, not exceeding 100 ounces for women, and 120 ounces for men. So, if you weigh 160 pounds, that’s 80 ounces of water each day. Keep a water bottle or large thermos with you to track this. 

Read More: ND Lifestyle: Water & Hydration 


Real Foods – We have become so very far removed from recognizing the importance of simple, real foods in favor of quick, processed meals that it may feel unrealistic to try and prepare fresh meals at home. With so many meal delivery services, inexpensive frozen options, and a lack of knowledge around cooking, this truly is a challenge for folks to implement. Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and pure proteins (organic animal sources and plant-based options) can be so simple and easy to prepare when you have a handful of recipes under your belt. Start with trying to consume more color each week through fruit and veggies. Greens, reds, yellows, and purples are wonderful this time of year! If you need support and guidance on how to do this simply and easily to meet your nutrition needs, contact our office and request an appointment with one of our naturopathic doctors. 

Read More: One-on-One Nutrition Support 


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