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Using a therapeutic castor oil pack is one of the most common recommendations on a naturopathic care plan and may be recommended for any number of reasons, including soothing digestive upset, supporting pain in joints, or to soothe muscles and strains.

Historically castor oil packs were recommended for all manner of ailments, most especially to support in digestion, assimilation, elimination, and also for enhancing circulation and lymphatic flow.

For many, this is a completely new practice, so below are the simple steps and products needed to do a castor oil pack treatment:

Step 1:  Obtain a large (about the size of your torso) flannel cloth or old cotton shirt that you do not mind getting irreplaceably dirty.

Step 2:  Obtain good quality Castor Oil

Step 3:  Obtain a heating pad + and a large piece of plastic (such as a plastic grocery bag or saran wrap.

Step 4:  Soak the cloth in castor oil completely and wring out just slightly. It should be well saturated.

Step 5:  Lie down, and place the castor oil pack directly on your body in the designated space (i.e. over your stomach, on your knee or on your back).

Step 6:  Place the piece of plastic just over top of the castor oil soaked cloth and then place the heating pad on top of the plastic (the plastic should act as a barrier so as not to get the heating pad covered in oil).

Step 7:  Turn the heating pad on low and lay with this on your body for at least 30 minutes but up to 2 hours. The oil will be slightly sticky, so remove the pack carefully once you’re finished, and gently remove the oil off your body with a damp washcloth. Turn off the heating pad when complete. You may reuse the flannel or cotton cloth several times after cleaning thoroughly.

About the Author:

Lindsay Kluge is a Clinical Herbalist & Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist and received her Masters of Science degree in Herbal Medicine from the Maryland University of Integrative Health in 2012. She has been with Richmond Natural Medicine since 2013, and specializes in therapeutic holistic nutrition, circadian rhythm balance and sleep physiology, digestion, and Ayurvedic nutrition. She offers individualized nutrition and herbal medicine consultations that include meal planning support, custom compounded herbal formulas, nutrition guidance and general wellness support.  Learn more about services that Lindsay offers at Richmond Natural Medicine by clicking HERE.

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