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What is Celiac Disease?

Celiac disease is a digestive autoimmune disorder targeting the small intestines. Symptoms are triggered by consuming gluten when the body mounts an immune defense against the gluten protein and ultimately damages the lining of the intestines. People with celiac may experience severe pain, diarrhea, bloating and gas that may feel debilitating. Although celiac symptoms are primarily in the small intestine, this is considered a “multisystem disorder”, meaning several organ systems can be affected by this over time. Due to the damage of the villi within the lining of the small intestines, the ability to absorb nutrients from our food decreases, sometimes leading to nutrient deficiencies, weight loss, and anemia. 


Read More: Supporting Autoimmune Conditions Through Naturopathic Care 

How is Celiac Diagnosed?

Your doctor will take a thorough health history and assess your symptoms and inquire into your diet and family medical history. They will recommend blood tests to assess for antibodies to gluten – as people with celiac disease will have a higher number of these antibodies in their blood. Often, they may test for anemia, or biopsy a small section of the small intestine to look for damage to the villi. 


The Naturopathic Approach to Celiac Disease

Most people with celiac disease have lived with this condition for several years – often undiagnosed and unaware of their specific dietary (gluten) triggers. Your naturopathic doctor will take a history of your symptoms and assess other areas of your health including lifestyle, stress, living environment and a thorough dietary recall. They will often request that you keep a food & symptoms journal to review in follow up appointments. If you have been suffering from digestive imbalance for several years, it is likely your ability to digest other foods has become compromised as well, with many people sharing a very long list of foods they can not consume. 

The naturopathic approach for working with celiac disease will often take several months, with a long term goal of digestive balance within 1-3 years. Gluten will likely be removed entirely from your diet, and your naturopathic doctor will work with you to provide a nutrition plan with plenty of substitutions and gut-healing foods. Diet, along with lifestyle shifts and supplements when appropriate, are all part of the long-term approach to celiac disease through a naturopathic lense. 


Read More: Transitioning to a Gluten-Free Diet


If you suspect gluten sensitivity, or have digestive health issues you would like to have assessed by one of our naturopathic doctors, give our office a call to contact us for an appointment. 

Phone 804-977-2634

Fax - 804-980-7876

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