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What is classical homeopathy and how we utilize this with individual patients at RNM?

Classical homeopathy and their homeopathic remedies are sourced from the natural world. A small piece of a plant or mineral or a bit of venom from a snake or bee, for example, is collected and diluted. The more dilute a preparation is, the more potent the medicine. For example, a ‘200C’ homeopathic remedy is more dilute and therefore stronger than a ‘30c’ homeopathic remedy. Ultimately, the homeopathic remedy is taken orally, as drops in liquid form or as tiny, white pellets.

When someone has a symptom, the homeopathic remedy selected to help them is based on the idea that the same remedy, given to a healthy person, would cause the symptom. For example, if you have a swollen, hot, and red bee sting, a likely homeopathic remedy for you would be Apis. When given to an individual without a bee sting or similar condition, we would expect Apis to cause a transient expression of the symptom. In homeopathy, this is called a proving and it is how we have come to know about how each remedy acts. The mechanism of action of homeopathy is not yet known; however, clinical evidence of its effectiveness dates to the early 1800s. There are no detectable molecules of the original substances used to make homeopathic remedies left on the actual medicine given to patients— it is suspected that an energetic imprint of the original substances remains in the diluted preparation and elicits healing.

Read More: Homeopathy is Investigative Work

How does using homeopathy differ from using other forms of botanical medicines (herbal teas or tinctures) or pharmaceutical drugs?

Herbal teas and tinctures are derived from plants, like some homeopathic remedies. However, the medicine extracted from a plant for an herbal tea or tincture has not diluted the way a homeopathic remedy is.

Additionally, the indications for using one plant in a tea or tincture may be radically different from using that same plant homeopathically. For example, St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perfortaum) is commonly used to support mild depression in an herbal preparation, yet is often used for nerve pain homeopathically.

In what type of situation or person would homeopathy would be an ideal tool to use?

Every person can benefit from having their constitutional homeopathic remedy on board as part of their treatment plan. As it raises one’s overall level of health— acting deeply and steadily— constitutional homeopathic remedies improve sleep and energy levels and help people get more benefit out of healthy lifestyle choices they’re already making. Homeopathy can enhance a natural medicine protocol someone is already following. This is key because often people are working hard to eat well, stay hydrated, sleep enough, manage stress, and follow their supplement and/or herbal medicine regimen— and yet they continue to have some bothersome symptoms. Incorporating an energetic tool like homeopathy can be the missing component to someone achieving profound and lasting positive changes in their health.

What kinds of things can shift when using homeopathy with people?

With the correct constitutional homeopathic remedy, we can initially expect someone to generally feel more like themselves with positive changes in mood, sleep, and energy. Following, we can expect to see their presenting symptoms shift and improve.

By symptoms shifting, we mean that someone may go from having a more serious symptom to a less serious symptom — for example, a lung condition like asthma may improve, but the person may develop allergies or a skin rash. This would be a sign that the body is moving in an overall direction of improved health. We can wait and let the homeopathic remedy continue to act, expecting the less serious symptoms to clear up over time as well. When we have a history of illness suppression, the body may need to go through layers or stages of healing to truly resolve it.

Alternatively, with homeopathy, we can expect to see a patient’s symptoms improve in terms of severity or frequency. For example, if someone always gets a migraine headache prior to a major meeting a work, a couple of times a month, we can look for their constitutional homeopathic remedy to make their migraine symptoms less intense and less frequent. The time in which it takes to fully clear a symptom varies between individuals. It is important to remember that the remedy is being selected based on the whole person with the symptom and not just the symptom itself.

Another change that someone may experience with the constitutional homeopathic treatment is needing less of some pharmaceutical medications. For example, if someone is taking pain medication on an ‘as needed’ basis, they may find that they are able to take fewer doses or less frequent doses, as the remedy begins to work.

Read More: Homeopathy for Pain

It is also important for people to know that homeopathy is safe and gentle. It can be used at any stage of life and is safe during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. It can be used in conjunction with conventional medicine and other types of natural medicine.

There are many effective ways one can practice natural medicine and holistic care, and homeopathy is one of the most skilled, precise, and effective tools we can utilize to influence our own health. In the hands of an experienced naturopathic doctor, the use of homeopathy is a powerfully influential tool for achieving positive health outcomes.

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