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Skin health can be one of the more mysterious and frustrating health concerns we face throughout our lives. With inconsistent symptoms and a plethora of triggers, it can be hard to figure out what exactly is causing a skin condition and how to address it. Dermatology and management of skin health can be complicated, and very rarely are they just “skin deep”. Especially in seasons where allergic reactions are high (hello spring!), we see quite a few folks with seasonal skin issues. 


During the spring, skin issues like eczema, bumps, itchy skin, rashes, and general redness are worse with environmental triggers like pollen. If you notice that your skin feels extra irritated or inflamed this time of year, here are some spring tips for healthy skin:

Spring tips for healthy skin

  • When outdoors, wear lightweight, long sleeve and long-pants clothing to reduce skin exposure to sun and irritants. 
  • Add an air purifier to your home and keep windows closed if your allergies flare in the spring. 
  • Drink plenty of water! Hydrating helps every detoxification pathway and supports skin health and elasticity. Nettle tea is also a gentle antihistamine that is wonderful to enjoy this time of year!
  • Soothing topicals like aloe gel or a chamomile compress can be helpful for dry, itchy, or redness on the skin. (Note, if you purchase an aloe leaf topical gel, make sure it is alcohol-free. The pure aloe leaf also works well!)


Read More: Skin Care 101 with Dr. Ferreira


Some of our basic treatment strategies for dermatology issues and skin health concerns include food intolerance assessments, individual-centered nutritional guidance, supplemental nutrients, homeopathy, biotherapeutic drainage, herbal medicine, patient-specific homeopathic remedies, stress management, hydrotherapy, detox support, and appropriate skin care recommendations.

Dermatology issues and skin health concerns that Richmond Natural Medicine can help with:

  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Seborrheic dermatitis
  • Acne
  • Hidradenitis suppurativa
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Candida


Our naturopathic doctors take a close look at the root cause, rather than just offering temporary topical treatments. You can rest assured that your ND will always prioritize a review of the contributing factors that can lead to dermatology problems in order to develop a solution that works from the inside out. Richmond Natural Medicine’s Naturopathic doctors will get a sense of your overall health, with a focus on your digestion, hormone balance, emotional health, and your health history leading up to the start of any dermatology issue.

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