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Hair loss is a common complaint we hear from patients throughout the year. Sometimes this is a secondary complaint – something that is concerning for the person but maybe not their primary concern. After a conversation with their naturopathic doctor, they may develop more awareness around why this may be happening, as the reasons are many! Hair loss can come and go throughout someone’s life, either as a genetic predisposition or as a result of several other health factors. Depending on the cause, the solutions may vary, but are usually quite successful once the primary cause is assessed. Below are 6 common causes of hair loss and their broad solutions:


  1. Nutrient deficiency – This is extremely common in both men and women throughout their lifetimes. Hair growth is not an essential body function, and when our body is starved of necessary nutrients, those nutrients are diverted to our body’s essential functions including our organs, brain, and nervous system. Our gut health and digestion must also be balanced in order to absorb the nutrients we are consuming. Thus, having a balanced daily diet along with healthy digestion is needed for optimal hair growth and maintenance. If your ND suspects a nutrient deficiency, they may recommend appropriate mineral and nutrient testing to take a close look, and recommend specific foods or supplements to address this. 


  1. Hormonal changes – Hair loss often accompanies any period of time when hormonal changes are present such as perimenopause, PCOS, pregnancy, or post-birth to name a few. This can be assessed through a timeline of when your symptoms developed, and through appropriate testing. Your ND can then recommend appropriate therapies to bring the body into balance, and subsequently address hair loss. 


  1. Age – As our health and age change, so does our body’s ability to maintain hair growth and texture as it did in our youth. Nearly everyone will experience a change in hair texture and thinning as they age, and this is a normal body process. In combination with genetic factors and personal hair treatments, this can look or progress differently for each person. In regards to treatments, this is a tricky one because this is a normal body progression and not something that needs to be “fixed” per say. Over-the-counter treatments are available, as are some medications, and your ND can advise you on the best options for you if this is a concern. 


  1. Stress or illness – Stress is perhaps the most common cause of sudden hair loss for most people. Similar to nutrient deficiency, the body is very efficient at directing what energy and resources it has to our essential body functions. When we are stressed, our body is under quite a bit of strain and we often are not taking care of ourselves like we need to to feel balanced and vibrant. Our sleep is lacking, our nervous system is on alert, and our diet may be lacking in nutrients and quality foods. All of this plays a significant role in our external presentation, from our skin health, weight, and hair fullness and texture. Stress management techniques and changes in behavior may be suggested by your ND to help you cope with present and upcoming stress. 


  1. Genetic predisposition – it’s not uncommon that hair loss is hereditary, and at a certain point in life, you’ll notice hair thinning. This is more common in men than women, however, can certainly play a role in early or late-life hair loss in both genders. There is nothing wrong or concerning about this, although it is undoubtedly frustrating. Your ND will take a thorough health history and determine if this is a prominent factor, and offer solutions that are in alignment with your current health goals. These are individual for each person and may change over time as your health changes. 


This is not an exhaustive list of the causes of hair loss, as hair treatments, side effects from medications, or certain illnesses are common causes as well. If hair loss is one of your health concerns and you would like to explore personalized options, contact us for an appointment with one of our naturopathic doctors. 

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