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Happy New Year from your team at Richmond Natural Medicine! 

As we begin another January and embark on the year ahead, we wanted to invite you to take things a little more slowly and be compassionate with yourself if you’re reflecting on some healthy habits to start the new year. Winter is traditionally a time of rest, reflection, and hibernation, so if you’re feeling a bit more lethargic this time of year, that is very normal. Here are a few healthy and peaceful habits we are reflecting on for this new year:


Take a bird’s eye view of your year from season to season. Zoom out from this month and take a more broad view of the year from a seasonal perspective. Is there a health goal, small habit, or improvement/shift you would like to make seasonally that can improve your health and well-being? For example, winter may be a nice time to batch-cook a large pot of soup each week to ensure you have a nourishing, warming meal each day. Spring may be a time to set a goal of a 30-minute outdoor walk each day, and summer may be a time to focus on plenty of daily water intake. 


Connect with the environment around you. Take a few minutes to notice small things in nature around you, even if you are in a city environment. Our connection to nature is deeply rooted in our daily health and circadian rhythm. Taking time to notice the gradual changes in nature allows us to invite that pace of small, sustainable change within ourselves. A unique way to do this may be to join a local CSA (community support agriculture) to enjoy seasonal produce from nearby farms throughout the year. 


Read More: Stocking Your Pantry for the New Year 


Daily movement and exercise have profound benefits for long-term health. Even just thirty minutes a day or an afternoon walk can benefit mental health, weight support, blood sugar regulation, and improving sleep. If you don’t have an hour to commit to exercise each day, don’t let that stop you from taking a few minutes to take a walk in your neighborhood, around your office building, or at the local trails. 


Enjoy a weekly or monthly infrared sauna visit. You may know the therapeutic benefits of a sauna, but infrared heat not only works superficially on the skin but also works on the body’s deeper tissues. In case you haven’t had the opportunity to experience the benefits of an infrared sauna, here are some attributes: it is known to improve mood and relaxation, assist with stress management, regulate the immune system, and even assist with pain. RNM’s in-house infrared sauna is available for patients seen in the last 12 months as an additional resource for their physical, mental, and emotional healing. Contact the front desk to get more information about sauna times and memberships. 


January is an opportunity to reflect and continue to rest into winter. Hibernation and sinking down into the season often contrast with the societal norm of setting many goals and resolutions. Still, we’d like to offer another avenue to go a little more slowly. If you want guidance or personalized support in meeting or maintaining your health goals this year, talk with one of our naturopathic doctors. You can schedule an appointment here


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Monday: 8:00 AM-5:30 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM-5:30 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM-5:30 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM-5:30 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM-5:30 PM

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