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If you are planning your holiday menu and are eager for a few lighter options along with the traditional holiday fare, below is our healthy holiday recipe round-up. Within, are a few healthy holiday recipes that we love to rely on here at Richmond Natural Medicine. 

Read More: Simple Ways to Pause During the Holidays 


Bell pepper Bisque (gf option)

Collard wraps (gf, vegan)

Big Comfy Sweet Potato (vegan)

Cabbage, coriander and sesame slaw (gf, vegan)


Quinoa Cauliflower Kale Cakes (gf)

Butternut Squash Lasagna (gf)

Butternut, bacon & apple hotdish

Braised chickpeas with chard (gf, vegan)

Creamy chicken, vegetable & wild rice crock pot soup (gf)


Pear Pie

Double ginger molasses cookies (vegan)

Cacao Hemp Crispy Treats (gf, vegan)

Perfect chocolate chip cookies (vegan)

Snickerdoodle cookies (gf, vegan)


Read More: Easy Practices for a Healthier Holiday


If you need personalized support during the holidays with nutrition, meal planning, stress management or to optimize your sleep, consider making a general wellness visit at Richmond Natural Medicine. Our in-house wellness specialist, Dr. Ferreira, has been practicing for 6 years in the fields of women & men’s health, hormone optimization, and lifestyle management. With her vast experience, she is able to provide patients with many ways to help the human body function optimally both inside and out with the goal of establishing healthy and new lifestyles to best support their health concerns. We would love to help you create a plan to sustain and grow through the last few months of the year. Click here to contact us. 


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