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If you have ever been to see a naturopathic doctor, you may already have some experience with how successfully homeopathy is used in practice. However for many people, homeopathy may seem mysterious, especially if they have not consulted a trained naturopath. Homeopathic remedies have a long history of use to maintain health and wellness, and can be found all over the world.

Classical homeopathic remedies are sourced from the natural world. A small piece of a mineral or plant, such as chamomile for example, is collected and diluted. The more dilute a preparation is, the more potent the medicine. For example, a ‘200C’ homeopathic remedy is more dilute and therefore stronger than a ‘30c’ homeopathic remedy. Ultimately, the homeopathic remedy is taken orally, as drops in liquid form or as tiny, white pellets. Homeopathic remedies are derived from natural sources including plants, minerals, and animals, and can be prepared as dissolvable white pellets or liquids that energetically cleanse the body. An individual assessment of the individual is usually needed before prescribing the appropriate remedy.

Read More: Homeopathy & Family Practice

How is Homeopathy Used?

Homeopathy can be used for a variety of things, including specific symptoms like pain or skin rashes, and emotional or behavioral presentations as well. Long-standing issues are where homeopathy shines, but homeopathy can work to refocus any imbalance in the human body. It is gentle and deep acting, allowing a person back into the driver’s seat of their own health. A trained naturopathic doctor is skilled in the art and science of matching the appropriate homeopathic remedy with the person depending on their symptoms and how each person presents individually.

Read More: Homeopathy for Pain

Dr. Vanessa Ferreira describes working with homeopathy in her practice:

“Naturopathic medicine is so special when it comes to managing body-wide imbalances because it can be used to target different layers of dysfunction. Homeopathy works on one of those layers and is intended to improve the body’s response to stressors when it is in a state of disease or imbalance. I use homeopathy most often in cases presenting with peculiar symptoms, acute illnesses, stress management, or cases with underlying mental/emotional factors. Homeopathy is a wonderful tool to promote the body’s innate ability to self-heal.”

In what type of situation or person would homeopathy would be an ideal tool to use?

Every person can benefit from having their constitutional homeopathic remedy on board as part of their treatment plan. As it raises one’s overall level of health— acting deeply and steadily— constitutional homeopathic remedies improve sleep and energy levels and help people get more benefit out of healthy lifestyle choices they’re already making. Homeopathy can enhance a natural medicine protocol someone is already following. This is key because often people are working hard to eat well, stay hydrated, sleep enough, manage stress and follow their supplement and/or herbal medicine regimen— and yet they continue to have some bothersome symptoms. Incorporating an energetic tool like homeopathy can be the missing component to someone achieving profound and lasting positive changes in their health.

Read More: Homeopathy is Investigative Work

There are many effective ways one can practice natural medicine and holistic care, and homeopathy is one of the most skilled, precise and effective tools we can utilize to influence our own health. In the hands of an experienced naturopathic physician, the use of homeopathy is a powerfully influential tool for achieving positive health outcomes.

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