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Recent research suggests that Vitamin D plays a bigger role in our immune health than we earlier thought.

In February 2017, an analysis was published that suggests Vitamin D supplementation plays a moderate role in the prevention of colds and flu. In addition, the research supported that Vitamin D can help reduce the risk of respiratory infections among populations that lack adequate sun exposure and it’s naturally existing dose of Vitamin D. The analysis reviewed over 25 different studies with over 10,000 participants and found that there was a significant reduction of likelihood to develop respiratory infections of about 10% for those that did not get the recommended 600IU’s of Vitamin D but had begun supplementing with Vitamin D.

Sources of Vitamin D

In the United States, many foods are already fortified with Vitamin D. Most dairy products, some cereals, and fish oil supplements can be found to have added Vitamin D. It is also a common addition to multivitamins in doses of approx. 400IU. As a result of natural sun exposure, the body produces its own Vitamin D. However, this varies dramatically depending on the amount of time you spend outdoors daily, the season, and the region where you live.

Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)

In 2010 the official RDA for Vitamin D was established as 600IU’s for adults daily. These guidelines were set forth mainly to ensure adults get enough vitamin D for bone health and optimal calcium absorption. But with new research coming out every year since, and more research needed overall, the guidelines may shift as we start to see the beneficial role that Vitamin D plays in a multitude of other body functions like immune support.

How Can Richmond Natural Medicine Help?

If you have questions about your specific dietary requirements for Vitamin D, schedule an appointment with one of our Naturopathic Doctors to discuss your nutritional intake and to explore new ways of boosting Vitamin D intake daily. Our Naturopaths use an individualized approach to supporting their patients on their life-long health journey. Call our office at 804-977-2634 to schedule your first or next visit or send us a message here.

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