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Thyroid imbalances are a growing health problem in the US, with an estimated 12% of people in the US developing a thyroid condition in their lifetime. We see many people at Richmond Natural Medicine with both suspected and diagnosed thyroid concerns. As one of the more common endocrine imbalances, there is a lot to dig into regarding symptoms, health history, lifestyle, and sometimes when you suspect you have a thyroid imbalance; it may be something else entirely! Below we have summarized a few things to consider if you’re wondering about your thyroid health. 

What is the thyroid, and what does it do?

The thyroid gland is a small butterfly-shaped gland in the front of the neck and is an integral part of our complicated endocrine system. It plays a role in regulating our metabolism, controlling our body temperature, and supporting the balance of other hormones throughout our body. It is affected by things such as stress (acute and chronic), our sleep cycle, our environments, our diet, and also our genetic predisposition. Common thyroid conditions include hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid), hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid), and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (an autoimmune condition that impacts the thyroid gland). The thyroid influences every tissue and organ system in the body and when there is a thyroid imbalance it can cause body-wide symptoms. In any thyroid case, it is important to assess the root cause of the imbalance and determine appropriate short and long-term solutions.


Read More: 4 Things You Never Knew Your Thyroid Did For You

Symptoms that may indicate thyroid imbalance:

Being aware of symptoms of a thyroid imbalance is important however many symptoms associated with a thyroid imbalance are also symptoms of other imbalances as well. So do not automatically assume if you are presenting with one or several of these symptoms that they are related to a thyroid imbalance. The health of your thyroid can be assessed by way of your symptoms, applicable lab work and your health history to help determine if your symptoms are rooted in a thyroid imbalance. Below you will find a general summary of certain symptoms that are related to hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

Do you feel that we should take the below information and make it look like an actual table for ease?


Hypothyroid  Hyperthyroid
Fatigue, lack of energy Anxiety
Depression, low mood, lack of motivation Palpitations
Weight Gain or difficulty losing weight Restlessness
Hair Loss Irritability
Dry Skin Insomnia
Brittle Nails Weight loss
Constipation Increased sweating
Low basal body temperature Trembling
Intolerance to cold temperature Intolerance to warm temperature
Brain Fog Exophthalmos – protruding eyes
Goiter Goiter


If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, write them down and keep track of them. Present these to your Primary Care and your other providers including your Naturopathic Doctor so they are aware of your symptoms. 

Support  for thyroid imbalance:

Treatment is highly dependent on the signs and symptoms that exist, lab values, possible onset of the thyroid concern and further work-up of other potential endocrine issues. Your Naturopathic Doctor can evaluate your whole picture to address the root cause of your thyroid imbalance. Every case is different and an individualized approach is imperative to healing. If you are experiencing thyroid imbalance or other endocrine dysfunction, reach out to discover our approach to thyroid wellness at Richmond Natural Medicine. We work collaboratively with your other medical providers andl offer natural solutions that support you and your body to regain balance. You can schedule an appointment by calling (804) 977-2634  



  1. The American Thyroid Association

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