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Back-to-School time for every family can be stressful and unpredictable. The seasonal transition to fall in itself is a bit sporadic with temperature changes – something that our body often has a hard time adjusting to when the weather abruptly changes from cool to warm. When we are experiencing daily weather changes along with being exposed to dozens or hundreds of other people in enclosed spaces, it can feel impossible not to come down with a cold or a bug more than once. When kids go back to school, there are a few small habits you can try to keep their immune system strong: 


Elderberry syrup – Elderberry syrup can be taken every day by the whole family to help keep immune systems strong and ward off colds and flu. Elderberry has been used for generations for its soothing, antiviral, and vitamin C rich properties to support general immunity, especially in the cooler months. There are plenty of options for this tasty syrup, but we prefer brands that do not include excessive additives or sugar. We recommend Gaia Herbs and Pukka Herbs for the best quality elderberry syrups. 

Read More: The Naturopathic Approach to Flu


Extra good quality sleep – We cannot stress enough the importance of good quality sleep on immune health. This is a time when our nervous system and immune system are in a state of rest and repair. We all require this time to strengthen our body’s natural defenses while not under the conscious daily pressures of work and school. Especially for your middle school and high school-aged children, make sure they’re allowing enough quality sleep (8-10 hours) each night. 

Read More: Sleep Hygiene Best Practices


Pack lunches with plenty of colors – Nutrition plays a critical role in maintaining a healthy immune system, and every day we should be enjoying plenty of colorful whole fruits and vegetables. If you’re packing a lunch for your child (or they’re packing their own), do your best to pack at least 2 different colors inside. Something like red grapes, cherry tomatoes, carrot sticks, beet chips, cucumber slices, or some dark lettuce or sprouts on the sandwich can go a long way when enjoyed every day. If lunches are not an option for this, then dinner time is the next best option. 

Read More: The Health Benefits of Every Color


Stay hydrated – believe it or not, dehydration is incredibly common in kids while back at school. They either forget to drink enough water or are not allowed to keep water bottles with them during classes. Drinking enough water throughout the day is essential for our lymphatic system and digestive system (both of which are critical for immune health) to function optimally. Many kids are prone to want sugary drinks like fruit juices or sodas, and unfortunately, this only contributes to stressing the immune system. As often possible, opt for fruit-infused water or herbal teas. You can even get lots of water in by enjoying water-rich foods like watermelon, berries, grapes, oranges, plums, and cherries!


Read More: Benefits of Hydration


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