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Everything has a frequency; animals, trees, even sounds and colors. This is the Universal Law of Vibration, that states, “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”  

We’ve all experienced this. Think of the uplifting effect of the color yellow or the shift in energy you feel when a loved one walks in the room.  Consequently, our bodies are magnets for “like” energy and will instinctually connect with a familiar frequency.  Knowing this, we can work the Universal Law of Vibration to our advantage, but it does require us to be mindful and intentional with our thoughts, actions, and internal self-talk.

For the skeptics out there, there is evidence to back this up.

(1) Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck found that some people have a “fixed mindset” and believe that they cannot change their capabilities. Other people have a “growth mindset.” The growers believe they can work toward improving themselves. Dweck and her colleagues studied 373 students and tracked their academic performance from the beginning of seventh grade through the end of the eighth. They found that those with a growth mindset (I think I can) “I-think-I can’d” themselves to a rise in grade point average, while those with a fixed mindset remained the same.  

One could also note the placebo effect, which by definition is a beneficial effect, produced by a placebo drug or treatment, that cannot be attributed to the properties of the placebo itself, and must therefore be due to the patient’s belief in that treatment.

Now if “like” attracts “like”, then negative energy may attract more negativity.  Have you ever had your whole day thrown off by one little snafu in the morning, like spilled coffee?  You angrily throw your hands up and claim, “I knew today was going to be a bad day!” and from there the day proceeds badly.  If you are vibrating at negative energy, you will attract negative energy.

Since we have a choice in this matter, and most of us would choose to attract more positivity in our lives, let’s focus here.

“What you think, you become.  What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create” – Buddha

1.) What you think:  Most of us tend to operate on a negativity bias, where we fixate on the negative versus the positive.  In the past, this instinct helped protect us from danger but now a days it can be more of a hindrance than a safeguard.  Start by noticing the negative thoughts when they arise. (No need to beat yourself up for the negative thoughts; that just adds more fuel to the fire.)  Then release any judgement you may hold and in its place observe with curiosity. Finally, actively CHOOSE to think positive. If you are struggling here, fake it till you make it.  Think of all of the attributes you long to possess and imagine yourself embodying them. Chances are you already are but the inner critic is clouding your thinking.

2.)  What you feel:  The cycle begins with a thought, which triggers sensations and memories, which then evolves into an emotion.  So positive thinking will produce positive emotions. Start to take notice of what you are doing when you are most joyful.  Now do more of that! If a “negative” thought has formed and spiraled into an emotion, no worries! Acknowledge that thought and feeling.  Resist the urge to shun or distance yourself from it and instead integrate it. Sit with it. Be with it. All emotions are valuable and a spectrum of emotions is part of the human experience.  Just don’t invite those negative emotions to move in with you.

3.) What you imagine:  We’ve all heard the saying, “I’ll believe it when I see it”.  I prefer, “I’ll see it when I believe it.” Olympic athletes and iconic leaders utilize visualization to manifest their goals, and you can too.   The key is to get really clear and specific on what you desire. The more descriptive the better. What does your greatest desire look like? What does it sound like?  Smell like? Taste like? Feel like? The only limitation is your ability to imagine beyond what you think is possible or reasonable.

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” – Einstein

(1) http://www.success.com/article/what-you-think-you-become

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