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Lyme disease is one of the fastest-growing public health concerns in the US, with approximately 30,000 cases reported by state health departments annually, and it is continually increasing. 

What is Lyme Disease?

Lyme disease (most commonly from Borrelia burgdorferi, miyamotoi, hermsii and turicatae) are complex organisms that are transmitted to humans and animals via a tick bite. It has only been under extensive study and clinical examination within the past 25 years as the number of those diagnosed with this disease increases every year. However, the actual numbers of cases remain underreported, meaning that there are more individuals who have Lyme disease without knowing it. This is because Lyme disease can be easily disguised as other illnesses. The most concentrated population of those diagnosed with Lyme disease is in the Northeastern region of the US, however, every state has reported cases of Lyme disease. All along the East Coast, we find thousands of chronic cases of Lyme disease. 

Read More: Naturopathic Care for Chronic Infections

Reasons for the Spread of Lyme Disease

  • Increase in tick populations
  • Decrease in natural habitats of tick-carrying animals (deer in particular)
  • Climate changes (potentially)
  • Epigenetics

Common Symptoms of Lyme Disease

  • Acute immune response: For some people, they may present with a fever or chills while the immune system and the inflammatory response initially respond to the pathogen.
  • Red, inflamed area on the tick bite, surrounded by what some term a “bulls-eye” rash that may spread.
  • Systemic or Chronic Inflammation: Lyme can affect the nervous system causing severe headaches along with joint and neck pain. It can also cause pain in tendons, muscles, and bones, resulting in loss of muscle tone in facial muscles (facial palsy), cause heart arrhythmias and rapid heartbeat (known as Lyme carditis), and in severe cases cause inflammation in the brain and spinal cord.
  • Connective Tissue and Neurological Degradation: Decreased muscle capacity, weakness, muscle weakness, hearing loss, facial palsy, burning pains, soreness or aching, and problems with memory.
  • Cardiovascular: People with chronic Lyme seem to have poor blood circulation resulting in poor blood flow to the extremities (cold hands and feet). There may also be symptoms of heart arrhythmias and rapid heartbeat (known as Lyme carditis).
  • Exercise intolerance
  • Increase food sensitivities/allergies

This is not a complete list of all symptoms associated with Lyme disease. There can be many others that mimic symptoms from other illnesses, some that can be dormant for years at a time.

How Can Naturopathic Medicine Help with Lyme Disease?

Areas of Specific Support

  • Systemic inflammation caused by the upregulation of the immune system
  • Connective tissue support
  • Neurological support
  • Cardiovascular symptoms
  • Chronic pain symptoms
  • Identifying and managing any co-infections
  • Sleep and pain support

Some people do best with a combined Lyme regimen of pharmaceuticals and botanical medicine + nutrition support. Sometimes preparing and stabilizing a person with Lyme is first required before any specific Lyme protocols are initiated. This is because some people can get far worse if their body is in a depleted state. Many struggle with proper detoxification such as phase I and phase II detoxification and this must be improved first. Thus, identifying what is best for you as an individual is imperative. 

If you suspect the presence of Lyme but have not yet been tested, your ND may recommend the Western Blot test to start which has the lowest rate of false-negative results (but it is still possible for false negatives to occur). There is no perfect testing for Lyme but there have been some advances and certain companies that we feel do a better job with their testing than others. Supplemental and botanical formulas may be recommended to support areas of specific need, including the central nervous system, connective tissue, immune system, gut and digestion, cardiovascular, inflammation pathways, and pain management.

Often, the symptoms of Lyme disease shift and change, and your ND may want to see you routinely, perhaps twice per month depending on the level of discomfort you are experiencing, to continually check on your health. When you have an active or chronic diagnosis of Lyme disease, the bacteria can be so variable that different support may be needed at different times. In fact, there can be seasonal and hormonal shifts that can improve or exacerbate one’s Lyme disease. Thus, we will work with you if you have seen seasonal or endocrine trends like this in the past.

Read More: The Naturopathic approach to Lyme Disease

If you or a family member suspect the presence of Lyme disease, or have an active or even chronic diagnosis of Lyme disease, and are looking for comprehensive, holistic support, consider scheduling an appointment with one of our naturopathic doctors at Richmond Natural Medicine by calling our office at 804-977-2634 or filling out an Appointment Request Form here.

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