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The upcoming winter months are often the hardest for those in need of mental health support. With shorter hours of sunlight, more hours of darkness, and consecutive holidays, winter can be a difficult season for those with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or with mild or moderate depression. Sometimes our mental health can fluctuate with the seasons or with periods of stress, feeling up or down for short or long periods of time. Finding mental health support in the winter months can include a variety of things that are specific to your needs, and your naturopathic doctor or counselor can be helpful in determining the right combination of support just for you. Below are some things that can influence our mental health throughout the year and in the winter especially:


  • Vitamin D levels
  • Hormonal fluctuations, including melatonin, serotonin, and dopamine
  • A diet lacking in fresh fruits and vegetables, adequate fiber, or essential nutrients
  • Lack of sleep, or oversleeping
  • Previous emotional trauma
  • Physical illness or underlying health conditions 
  • Chronic long term stress


Read More: Daily Practices to Support Mental Health 

Mental Health Support in Winter

Treatments for mental health can vary widely to include things like simple daily exercise to certain medications. What works for someone else may not be the best solution for you. Here are some general suggestions for supporting mental health that you can do at home:


  • Light therapy
  • Supplementation with vitamin D (once you have assessed your current vitamin D levels)
  • Stress management practices such as yoga, meditation, journaling, and mindfulness 
  • Pet therapy 
  • Spending time outside and experiencing nature connection each day
  • Maintain a healthy diet. Generally, the Mediterranean diet is an excellent one to follow for gut health and mental health support. 
  • Daily exercise such as walking, swimming, running, yoga, and stretching


Read More: The Mental Health Benefits of Exercise 

If you find yourself feeling the onset of the “winter blues”, or feeling like your mood is a bit different in the winter months and need personalized support, consider making an appointment with one of our naturopathic doctors. They will have an in-depth discussion with you to review your health history, diet, lifestyle practices, stressors, sleep, and any relevant lab work to help support you in your individual needs. They may also be a great resource for referrals to local therapists or counselors if needed. Don’t hesitate to seek help or ask questions if you feel that you need support maintaining your mental health at any time. The staff and practitioners at Richmond Natural Medicine are available to help and guide you to find a solution that works for you.

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