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If you or a loved one has been recently diagnosed with cancer, you may feel bombarded by the number of resources out there. And it can be challenging to decipher the most important choices to get you feeling better. But the most important part of a plan should be implementing a care plan that is person specific. Thus, naturopathic doctors can help you prioritize what is best for your personal health now and in the future as you navigate cancer.

There is a great deal of information available today online and through books and films about cancer – ranging from anecdotes to literature across academic disciplines. Cancer has truly become a cultural phenomenon (1). Did you know that in addition to scientific studies giving us information about cancer, there are people like Dr. Kelly Turner who have studied individuals’ cancer stories from a social sciences perspective? In her book Radical Remission, Dr. Turner outlines the top traits that people who have experienced a radical remission from cancer share (2). Seven of the nine cancer survival qualities that Turner discusses are in the realm of emotional, mental and spiritual health, including social connection. It is not just about the physical manifestation of cancer, it is the whole body. Thus naturopathic cancer care supports the physical body in a holistic way that is individualized for each person.

“And when we feel loved and cared for by others, the rush of healing hormones released by the master glands in our brains affects our bodies in such a way that our immune systems suddenly have renewed energy to repair cells, clear out toxins, and most important, to remove cancer cells.” – Radical Remission, Chapter 7: Embracing Social Support

We tend to see patients fall into one of these four categories when it comes to naturopathic cancer care:

  1. Those looking to prevent cancer as a part of their overall wellness plan. Perhaps there’s a family history of cancer or they have risk factors for cancer in their current or past medical history (for example, an occupational exposure).
  2. Those looking to optimize their health in the midst of conventional treatment with chemotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapy (like monoclonal antibodies and tyrosine  kinase inhibitors), radiation and/or surgery. They may want support for short and long-term side effects associated with these treatments. Additionally, they may need help in  reducing risk of resistance to an intervention.
  3. Those with a re-diagnosis of cancer who are not responding to conventional treatment and looking for adjunctive therapy and support.
  4. Those that have shared with their oncologist their desire to modify or alter recommended therapies and are seeking ways to optimize anti-cancer actions in their body.
  5. Those with a history of cancer who are seeking to reduce their risk of recurrence and to optimize their health post-cancer.  

What is a naturopathic doctor’s approach to cancer care? What will your care plan entail?

A naturopathic care plan includes tailored and individualized advice in the realm of supplements, herbal and homeopathic medicines, diet and food intolerances, exercise, self-care and lifestyle practices. When indicated, there’s a discussion about what must be avoided or how certain therapies must be timed to avoid drug-herb or drug-nutrient interactions. But in other cases, there are specific recommendations such as herbal medicine and nutritional therapies that can enhance the effectiveness of one’s radiation and/or chemotherapy. The care plan also involves referrals for appropriate supportive therapies including acupuncture, lymphatic massage, chiropractic care, talk therapy, EMDR, neurofeedback, cranial sacral work, yoga and meditation and nutritional support. Sometimes we’ll encourage additional lab work or specialized testing to be done through your oncologist. We often find certain genetic reports to be a useful tool in further understanding a person with cancer who is in front of us. Genetic data is always used in the context of a patient’s medical history and current symptoms. There is also an ongoing body of research related to cancer and natural medicine. Thus remaining up to date on the newest scientific literature within the field is important. With the support of a naturopathic doctor, we incorporate scientific references to support your care plan and find this information to be additionally helpful when collaborating and communicating with your oncology team.

Foundationally, naturopathic medicine is focused on treating the whole person. This means that when we build a care plan for a patient with cancer, we are emphasizing:

  1. Nourishing and strengthening the function of weakened organ systems. This may include the nervous system and adrenal glands when stress management and sleep quality are issues. It will also include looking at areas where side effects are expected if a patient is on medications. For example, with many chemotherapies we want to support the cardiovascular system.
  2. Optimizing immune system function – including reducing inflammation.
  3. Optimizing the body’s ability to get rid of toxins (physical and emotional) through the lungs, skin, bowels and urinary system. Supporting liver and gastrointestinal detoxification pathways and the lymphatic system fit in here, too. If the body is not functioning optimally, it can further cause certain side effects that some people may feel during their cancer treatment.
  4. Enhancing overall vitality. A vegetable-rich diet and filtered water may be anti-cancer; however, they are not a substitute for feelings of joy and inner peace. Our energetic medicines like homeopathy and acupuncture, as well as exercise and even herbal medicine at times, are helpful in raising one’s vitality. Also, doing positive things within one’s life and being around people that make you happy, impacts your health and overall well-being. In fact, laughter has been found to decrease stress and increase the function of natural killer cells within your body (3). Hence, as you may have heard the saying, “Laughter is the best medicine”; that may in fact be the truth. Our goal is to support you as a whole person and in some cases we may further recommend resources and people within your community that foster optimism during your cancer diagnosis.

Often, patients and their loved ones including caregivers feel overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of the information that’s out there. They want to understand what’s safe and best for their body when it comes to natural medicine and healing with cancer. What happens when symptoms change and medications are added or discontinued? With naturopathic cancer care, it is our goal to support our patients wherever they are on their journey. And we adjust our plan as needed based your current health status. Furthermore, we understand that building and maintaining wellness is a process and we are equipped to provide ongoing, long term support. Our goal as naturopathic doctors is to support and guide you today as well as the future that lays ahead of you.

If you want to learn more about our naturopathic cancer care services at Richmond Natural Medicine, please call and speak with one of our Patient Relations Specialists at 804-977-2634.


  1.     Stacey, Jackie. 1997. Teratologies: A Cultural Study of Cancer, New York: Routledge.
  2.     Turner, Kelly. 2014. Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds, New York: Harper Collins.
  3.     Research: Altern Ther Health Med. 2003 Mar-Apr;9(2):38-45. The effect of mirthful laughter on stress and natural killer cell activity.


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