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We are entering into an unusual summer season, with unexpected factors to keep in mind. The otherwise vibrant, vacation filled summer months are now likely to be a little more low key and closer to home while we tend to ourselves, our families, and keep our communities in mind. This summer, our health needs may be a little different, but the essentials are always the same: Drink plenty of water, get your daily exercise, and eat seasonally from fresh, colorful fruits and vegetables. As we collectively navigate a pandemic summer season, here are a few more summer health tips to keep in mind:

  • Nurture connection with the subtle things around you. Although we are not physically able to connect with friends and loved ones in the same way, as humans we are still deeply reliant on that connection for our mental and spiritual health. This summer, notice all of the other subtle things around you that merit attention. The tree in your yard; the flowers you bring home from the market; the bird that visits your porch every morning; the spider that weaves a web in your garden bush each night. There are so many things we don’t notice when we’re busy not noticing. And most of those unnoticed things are so beautiful. We are connected to each other through nature, and there is nothing better than to be in nature. Nature helps us remember who we are and our true connection to something greater than ourselves.
Read More: Reconnect to Nature by Getting Grounded
  • Enjoy the color of food. Every day, do your best to consume 5 different colors of fresh fruits and vegetables. Summer is the time of culinary abundance, and these colors are packed full of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and antioxidants. Support your local farmers market, or indulge in your own garden this year!
Read More: How Colorful Foods Support Detoxification Pathways
  • Disconnect from the Wi-Fi. You have been information-overloaded this year. We all have, and it’s exhausting. There is a necessity to stay informed, and there is equal necessity to spend time away from the unending stream of news. Turn off or get away from the internet for one day a week, and spend time at home making crafts/arts, spending time in nature, reading an indulgent book, gardening, or just resting. Internet connection is addicting, and our psyche is full of distressing news this year. We are responsible for our mental health and having appropriate boundaries for our psyche; no one else. We have a purpose and one that is not about causing more inflammation to ourselves and our community. When we can disconnect, our nervous system has a chance to unwind, and our mind has a chance to pause and center.
Read More: 6 Tips for Maintaining Health in an Artificial World
  • Focus on your mental health. Be gentle with yourself this season (and this year). It’s easy to become overwhelmed, distressed, anxious, and even guilty with yourself for not staying on top of everything in your life. Allow yourself the compassion and tenderness you deserve to take this season a little more slowly and give yourself permission to seek counseling if you need more support. We cannot be useful instruments without rest and support.
Read More: The Naturopathic Approach to Mental Health 
  • Stay cool with herbs and foods to balance excess heat. Making an iced tea with peppermint, spearmint, lemon balm or mountain mint (and a bit of honey) is a delicious way to easily and inexpensively stay hydrated and cooled down when the weather is especially hot and humid. You can also add a bit of fresh cilantro or coconut flakes to foods that are too spicy or warming for this season (like curries or even barbeque). Cilantro and coconut are both cooling foods, that help balance the excess heat of hot spices so that we don’t over-tax our digestive system.
Read More: Tips for Creating Wellness Habits with Children

How are you feeling as we enter into the summer? Are there areas in your health and well being that could use some additional support? We’re here to help. Request an appointment with one of our Naturopathic Doctors, or call our office at (804) 977-2634. Remember, you don’t always need to have something “wrong” to get support for your life. Wellbeing visits are essential for your health, and our team would love to support you.

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