When you choose to partner with a naturopathic doctor in your health and wellness journey, you are choosing to address your health in a truly holistic way. Holistic Doctors and Naturopathic doctors take your entire, individual body into every consideration when they create a treatment plan for you, which is displaying a holistic model of health care. Your symptoms, health history, family history, lifestyle, diet, and complete physiology make up your unique personality, and your treatment plan should be just as individual as you are.

Naturopathic Doctors & Holistic Medicine

From a holistic medicine perspective, every part of the body is intimately interconnected, with no part of the body functioning alone. When naturopathic doctors address your health from a holistic approach, they are taking every part of your body into consideration, not just a single piece, and certainly not just through “symptom management”.

For example, if you experience GERD or acid reflux, a conventional medicine approach would be to prescribe antacids or PPI’s (proton pump inhibitors). These mask your symptoms but do not solve the problem of why you are experiencing acid reflux or GERD. They also do not take into consideration other body systems outside of the stomach, often leading to side effects such as irregular bowel movements (constipation or diarrhea), abdominal pain, gas and bloating, headaches and even vomiting. From a holistic medicine perspective, your naturopathic doctor will not be addressing your reflux symptoms alone, but taking your entire body into consideration and recommending a treatment plan that addresses the foundational cause of the reflux, while implementing botanical, supplemental, or dietary therapies to re-balance your entire digestive tract. It is likely they will find triggers for the GERD or reflux that include dietary inputs and suggest removing certain foods from your diet to truly eliminate the trigger for the GERD and reflux altogether.

Taking a Holistic Medicine Approach

No matter how complicated or misunderstood your health state is in, working with your naturopathic doctor can bring a level of clarity and understanding to your health journey that lab work and medications may leave lacking. The goal of the naturopath is to empower, educate, and explain to their patients how and why something is manifesting within their health and put all of the pieces together in a way that you can understand while empowering you to ask questions moving forward. Sometimes, putting all of the pieces of a health history together is a complicated and lengthy process, but viewing it from a holistic, whole-body perspective is essential to gain a full understanding. That’s why appointments with your naturopathic doctor are one or two hours long. Gathering information is important, and hearing your story is a valuable piece of detective work.
Ready to schedule a visit with a naturopathic doctor and see how this approach can support your overall wellness?

Phone 804-977-2634

Fax - 804-980-7876

Office Hours

Monday: 8:00 AM-5:30 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM-5:30 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM-5:30 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM-5:30 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM-5:30 PM

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