Homeopathy Is Investigative Work

Homeopathy works to treat all of a person, not just the physical symptoms.

Like a detective uncovering the many elements of a case in order to recreate the story behind a problem, naturopathic doctors work to unveil the story behind an ailment. Naturopathic doctors take the time to address all concerns and learn about a person’s history in order to understand their predisposition. Only then can they “solve the case” and find the remedy that will address everything the individual needs. The key is understanding someone’s constitution. Homeopathy is investigative work!

These investigative stories include not only physical concerns but those that are mental and emotional as well. If someone continually falls ill, there is likely more than simply a faulty immune system. There is an energetic level beneath the physical that requires a different set of tools in order to treat the health concern in its entirety.

Long-standing issues are where homeopathy shines.  But homeopathy can work to refocus any imbalance in the human body. It is a gentle and deep acting, allowing a person back into the driver’s seat of their own health.

Read More: What is Homeopathy

Imagine your body is a spacious room. In one corner, you may have boxes blocking some of the space. In another area, something might be obstructing an exit. All in all, you may not have the tidiest room. Let’s say the corner with boxes are certain emotions you may avoid, or struggle to express. And the obstructed exit is where those feelings need to escape. Homeopathy is the act of unblocking the spaces in your room so that you can better navigate and experience the landscape of your body.

Homeopathic remedies are the solution to reestablishing that landscape.

These remedies are derived natural sources including plants, minerals, and animals, and can be prepared as dissolvable white pellets or liquids that energetically cleanse the body. After discovering the story a person’s body is telling, a naturopathic doctor can then determine the appropriate remedy. These remedies can also be combined with lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise. The doctor will establish the right balance for the person and manage this over time. This includes determining the correct potency and dosage of a homeopathic remedy based on the individual and any prescription medications they may be on. Homeopathic remedies and prescription medication can work harmoniously in re-balancing the human body.

In the end, it is up to the individual to listen to what their body is saying.

If you feel your story isn’t being heard, consider taking a homeopathic approach to your health, and investigate what Richmond Natural Medicine has to offer. Click here to learn more about homeopathy. 




958 Views0
Optimizing Weight Through Holistic Nutrition

Optimizing Weight Through Holistic Nutrition

The ease of gaining or losing weight can look different for each person. Many people have a difficult time losing weight as they age, or gaining weight after an illness or times of stress. It is natural for our weight to fluctuate with what life throws at us. Stress, injury, hormonal fluctuations, and our exercise routines all contribute to maintaining and optimizing a healthy weight over time. Educating ourselves on the foods that we eat, and taking a holistic nutrition approach can be a huge support in optimizing our weight as our lifestyles change.

What Contributes To Weight Gain & Weight Loss?

There is so much more to maintaining a healthy weight than just calories. This is where so many diet plans fall short, and this minimal line of thinking contributes to considerable misinformation among diet culture today. Our weight is a reflection of many things including:

Our weight will naturally fluctuate as we age, and is affected by the health of our organ systems, especially our thyroid and endocrine system. Our diet of course plays a huge role in maintaining a healthy weight, but it is not the entire picture. The quality of the foods that we eat is just as (if not more) important than the quantity of foods we consume.

How Can We Maintain a Healthy Weight All Year Long?

If you want to maintain a healthy weight for 365 days a year, then you need a nutrition plan that lasts for 365 days. Following a 30 day diet, or a 10-day “jump-start” is not sustainable to maintain a healthy weight for the long term. Rather, approaching nutrition and lifestyle practices that are sustainable and realistic for you is the best way to achieve a healthy weight all year long.

There may be underlying, less obvious contributors to your weight (gain or loss) that you may need extra support identifying, such as underlying health conditions, hormonal imbalance, or digestive dysregulation. This is where a naturopathic doctor and/or holistic nutritionist can be especially helpful.

Holistic Nutrition Tips To optimize Your Weight

  • Focus on whole, real foods. Fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, whole grains, and quality (un-processed) protein sources are ideal.
  • Eat at consistent times every day. The more sporadic our meals (or skipping meals), the more unstable our blood sugar becomes.
  • Minimize processed sugar intake to less than 25 grams per day. Pay attention to your ingredient labels (especially in drinks!), and add this up each day. It gets to 25g quickly!
  • Ensure you’re eating enough fiber, ideally 25-35 grams per day. This comes from whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds especially.
  • Learn how to mindfully and intuitively feed yourself. Check-in with your hunger levels before each meal, and while you’re eating. You may not always need to clean your plate if your body is telling you that you’re full for now. Intuitive Eating Resources here.
  • Meal prep once a week if you’re scrambling for healthy meals during busy weeks. This is the easiest and best way to ensure you have at least one healthy meal per day, already prepped, when your schedule becomes too full to make a healthy meal. Meal prep tips here.
  • Eliminate late night / after-dinner snacking. Our cells and metabolism are not conditioned to metabolize optimally after dark, and especially not while we’re sleeping.
  • Drink plenty of water. Half of your body weight in ounces is a good rule of thumb. Proper hydration supports every body system and cellular function, detoxification pathways, and optimal blood flow.

If you would like support creating a custom nutrition plan that fits your lifestyle, health needs, and weight goals, consider making an appointment with Dr Beliy  – Naturopathic Doctor and Nutritionist here at Richmond Natural Medicine.

884 Views0
The Naturopathic Approach to Thyroid Health

Thyroid health is one of the many areas that is supported by the naturopathic doctors here at Richmond Natural Medicine. Whether you have been diagnosed with an existing thyroid condition or are suspecting a possible thyroid imbalance, there are plenty of questions to ask and lab work to assess to further your knowledge about how to approach a personalized solution for you. The naturopathic approach to thyroid health can involve many different

The thyroid gland is a small, butterfly-shaped gland in the front of the neck, and is an integral part of our complicated endocrine system. It plays a role in regulating our metabolism, controlling our body temperature, and supporting the balance of other hormones throughout our body. It is affected by things such as stress (acute and chronic), our sleep cycle, our environments, our diet, and also our genetic predisposition. Common thyroid conditions include hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid), hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid), and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (an autoimmune condition that impacts the thyroid gland). In each case, it is important to dig deeper and assess the cause of the imbalance and determine appropriate short and long term solutions.

Read More: Condition We Support: Thyroid 

The Naturopathic Approach to Thyroid Health

Dr. Vanessa Ferreira shares her expertise on approaching thyroid health with her patients:

Dr. Vanessa Ferreira is a Naturopathic Doctor at Richmond Natural Medicine
Dr. Vanessa Ferreira, Naturopathic Doctor at Richmond Natural Medicine

“When it comes to the thyroid, there are a lot of factors that affect it. We need to look at stress, diet and lifestyle, sex hormones, nutrient and cofactor deficiencies, adrenal function, chronic disease, and a possible autoimmunity factor. In order to address the possible underlying cause of an over or underactive thyroid, we need to fully understand what factors might need improvement and each case is unique to each individual. Through supplementation, diet, and lifestyle, herbs, and stress management, we can get the thyroid to wake up and start producing it’s hormones more appropriately.

Oftentimes patients will present with autoimmune thyroid conditions, such as Hashimoto’s, and while many will say there is nothing that can be done about the autoimmune aspect of thyroid disease, I’ve done otherwise. When it comes to hormones and autoimmunity, diet and lifestyle changes are key! With just this simple change, I’ve seen thyroid autoimmunity markers drastically improve, and finally, patients are able to feel like themselves again. Diet and lifestyle changes are no easy task, but as a naturopathic doctor, I work with and support my patients every step of the way so they don’t feel lost along their health journey.”

What Symptoms May Indicate a Thyroid Imbalance?

Because all hormones communicate with one another and the thyroid hormone acts on all body tissues, we can see body-wide symptoms. Many symptoms of thyroid imbalance are also common symptoms of other things, thus many people can go years with an undiagnosed thyroid condition. Things such as fatigue, weight gain, brain fog, anxiety, and mood swings are common to experience. Below is a breakdown of common symptoms for both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism:

Hypothyroid Hyperthyroid
Fatigue, lack of energy Anxiety
Depression, low mood, lack of motivation Palpitations
Weight Gain or difficulty losing weight Restlessness
Hair Loss Irritability
Dry Skin Insomnia
Brittle Nails Weight loss
Constipation Increased sweating
Low basal body temperature Trembling
Intolerance to cold temperature Intolerance to warm temperature
Brain Fog Exophthalmos – protruding eyes
Goiter Goiter


Therefore, treatment is highly dependent on the signs and symptoms, lab values, and further workup of other potential endocrine issues. Your naturopathic doctor will best be able to evaluate your whole picture to address the root cause of your thyroid imbalance.  Every case is different and the individualized approach is imperative to healing.

Getting Help With Thyroid Issues With The Naturopathic Approach

Do you need support or have questions about your own thyroid health? We would love to connect you with one of our naturopathic doctors and support you on your health education journey. Call or email us to schedule an appointment today.

Learn More: Individualized Requirements for Hypothyroidism

Learn More: Assessment of Thyroid Function: Towards an Integrate Clinical Approach

1,207 Views0
Naturopathic Cancer Care
Naturopathic Care and Cancer Support: An Interview with Dr. Leah Hollon

Studies have found that integrative cancer therapy, which includes naturopathic cancer support or naturopathic oncology, is a growing area of oncology that can improve results by reducing negative side effects from conventional treatments, improving quality of life, and in some cases, potentially decrease the amount of medication needed for cancer treatment. At Richmond Natural Medicine, we provide holistic and naturopathic cancer support in conjunction with your oncology team to address your very individual needs during and after cancer treatments. We take into consideration more than just the diagnosis. We address emotional health, diet, lifestyle, sleep, stress, and family and community support. Learn more from our chief naturopathic doctor, Leah Hollon ND.

Naturopathic Cancer Care with Dr. Leah Hollon

When people seek naturopathic care from you for cancer support, what can they expect from their time working together with you?

They can expect to be heard and that we work in concert with their oncology team. Our purpose is often about maximizing their health at the present time to navigate and stay as healthy as possible through surgery, radiation, or even chemotherapy. They can also expect that if their health changes that we can also modify and shift with them. 

Read More: Naturopathic Cancer Support at RNM

How do you as a Naturopathic Doctor work with oncology teams?
Dr. Leah Hollon is a Chief Naturopathic Doctor and CEO of Richmond Natural Medicine
Leah Hollon, ND, MPH

The most important aspect of Naturopathic Cancer Support to obtain is information to work collaboratively. This includes obtaining the patient’s history, labs, chart records, and pathology reports. Without these, you cannot have a full sense of things. The oncology team that you work with typically will forward this information to us. Throughout someone’s care, their team will fax over ongoing labs or updated chart records so we are apprised of their ongoing health and any changes. Ongoing, we craft a plan that is individualized for that specific person based not just on their type of cancer but also on the markers or pathways that are contributing to their cancer and any changes that might occur during treatment. We also take into account if they are severely anemic or if they are having side effects of insomnia or anxiety and also work to lessen such side effects including nausea, vomiting, toxicity to the heart, lung, kidneys, or liver.

Our goal is to keep the body vital throughout therapy so that they can complete and receive the therapies without diminishing the effectiveness of the therapies that their oncology team has laid out. We must know the side effects, interactions, and contraindications of food, nutrients, chemotherapy, other drug therapy, radiation, prep for surgery, immunotherapy, and even botanical medicine. We have to know all of this. Thus, when the plan is initially and carefully crafted, we reach out to the patient’s oncology team to share the recommendations and provide the research and evidenced-based support for such choices.

We typically draft a letter and provide the concrete evidence for these choices. We often will also connect by phone to communicate if there is something urgent. Our recommendations may include nutrition, lifestyle including stress management, emotional support as well as even certain supplements. But it is based upon the specific person as well as the empirical evidence. Also due to the fact that we work in prevention, sometimes we would like specialized lab work where we may request their oncology team provide. Thus our goal is to serve as a bridge that is easily navigable for patients in their overall health and well-being which means collaborating with everyone on the team. It is hard dealing with a diagnosis of cancer, it can feel vulnerable and our job is to lessen the anxiety that can be created with the diagnosis of cancer. 

We also participate in annual continuing medical education hours with a number of local and regional oncology centers in order to continue our relationships with multiple providers and to continue to integrate a more holistic experience from a patient’s perspective.  

How might a Naturopathic approach to cancer differ from a conventional MD? And how do the two work best together for comprehensive care?

Prevention. I cannot prevent how and why someone got cancer. But with Naturopathic Cancer Support or Naturopathic Oncology, we can work to prevent harmful side effects that can occur secondarily from their cancer treatments. Thus often times we are preventing secondary harm to organs such as the liver, lung, heart, etc. We are also trying to prevent them from having to stop therapy due to the side effects being too much. This includes allowing the therapy to work to its best efficiency. Not all treatment is broken down by the body equally among all people. We can see people react or have side effects that only occur in 5% of the population. We work to understand why this is occurring for this patient and if we can further enhance the body’s ability to process a drug such as certain chemotherapies. We work to optimize their ability to respond to the therapy laid out by their oncology team. If they cannot process the therapy effectively then more harm occurs to secondary tissues which are harmful and put them at added risks for other chronic illnesses down the road. 

Additionally, many patients after treatment then feel as though after all the intense therapy that they are on their own. They may go for check-ins every 6 months or annually but they feel no one is really watching the subtle symptoms. This is where we also help with aftercare to make sure that very subtle changes are something alarming in between 6 months and 12-month check-ins. These times allow us to be additionally proactive for short and long term health. 

Read More: Putting Integrative Medicine Into Practice

Learn More about Naturopathic Cancer Support at Richmond Natural Medicine. If you are looking to include a skilled naturopathic doctor into your oncology care team, consider making an appointment with one of our naturopathic doctors at Richmond Natural Medicine. Learn More about making an appointment.

779 Views0
Naturopathiv Mens Health
The Naturopathic Approach to Men’s Health & Fertility

Here at Richmond Natural Medicine, we view fertility support as a small part in the overall health and vitality in both partners. This means that in addition to looking comprehensively at hormonal health, our Naturopathic Doctors also investigate chronic ailments throughout the physical body and take interest in any mental or emotional symptoms. Inviting a naturopathic doctor into your larger care team means having an expert who can assess both partners as whole people and provide non-toxic, effective, and individualized care options.

How Can RNM Support Men’s Health and Fertility?

In our practice, it’s common to see patients who have previously been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction, hormonal imbalances, stress related conditions, and PTSD or past trauma. Naturopathic medicine and doctors are well positioned to support these patients because their goal is to discover the root cause of a fertility difficulty by using modalities such as herbs, supplements, diet, lifestyle changes, and homeopathic remedies to support and strengthen the body inside and out. After reviewing a patient’s medical history, a ND may explore specialty hormone or gastrointestinal health assessments, circadian patterns, environmental exposures, and chronic infections. But more important to us than a diagnosis is the individual behind the diagnosis, if there is one. Sometimes, men struggling with fertility issues seemingly have no obvious reasons why. We want to know your whole picture as a person.

These are some of the medical conditions involving infertility that naturopathic medicine can address for men:

  • Low sperm counts
  • Poor morphology
  • Poor fertilization
  • Hormone imbalances (estrogen, testosterone, thyroid and/or adrenal)
  • Erectile dysfunction

Read More: 5 Preventative Tips for Men’s Health

The Goals of Naturopathic Fertility Support

The changes we strive for when optimizing men’s fertility are highly individualized. When your ND addresses whole-body health and sees your chronic ailments improve, the effects on fertility may include:

  • Increase blood flow or lymphatic flow
  • Improve nutrition to for the reproductive system
  • Assist with sperm count
  • Enhance morphology
  • Reduce mental or emotional stress
  • Support unresolved trauma that can impact endocrine system
  • Hormonal regulation
  • Supporting detoxification pathways to help the body process environmental toxins that impact the endocrine system

Naturopathic medicine can be an excellent tool in the process of enhancing overall fertility support in men, and we are happy to work with people individually or partners to reach their goals. Interested in scheduling an appointment with one of our naturopathic doctors? Click here to get stared.


798 Views0
The Naturopathic Approach to Teen Health

Teen and young adult health is an area where Naturopathic Medicine really shines. During the ages of 12-19, young adults are eager to learn, yet often get little education about how their body works, and what steps they can take to encourage preventive health to stay healthy and vibrant. Young people often present as the healthiest among us, but that doesn’t always mean they have the healthiest habits.

The naturopathic doctors here at Richmond Natural Medicine love to see teens and young adults, and especially educate these young patients about the fascinating and important ways their body can stay healthy and strong. Dr. Viktoriya Beliy shares some of her first hand experience working with teen health:

The Naturopathic Approach to Teen Health

What are some of the most common health issues you see presenting in teen’s and young adults at RNM?

I am most often supporting teens with acne, hormone imbalance, and mood support (ADD/ADHD, anxiety, depression).  Teens are placed under more pressure than ever to perform in their academic and social lives which also takes a toll on their adrenals and nervous system. I feel we’re seeing more burnout in teens and young adults than even in older age groups. 

What are some of the ways the naturopathic approach is different from the conventional approach when working with teens? What can they expect from working with you over time?

Naturopathic medicine is much more holistic in treating teens. We don’t just talk about acne and skin, we’ll talk about all of the organ systems, diet, and lifestyle to address the root cause. Our questions are more detailed and focused on addressing the whole person and how that is relevant to their current condition. 

One thing to note is that naturopathic medicine doesn’t always offer very quick solutions, some therapies take time to see a difference. But they can expect to feel overall better. 

Can you talk a little about empowering young adults and teens with health education to support long-term healthy habits & maintaining balanced wellness in their life?

A big piece of working with this age group is to ensure a safe space where they can talk openly about what’s going on and how it’s affecting them. I want to ensure comfort and compassion so they can be advocates for their health starting now. Education plays a huge role in our discussions so that they understand the long term goals of care and how we want their future health to be. The foundations of good health are sleep, nutrition, and self-care, so we want to set up those habits now and find ways to fit that into their everyday lives. If we discuss the importance of these habits there’s more incentive to follow through.

Remember, you don’t always need to have a diagnosis, or be presenting with an obvious health issue to get support from a naturopathic doctor. Naturopathic medicine focuses heavily on educating you, supporting your health goals long term by practicing preventative health, and offering you individualized holistic wellbeing tools and recommendations to enhance areas in your life where you may be struggling. This can include stress management, diet, sleep, or emotional and mood support, and more!

If you would like more information or guidance for teen and young adult health here at Richmond Natural Medicine, consider making an appointment with Dr. Beliy to get started.


974 Views0
Managing Stress While Working From Home

Working from home may once have been idealized as the preferred comfortable and relaxing alternative to the traditional “going to work” office setting. Surrounded by the comforts of home with the daily commute no longer robbing us of precious morning and evening time, working from home is now something so many of us were thrown into unexpectedly this year, for better or for worse. And for many, that ideal home-office bubble quickly burst from the reality of the stressors that build up working in a home that also includes the stressors of not only work, but family responsibilities as well.

5 Herbs to Support Your Stress Response & Nervous System

Many people today are finding themselves juggling the demands of a full time job, child care, home schooling, and the perpetual presence of their partners. Working from home in fact, can be riddled with underlying unexpected stressors, and some may find themselves feeling overwhelmed at how to manage the stress of working from home. Here are a few tips to help with managing stress when working from home:

Simple Ways to Manage Stress at Home

  • Set and communicate clear boundaries to those around you. Do you need something that you’re not asking for, but expecting others to accommodate? Take note of something that may be stressing you that you could help yourself to solve by asking for what you need from those around you, or setting clear boundaries of your own needs or space.


  • Take a short break every hour to move your body. Walking, doing a gentle yoga flow, or a few squats every hour stimulates the circulation and supports blood flow to your brain and extremities. When we are stagnant, we can more easily feel tired, and when we are tired we are more quick to anger or be short with those around us. Set a timer to spend 5 minutes each hour moving your body to invigorate your senses. You can even use a yoga ball as a chair to help you keep more mobile and agile during the working hours.


  • Maintain a solid evening routine to support optimal sleep. Set a time each and every day to “leave the office”. Although we’re working from home, we need a clear ending to our work day that does not follow us into our sleeping space. Try to go to bed around the same time each night, reading something non-stressful or doing an evening meditation before bed. Devote at least 8 hours to sleep whenever possible. Stay away from screens by 1-2 hours prior to bedtime.


  • Incorporate small mindful practices when you notice stress arise. Stress creeps up on us and takes us entirely by surprise sometimes. We can often find ourselves completely overwhelmed with stress before we even know where it came from. Notice those first signs of stress creeping in – a rapid heartbeat, an agitated state of mind, a sense of fear, snapping at those around you, a familiar feeling of frustration at literally everything. Stop immediately when you notice these feelings, then ascertain why these feelings are happening. What is the cause of stress here, and is it something you can control? What simple, clear steps can you take to reduce the stress you feel in your body?


Using Mindfulness to Reduce Stress

Taking Inventory of the Stressors In Your Daily Life

If you’re feeling overwhelmed each day with stress that you cannot control, it’s important to pause and allow yourself time to really feel where that stress emotion is coming from. It can be helpful to actually make a list of stressful things that you feel. Nothing is too big or too small. Once you see all of your daily stressors listed out, sort these into things you can control, and things you cannot control. Choose one stressor from your control list, and mindfully work on responding to that stressor differently – more mindfully – that week. Then focus on one stressor from the uncontrollable list and work on finding a comfortable middle ground with this.

For example, a stressor we can all control is how we respond to our children who interrupt us when we’re working. A stressor we may feel is out of our control is a global pandemic.

We cannot respond perfectly to every situation every day, but we can bring mindfulness to our responses and our own behaviors to function as best as we can given our collective situation. Spend time in nature. Move your body daily. Commit to good quality sleep. Take time for joyful things. Fill yourself with good things emotionally and spiritually. And of course feed yourself well. These are all ways we can nourish our bodies and our minds in our own homes.

The Vagus Nerve: What Is It & How Do We Heal It?

Do you need support managing stress while working from home? Consider making an appointment with one of the naturopathic doctors at Richmond Natural Medicine for personalized recommendations to meet your needs.

780 Views0
health tips
10 Naturopathic Health Tips for 2020

We are halfway through 2020, and it has already been quite a full year. There has been an unusual amount of happenings in the world affecting all of us collectively. Many of our lives and routines were unexpectedly turned upside down, and new stressors arise every month. In 2020, we all need to take a little extra time to tend to our physical, mental, and emotional health.

Remember, even taking just one step, or working on one practice to support your health is a positive practice. Don’t feel like you need to accomplish all of these health tips. Each serves a unique purpose, and each can support you no matter what.

10 Naturopathic Health Tips for 2020
  1. Tend to your mental health. This can look like taking 5-minute breaks every hour to breathe deeply, sit quietly, and calm your nervous system. Taking a walk in the woods a few times a week. Seeking a counselor or therapist to help you process new stress. Calling a friend or loved one to check in on each other. This can look different for everyone, and it’s OK to seek external or professional help if you need extra support.
  2. Devote time and intention into your sleeping space (and aim for 7+ hours per night). Is there something within your control that is impacting your quality and quantity of sleep? If so, take the necessary and available steps to enhance your sleeping space to support optimal sleep.
  3. Eat well, and seasonally. When possible, consume 5 different colors of whole foods, fruits, and vegetables every day to make sure you’re getting in the vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and antioxidants your body needs. As Michael Pollan says, “Eat Food. Not too much. Mostly plants”. Summer is an especially good time to incorporate more colorful produce into your meals! If you need help with this, consider seeking support from our nutrition expert.
  4. Foster human relationships in your life. As much as possible, maintain those friendships and kindred relationships with those around you and at a distance. Maintaining our social connections is so positive for our mental health and for feeling supported ourselves.
  5. Practice gratitude and compassion. The attitude of gratitude really does enhance our health. When we can shift our internal focus to the things we are grateful for, our narrative shifts to a positive and uplifting inner dialogue. Think of the power of your own words on yourself and how you can make yourself feel when we are in a foul mood, or angry. We have such effects on our own health by just the emotions we carry, and much of this is within our control to change.
  6. Write down your stories. We have a lot to process this year, and many of us are experiencing things and learning things we never have before. Writing down a bit of your daily story each night can help you process what’s coming up for you, and chronicle what you’ve been learning.
  7. Grow something in your own home. Whether it’s a large scale backyard garden or a single potted plant on your porch, this is a grounding practice of connecting with the environment immediately around you. So much of our sensory intake is expansive into screens, the worldwide news, and worry about things far away. A small plant ally you can tend to is a remarkable centering companion and a tender place to focus your energy.
  8. Do something that brings you joy every day. Stop and ask yourself – what brings me joy on a daily basis? If nothing comes up for you, really sit with that, and consider what you could reasonably incorporate into your day that is a joyful activity or moment. Perhaps waking up 10 minutes earlier to enjoy that morning cup of tea or coffee. Taking your lunch outside. Reading a new book before bed instead of scrolling through social media. Writing and receiving letters from friends. Making crafts. It doesn’t have to take a long time, but it should be something that makes your heart and soul happy, each day.
  9. Drink plenty of water. Aim for about half of your body weight (in ounces) daily, not to exceed 100oz. For example, if you weigh 140 pounds, that’s approximately 70 ounces of water per day. Herbal tea counts towards this too! Consider making chilled holy basil or turmeric teas, mint teas, or nettle!
  10. Continue supporting your health with naturopathic care. Every few weeks during this year, it may be helpful to have a check-in with your naturopathic doctor to assess any changes, support you in areas you’re struggling, and to recommend additional lifestyle habits to get you through stressful times. Beyond these health tips, our ND’s are here to support you through any life stage and answer your questions. Request your appointment here.
812 Views0
Meet Our Neighbors: Counseling Services At RNM

Richmond Natural Medicine is pleased to begin sharing its office space this year with two wonderful counselors: Deidra Sledge, MSW, and Sarah Mines, LPC of Whole Journey Services. The counselors from Whole Journey provide individual mental health therapy services to the Richmond area, offering a thorough whole-body approach where mental, emotional, and spiritual health is tended to as a holistic system.

Licensed Professional Counselor, Sarah Mines, shares a bit about her counseling services and what you can expect from working together:

“I believe in the power of human connection. We are so often tied to our ideas about who we should be that we accidentally disconnect from ourselves. Therapy offers a unique opportunity to explore who you are without judgment. The path to change exists in our ability to balance vulnerability with critical thought, in having the compassion to understand how we got where we are and how we can move forward through taking responsibility for ourselves. I like to think of my work with clients as being similar to gardening: similar to plants, we have basic needs like water, food, shelter, and love to survive. But once we start to learn more, we understand we need more individual attention to thrive. Different plant species need different levels of sunlight, different altitudes, different soils. As an experienced gardner has knowledge about how to care for different plants, I can use my experience and knowledge to help you figure out what you need to be your best self.”

Can you describe the counseling services that you offer and any areas of specialty?

As a practice, Whole Journey focuses on an individual’s whole health. In Richmond, we currently provide individual mental health therapy to people looking to learn how to deal with the challenges life throws at us. As we work toward building this branch of the company, we plan to offer additional services such as group therapy as well as walk and talk therapy. As a company, we want to provide support for anyone who seeks it and we are especially dedicated to helping those who often receive the least care, including women, caregivers/helpers, persons of color, and LGBQIA+ individuals. We believe an integrated approach to wellness is incredibly beneficial in the long-term; that change happens when we understand how the mental, emotional, physical, financial, and spiritual pieces of ourselves interact with one another. As a clinician, my areas of specialty include anxiety disorders, mood disorders, LGBTQIA+ issues, and existential concerns. I also work with clients struggling with cultural and/or identity difficulties, trauma, and impulse control. My personal goal is to help each client identify how to be their most authentic and fulfilled self.

What can someone expect from the first counseling session with you? And what do some people experience from the continued support of working with you?

Our priority for the first session is to allow our clients to be heard and seen for who they are. We will talk about our mutual expectations for the therapy process, discuss what has led you to this new journey, and gather information so your clinician can begin to form a plan for treatment. Our clients experience a range of benefits from our work together including personal empowerment, decreased stress and tension, improvement in mood and ability to cope, greater balance in life, and hope.

How can our patients schedule counseling sessions with you? Do you accept insurance?

Yes, we accept most insurances including Optima, Anthem, UnitedHealthcare, Cigna, Aetna, and Virginia Health Network. You can set up an initial appointment by calling 757-296-0800 or emailing admin@wholejourneywellness.com. Let us know you are being seen at Richmond Natural Medicine and we will ensure you are prioritized in getting started with services. You can also find more information and request an appointment by visiting our website at wholejourneywellness.com. We look forward to hearing from you!

910 Views0
general wellness
Explore Our New General Wellness Visits with Dr. Ferreira

“Why should I go to a doctor when I’m not sick?”

Now more than ever, people are being proactive about their health needs, choosing to invest in their wellness, and learning how to support their needs with a little help from naturopathic medicine. You don’t always need to be sick to go to the doctor. Your naturopathic doctor can provide great insight to achieving a more enhanced state of wellness & vitality.

Ideally, our bodies keep themselves in a balanced state, but we live in a world full of stress, toxins, negativity, and unknowns. Sometimes we just need some guidance to stay on track when our paths are forced to take detours. Whether it is cleansing energies, detoxifying the body, or simply being prepared to handle those unknowns, there are always steps we can take toward sustaining a sense of wellness.

Sometimes ‘just a pinch’ is all you need.

Often, people think that taking more supplements or applying more products to our skin makes us better patients and better beings. But we can’t forget that our bodies are meant to fight back illness and manage unforeseen changes in our bodies. This innate ability to manage & fight is necessary for our lifelong wellness.

Sometimes all you need is a minor tweak; like one supplement to help replenish levels or detox systems, or a slight change in dietary habits to decrease inflammation or adding in scheduled self-care to bring you back into balance. The more external help your body needs, the further away you are from true health. The goal is to manage stressors with as little external help as possible. Now, that doesn’t mean when the world comes crashing down around you that you need to figure it out all on your own, but even learning ways to adapt and help yourself manage imbalance can get you 85% of the way there, and that other 15% will come from supporting what your needs are in that moment – that is where naturopathic medicine shines.

What’s for me, might not be for you.

The internet allows us to have constant information at the tips of our fingers, but with that ease comes the availability of an excessive amount of information; some helpful, but also sometimes confusing. You don’t need to learn to navigate the world of health and wellness on your own. What is discussed and explored on the internet or even by your family and friends, might not be what is right for you and your needs.

The most efficient and targeted way to address health is to explore your questions and concerns with your doctor. It is a part of our job, as doctors, to utilize our scientific and medical experiences to weed through the misinformation and get you the most updated and researched information. As Naturopathic doctors, we are able to listen to your story and help provide guidance that is pertinent to you specifically, and what is right for someone else just might not be what you need at that moment. We can provide you with support and options for what is right to keep you feeling, looking, and living your best.

Let us help you maintain your good health by booking a 1-hour New Patient General Wellness visit with Dr. Vanessa Ferreira at Richmond Natural Medicine. Request your appointment online or by calling our office at (804) 977-2634.

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