How To: Sock Treatment

A sock treatment is one of the most unique and effective recommendations often included in a naturopathic care plan.

This old remedy is usually recommended at the first signs of cold and flu and is designed to stimulate the immune and lymphatic system.  It works to “heat compress” the body’s natural temperature control to warm the socks.

When you develop a cold or flu you may experience the chills.  The body’s natural defense is to warm up so as to push the pathogens out of the body through heat.  Remember taking a hot bath when you’re sick? This extra heat helps to stimulate the body to expel pathogens. Drawing this heat down towards your feet also helps to clear any congestion that has accumulated in the upper respiratory system as energy and heat is being pushed to your lower extremities.

As prescribed, you will sleep with cold socks on your feet, overnight, and remove them in the morning.

Step 1: Obtain a pair of wool socks.

Step 2: Obtain a pair of very thin socks or liner socks.

Step 3: Soak the liner socks in ice water until fully chilled and saturated. Wring out completely.

Step 4:  Take a warm bath (to warm your body and feet) for at least 10 minutes prior to putting on the socks.

Step 5: Place the ice-cold thin pair of socks on your feet and then cover with a pair of dry wool socks. Sleep with this overnight. You may find that you develop chills or a sweat during the night and may need to change into a second pair of pajamas, but keep the socks on the for the remainder of the night. In the morning, the socks will be completely dry.

Step 6: Remove the socks in the morning.

It is always best to do this sock treatment at the very first sign of the cold or flu. It is more effective right at the onset, and continued for about 2-3 days.

About the Author:

Lindsay Kluge is a Clinical Herbalist & Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist and received her Masters of Science degree in Herbal Medicine from the Maryland University of Integrative Health in 2012. She has been with Richmond Natural Medicine since 2013, and specializes in therapeutic holistic nutrition, circadian rhythm balance and sleep physiology, digestion, and Ayurvedic nutrition. She offers individualized nutrition and herbal medicine consultations that include meal planning support, custom compounded herbal formulas, nutrition guidance and general wellness support.  Learn more about services that Lindsay offers at Richmond Natural Medicine by clicking HERE.


846 Views0
How To: Castor Oil Pack

Using a therapeutic castor oil pack is one of the most common recommendations on a naturopathic care plan and may be recommended for any number of reasons, including soothing digestive upset, supporting pain in joints, or to soothe muscles and strains.

Historically castor oil packs were recommended for all manner of ailments, most especially to support in digestion, assimilation, elimination, and also for enhancing circulation and lymphatic flow.

For many, this is a completely new practice, so below are the simple steps and products needed to do a castor oil pack treatment:

Step 1:  Obtain a large (about the size of your torso) flannel cloth or old cotton shirt that you do not mind getting irreplaceably dirty.

Step 2:  Obtain good quality Castor Oil

Step 3:  Obtain a heating pad + and a large piece of plastic (such as a plastic grocery bag or saran wrap.

Step 4:  Soak the cloth in castor oil completely and wring out just slightly. It should be well saturated.

Step 5:  Lie down, and place the castor oil pack directly on your body in the designated space (i.e. over your stomach, on your knee or on your back).

Step 6:  Place the piece of plastic just over top of the castor oil soaked cloth and then place the heating pad on top of the plastic (the plastic should act as a barrier so as not to get the heating pad covered in oil).

Step 7:  Turn the heating pad on low and lay with this on your body for at least 30 minutes but up to 2 hours. The oil will be slightly sticky, so remove the pack carefully once you’re finished, and gently remove the oil off your body with a damp washcloth. Turn off the heating pad when complete. You may reuse the flannel or cotton cloth several times after cleaning thoroughly.

About the Author:

Lindsay Kluge is a Clinical Herbalist & Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist and received her Masters of Science degree in Herbal Medicine from the Maryland University of Integrative Health in 2012. She has been with Richmond Natural Medicine since 2013, and specializes in therapeutic holistic nutrition, circadian rhythm balance and sleep physiology, digestion, and Ayurvedic nutrition. She offers individualized nutrition and herbal medicine consultations that include meal planning support, custom compounded herbal formulas, nutrition guidance and general wellness support.  Learn more about services that Lindsay offers at Richmond Natural Medicine by clicking HERE.

795 Views0
5 Best Practices to Perfect Sleep Hygiene

For many people, sleeping can be one of the most difficult aspects of their health. If we’re running at a sleep deficit regularly, it can be extremely stressful and physiologically detrimental to our entire body and psyche.

Maintaining good sleep hygiene is essential in helping to support the body’s entrained circadian rhythm but many of our current modern day habits are detrimental to these sleep hygiene practices.

Below are 5 best practices to perfect sleep hygiene.  All of them are within your control to adjust and develop habits around. Even focusing on one at a time will be beneficial in the long term!

  1. Create a safe, calm, comfortable (and uninterrupted) sleeping space – Your bedroom should ideally be a space that supports deep and uninterrupted sleep above anything else. Do your best to keep this space tidy and clean and as comfortable and aerated as possible. One of the most common reasons people have a hard time sleeping is that they allow actual physical disturbances in their bedroom – namely pets – that wake them up at night. If you have a lot of noise outside of your bedroom windows, try using a white noise machine to drown out the sound. Try using essential oil sprays to infuse your surroundings with calming scents. If the temperature is uncomfortable for you, invest in systems that will aid in your comfort while sleeping.
  2. Light & dark cues Environmental triggers are essential to support your body’s circadian rhythm, and often our light and dark cues are ignored due to our living situations and schedules. We need to perceive the absence of light in order for our melatonin to rise and our cortisol levels to decline (ie – we need to perceive a “sunset”). When we keep lights on until the moment we want to fall asleep, it makes it challenging for our hormones to know what to do and adjust right away. 30 minutes before you want to fall asleep, dim your lights as low as possible to allow your body that hormonal transition. Consider getting a dim lamp or salt lamp. These also work perfectly if you’re waking up before the sunrise. Turn this on immediately upon waking in the dark for your eyes to adjust to this “sunrise” for at least 10 minutes before rising from bed to support your cortisol levels.
  3. Avoiding the screens – This relates to dimming your lights and perceiving darkness before bedtime. When we stare at screens (namely TV’s, phones and computers), that stimulating light is telling our brains to remain alert and prevents the release of appropriate hormones in the brain that help us fall asleep. At least 30 minutes before bedtime (while you’re dimming your lights for your own personal “sunset”), avoid all screens whenever possible and do something calming and relaxing such as a reading an actual book, yoga, meditation or gentle movement, crafting something with your hands or even listening to a calming podcast or music.
  4. Avoid foods at least 4 hours before falling asleep – Digesting food is very metabolically expensive. When we have our largest meal in the evenings (which is very common for most people), it takes several hours for the body to adequately process the caloric burden. When you’re sleeping, you want your body’s energy to go towards resting and repairing all of your other organ systems – not towards digesting food. When possible, try to keep your dinner portions smaller and eat as early as possible. Avoid late night snacking.
  5. Calm your mind from a busy day – Once our days are done, there’s often a lot to process and think about. Allow yourself some intentional time to decompress from your day and settle your mind. Journal or meditate if this may help you avoid over-thinking (or having a “monkey mind”) when you’re trying to fall asleep. Also, avoid watching the news or anything stressful before bed, as we carry this in our subconscious while we sleep and could lead to more stressful dreams.

If you’re needing support with sleep and optimizing your circadian rhythm health, consider scheduling an appointment with our clinical herbalist, Lindsay Kluge, for an individualized approach to enhancing your sleep hygiene.

Read more:

Circadian Rhythm: The Importance of our Internal Clock

Sustained Energy: Herbs to Support Your Cortisol Rhythm

5 Habits that Contribute to Poor Sleep

About the Author:

Lindsay Kluge is a Clinical Herbalist & Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist and received her Masters of Science degree in Herbal Medicine from the Maryland University of Integrative Health in 2012. She has been with Richmond Natural Medicine since 2013, and specializes in therapeutic holistic nutrition, circadian rhythm balance and sleep physiology, digestion, and Ayurvedic nutrition. She offers individualized nutrition and herbal medicine consultations that include meal planning support, custom compounded herbal formulas, nutrition guidance and general wellness support.  Learn more about services that Lindsay offers at Richmond Natural Medicine by clicking HERE.

635 Views0
Using Homeopathic Remedies To Support Seasonal Allergies

Are you one of the 20 million people who have been diagnosed with seasonal allergies in the past 12 months?  Homeopathic remedies may help you react less to your environment and decrease your symptoms.

Homeopathy versus Remedies

Naturopathic doctors will often craft liquid herbal formulas and suggest nutrient supplements to support seasonal allergy symptoms. Conventional doctors may encourage over-the-counter antihistamines or anti-inflammatories. While these approaches may help in the short term, homeopathic remedies can be used to help shift someone’s susceptibility away from having seasonal allergies to begin with. 

How a Homeopathic Remedy is Chosen

With thousands of homeopathic remedies to choose from, how do we determine which one you need? Naturopathic doctors look closely at your experience with seasonal allergies because symptoms show up in a variety of shapes and sizes. We want to know if you have a history of asthma or eczema. Then, we need to explore what’s occurring at your nose, eyes, throat and ears and also investigate your sleep. How you feel on a mental and emotional level with your seasonal allergies is also relevant in selecting a remedy.

What do we mean by explore what’s occurring? Let’s take a common nasal symptom of runny nose as an example.

Here are 8 questions we’d ask about it:

  1. Is there a time of day it’s better or worse?
  2. Is it better or worse in a warm or cool room?
  3. Is it better or worse with a hot shower or with cold water applications?
  4. Do you have any sensations like burning or chilliness of the nasal passages?
  5. Is the discharge from your nose clear, white, yellow, green?
  6. What is the consistency of the discharge- thin, thick, sticky?
  7. Is it better or worse if you’re standing, lying down, moving around?
  8. Is the quantity of discharge small or great?

Here are characteristics of two commonly selected homeopathic remedies for supporting seasonal allergies. You’ll see how they differ in terms of physical, mental and emotional pictures. (2)

Nux vomica

In regards to time of day, sneezing is worse in the morning. Over the course of the day, nose runs freely and constantly. Finally, in the evening, nasal passages become dry, raw and congested. Congestion will generally be better in a warm room and worse in open air. The personality will include a hard-working, ambitious and competitive individual. They may display anger or irritability when burdened with symptoms.


Seasonal allergies are worse when it’s warm outside. The discharge is constant from nose and eyes are watery and bland. There is relief from symptoms with cold applications and air conditioning. We often expect to use this remedy when someone enjoys breezes, but with seasonal allergies, breezes will make symptoms worse. They will often desire being around other people and receiving affection. We will see a tendency towards sadness and weeping when they are not feeling well.   

Working with a Professional

Aligning a well-selected homeopathic remedy with your seasonal allergy symptoms will be a game-changer. If you or a loved one has lived with this for some time, you know the toll it can take on sleep quality and daytime focus. If your naturopathic doctor has given you a homeopathic remedy in the past, it may be time to repeat a dose if you’re suffering from seasonal allergies now.

At RNM, we would be happy to look further into supporting your case of seasonal allergies and use homeopathy to raise your level of wellness. Please contact our office at (804) 977-2634 if you are interested in incorporating homeopathy into your health journey.


  2. Desktop Companion to Physical Pathology, Roger Morrison, MD
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Comparing Homeopathy, Natural Supplements and Pharmaceuticals

Using Herbal Medicines:

Herbs can be incredibly simple and also very complex. Because herbs are not created for our imbalances (i.e, there is no herb created to “treat IBS” or to “treat arthritis”), we use herbal medicines for their physiological actions which have been well documented over time. These herbal actions include functions such as antispasmodics, analgesics, bitters, demulcents, stimulants, adaptogens and anxiolytics, to name a few. We match the herbal actions with each individual symptom picture (and every person is different!) and always work towards choosing herbs that enhance the body’s natural function rather than cover up an existing symptom. Herbs do multiple things at once and act on multiple organ systems at the same time, ideally working with your body synergistically.  This produces minimal (if any) side effects and makes herbs effective at supporting certain health issues.

When incorporating herbal medicines into your health plan, it is extremely helpful to consult with an herbalist or naturopathic doctor that is well versed in how to administer herbs properly and knows how to appropriately dose the herbs for each person. When you hear of herbs “not working”, it’s usually because the herb was not the correct choice for the person, or the dosing of the herb was incorrect or the frequency of use was not long enough. These are all important things to consider when taking herbal medicines.

Using Homeopathy:

Homeopathic remedies are diluted non-material doses of substances found in nature. They can be made from plants, minerals, or animals. Homeopathy works based upon the “law of similars” or the principle of “like cures like”.  This means that the medicine is very specific to the patient presentation and overall symptom picture.  The remedies are not based upon the name of the disease state, but rather the whole person presentation – this includes the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects.  

An example of like cures like: in a healthy person sometimes drinking a cup of coffee results in restlessness, racing thoughts, sweating, and shaking.  A disease state like anxiety or even the flu that has these same symptoms would be healed by the homeopathic remedy coffea.  So in the crude (physical) dose the substance creates the same symptoms in a healthy person that the homeopathic non-material dose would help heal in a sick person.

The way homeopathics work within the body is by stimulating the body’s ability to heal itself.  This is what we call the vital force – your body’s wisdom and intelligence is always moving in the direction of health and balance. When the body gets a scratch on the skin, it immediately sends blood cells to clot and stop bleeding, immune cells to fight potential infections, and remodeling of the collagen and tissues begins forming.  We don’t ask the body to do this, it just does – this is the vital force at work.  Disease states can throw us off balance at times and homeopathic remedies can be used to aid in our healing or return to balance.

Using Supplements:

Supplements can be any individual or combination of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, essential fatty acids, or amino acids. Natural supplements are used by naturopathic doctors and nutritionists  in a way that is supportive to your body’s unique physiology. What this means is that your ND and/or nutritionist is looking at you as a whole person to see what nutrients may be deficient or which biochemical pathways or organ systems need support (they can usually tell this based on symptoms and further lab testing if needed).  In conjunction with healthy diet and lifestyle choices, natural remedies and supplements work with your body and support its natural healing ability.  Its also important to note that excessive supplementation can be harmful as it can overwhelm the body. Supplements work best when they are chosen to target your individual needs and given in therapeutic doses.

Ideal supplements use high-quality nutrients that are the most absorbable and easiest for the body to use.  They should have third party-testing to analyze for quality and contamination.  They also should not contain binders, fillers, excipients, or preservatives– these are usually found on the label under “other ingredients”.  Physician grade supplements are recommended and what we use at RNM to ensure quality. 

Read more: Top 10 Tips for Buying High Quality Supplements

Pharmaceutical comparison:

In comparison to pharmaceutical medications, herbs, homeopathics, and natural supplements work with your body and are working on all levels of your being (mind, body, spirit) and in synergy with all of your organ systems.  Pharmaceutical drugs – although highly specific and targeted for disease states – are often working against your body and suppressing symptoms.

For example in the case of getting an infection with a fever – the conventional approach may be to give you an anti-pyretic and an antibiotic.  The “ANTI” – meaning working against the body or suppressing a symptom. This is helpful in the short term to address immediate symptoms, however is not a long term solution. A naturopathic approach to this may be to use herbs and supplements that are immune stimulating to aid your body in fighting the virus or bacteria and maybe a diaphoretic or homeopathic to aid the fevers effectiveness and allow your body to sweat.  The body creates a fever for a reason – to kill the invading virus or bacteria, shutting down the fever with an anti-pyretic is going against the innate nature of your body trying to heal itself, so instead we choose substances that aid the fever and the immune system to do what they do best!

Many times discontinuing a pharmaceutical medication after regular use can lead to the return of symptoms.  This is common because often the medication just masks the symptom.  This is offering relief from discomfort, which can be helpful at times, however it’s not a great solution for long term chronic conditions.  Herbs, homeopathics, and natural supplements offer a solution – in working with the body they are supporting, rebalancing, and targeting the root cause of the symptom rather than the symptom itself. So once the body is back in balance and working well like the brilliant, wise human vehicle it is meant to be, you can discontinue your natural supplements without having return of symptoms. These offer the body a reminder and support in the direction of health, once the body “remembers” what normal function looks like it is able to maintain that normal functioning on its own.

It is important to keep in mind, however, that there is a time and a place for using pharmaceuticals and they can be more helpful than harmful in select circumstances. Ideally, your naturopathic doctor and nutritionist will be working in conjunction with your doctors to find the best solution for each person, even if that means using both pharmaceuticals and natural remedies simultaneously.

If you’re curious about which solution may be best for you and your health picture, consider making an appointment with one of our naturopathic doctors to go over your unique options. There is usually more than one effective way to go about finding a solution, and the practitioners at Richmond Natural Medicine are dedicated to finding the best option for you.

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Metabolic Syndrome: The case of weight gain, hypertension, cholesterol imbalance and high blood sugar

Metabolic Syndrome is a group of risk factors that increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

Why do so many Americans have this condition?

About 34% of American adults are estimated to have this condition.  It is also known as Insulin Resistance Syndrome or Syndrome X. The cause of metabolic syndrome is multifactorial, being mostly due to environmental influences, including dietary and lifestyle choices, as well as level of inactivity.  The fast paced busy life of many Americans has shuttled us into a culture where fast convenient foods are commonplace and sitting all day while working is the social norm.  This sedentary lifestyle with improper nutrition has led us to an epidemic of obesity.  The consequences of obesity are many and it is one of the main causes for chronic disease in the world, metabolic syndrome being one of them. 

The 5 risk factors that make up metabolic syndrome tend to occur together, but you must have at least 3 of the 5 risk factors to be diagnosed with metabolic syndrome.  

  • Abdominal obesity: Excess fat in the abdominal area is higher risk for heart disease than fat in other areas.
    • Greater than 40 inches in men and 35 inches in women
  • High triglycerides: A type of fat found in the blood, increased by diet high in simple carbohydrates and sugar.
    • Greater than 150 mg/dL
  • Low HDL cholesterol: AKA “good” cholesterol. HDL helps remove cholesterol from your arteries, so a lower level increases risk for heart disease.
    • Less than 40mg/dL
  • Hypertension: High blood pressure can lead to damage of vessel walls and plaque buildup within the vessels.
    • Greater than 130/85
  • High fasting blood sugar: this can be a sign of blood sugar imbalance and diabetes.
    • Greater than 100mg/dL

Symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome:

There is not a set of symptoms specific to metabolic syndrome due to the fact that many of the risk factors involved in the diagnosis are based on lab values.

Some people with blood sugar imbalance or diabetes may have signs and symptoms of increased thirst and urination, fatigue, faintness, or blurred vision. While others with hypertension may not notice any symptoms at all.  

In the case of metabolic syndrome it is diagnosed based on weight/waist circumference, blood pressure readings and having labs done.

What labs are needed to diagnose metabolic syndrome?

Your doctor should run a full lipid panel including; LDL, HDL, VLDL, Triglycerides, Total cholesterol as well as a fasting blood sugar.

It can be important to also look at other metabolic functions with a complete metabolic panel (CMP), to ensure liver and kidney functions are optimal.  As well as a hemoglobin A1c, which is long-term marker for blood sugar imbalance or diabetes.

Lastly, a couple key contributors to body wide metabolism and stress response are the thyroid and adrenal glands. Looking at a thyroid panel and daily cortisol pattern may also be indicated.

How is metabolic syndrome treated?

The best way to treat and prevent metabolic syndrome is through diet and lifestyle practices.  These will all contribute to improved health and weight loss, which leads to reduction of blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and waist size!

  • Eating a healthy whole foods diet with high quality protein sources, plenty of vegetables, and healthy fats (omega-3s). This diet is high in fiber and nutrient dense! Find a great whole-food pantry essentials list here.
  • Avoiding fast food, processed foods (especially carbohydrate and sugar laden ones), artificial sugars (like splenda), and diet soda.
  • Getting regular body movement or exercise in some form. At least 30 minutes per day.
  • Stress Management practices: Meditation, mindfulness, yoga, stretching, breathing, being in nature, taking epsom salt bathes, etc. Any way that works for you to relax and decrease the stress in your life!
  • Restful sleep: Sleep contributes to our insulin and cortisol balance as well as the hunger and satiation hormones of ghrelin and leptin.  Good sleep is vital to recovery from any dis-ease and for optimizing metabolism and supporting overall wellness. Click for sleep supporting habits and herbs.
  • Avoiding health harming behaviors like smoking and drinking alcohol.

There are many other natural therapies that your naturopathic doctor may recommend for aiding this process of balancing blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol.  These may include herbs, homeopathics, as well as vitamin and mineral supplementation.  These recommendations are all individualized to the patient presentation and what will serve them best to heal.

If you are struggling with any metabolic condition, heart disease, or just want to work on prevention, consider making an appointment with one of our practitioners at Richmond Natural Medicine to get to the root cause of your symptoms with individualized care. 

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Naturopathic Approach to Cardiovascular Health

When we work with heart health from a naturopathic perspective, we look at the whole person and offer tailored interventions.

Common cardiovascular symptoms and diagnoses we work with frequently include arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, palpitations, chest pain, high cholesterol, peripheral vascular disease and valvular disease. When our patients are on pharmaceutical medications, we ensure that drug-nutrient or drug-herb interactions are avoided. Working as a team with prescribing physicians, patients may be able to reduce or eliminate pharmaceutical interventions over time. Additionally, naturopathic medicine can be useful in reducing side effects of many drugs.  Dysfunction elsewhere in the body- like in the endocrine system or gastrointestinal tract- may be responsible for causing or exacerbating cardiac symptoms. In these cases, we work to nourish the underlying weakened organ system in order to help optimize heart health.

The following are examples of therapies your naturopathic doctor may incorporate into a heart-health focused Care Plan.

Herbal Medicine: Hawthorn berry, leaf and flower

Antioxidants in hawthorn support lowering LDL cholesterol and plaque formation in blood vessel walls. Hawthorn supports coronary blood vessel dilation leading to improved blood and oxygen flow to the heart- reducing chest pain and lowering blood pressure.

Homeopathic: Rhus toxicodendron

Someone with heart disease who would benefit from this remedy often has a history an overwork or overexertion with great stiffness in the chest and back- accompanied by a remarkable desire to move. They may tend to feel claustrophobic. The movement they want is part of a cycle in which the motion actually aggravates them over time and causes significant weakness and then stiffness, all over again (5). On the mental and emotional realm we often see a restlessness and general rigid outlook of life when someone is in a rhus-tox state. Heart enlargement is often present when this remedy is indicated. Homeopathic rhus-tox supports shifting this entire dynamic and relieving symptoms in a deep and lasting way. (6, 7)

Nutrition: Fresh juices and alkaline water

New research is showing the the heart may not be a pump in the way it has classically been viewed. Biomedical engineer Dr. Gerald Pollack and his team have determined that infrared light may be what’s important for driving the blood through our bodies. Ultimately, this translates to additional support for eating lots of fruits and vegetables- especially freshly juiced- as well as drinking alkaline water as these are thought to optimize body-wide vascular health.

Lifestyle: Pets

In a 2013 Harvard Heart Letter, Daniel Denoon reported, “a panel of experts from the American Heart Association (AHA) has weighed all the available evidence. The verdict: Having a pet—a dog in particular—likely lowers the risk of heart disease.” We know that, for many people, pets are a potent source of emotional health and possibly a motivating factor for taking regular walks. Cholesterol, stress and blood pressure levels have been found to be healthier in dog owners. (8.9)

Emotional well-being: Cultivate Joy

We ask you to check in with your joy. What fills you up and brings you joy?  Is there anything in your life that blocks this- a relationship, an outlook, a job or a habit? Louise Hay offers this affirmation for heart-related ailments: “Joy. Joy. Joy. I lovingly allow joy to flow through my mind and body and experience.” (1) There is heart-healing power in your happy place. (2-5)

While your heart knows best what brings it joy, as naturopathic doctors, we can use herbs, homeopathy and nutrients in an energetic way to help facilitate an open heart and self-inquiry. This can be done while simultaneously using these modalities to support your physical health. That is, herbal medicine, homeopathic remedies and nutrition can benefit mental, emotional, spiritual and physical well-being all at once.

If you would like to explore your cardiovascular wellness with a root-cause, whole-body approach- please call us to set up a visit.

Note: This article is aimed at exploring naturopathic interventions for non-emergency and chronic cardiovascular ailments. While naturopathic medicine has a role in congenital conditions, acute and emergency cardiac situations- that is beyond the scope of this article. Your naturopathic doctor can provide additional resources if you’d like to learn more about this.


  1. Hay, L. You Can Heal Your LIfe. United States: Hay House, Inc.; 2004.
  6. Vermeulen, F. Concordant Materia Medica. Haarlem, The Netherlands: Emryss by Publishes; 2000.
  7. Herscu, P. Cycle of Rhus Toxiconendron. Lecture Presented: New England School of Homeopathy 10-Weekend Course; April 8, 2017; Amherst, MA.
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2018 Favorite Practitioner Holistic Health Resources

We know it’s a challenge to find credible, research based information amongst all of the health material available now. We are judicious about where we are getting our information and also selective about what we recommend.

Below are a handful of favorite resources that the practitioners are referencing often during their days in practice:

Naturopathic Oncology: An Encyclopedic Guide for Patients and Physicians by Neil McKinney, ND ( This book is a treasure trove of clinical experience and the latest evidence-based references in regards to using natural medicine to support people with cancer.   
New England School of Homeopathy – articles: It’s helpful to ask for guidance when searching for where to learn more about classical homeopathy! This website offers a plethora of articles from pioneers in the field- Amy Rothenberg, ND and Paul Herscu, ND. You can learn about homeopathy in general, how it can help specific conditions and what it’s role is in current issues like the opioid crisis and this particularly harsh influenza season.

The Homeopathic Treatment of Children by Paul Herscu, ND Understanding a child’s individual homeopathic constitution helps us realize how to best support them physically, mentally and emotionally.

Taking Charge of your Fertility by Toni Weschler– As essential read for every single female of any age to fully understand how their reproductive system works and how to naturally support and shart their cycles.

Herbs for Children’s Health by Rosemary Gladstar – An easy to read and utilize reference for supporting children’s ailments with natural herbal remedies at home.

Wild Feminine by Tami Lynn Kent, MSPT Women birth children as well as creative ideas throughout their lifetime. This book explores home practices geared towards nourishing the energy that resides in the pelvic bowl.

My New Roots – Vegetarian Recipe Resource. A creative, simple and nourishing recipe archive that utilizes plant based proteins, whole grains and sprouting techniques.

For even more resources, see our first edition of this post

At Richmond Natural Medicine, the practitioners often recommend their favorite holistic health resources to their patients. One of the things we always stress to every person is their innate ability to take control of their own health story and make a positive change through their own positive mindset and activities. We are here to educate you and aid in your healing journey.

About the Author:

Lindsay Kluge is a Clinical Herbalist & Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist and received her Masters of Science degree in Herbal Medicine from the Maryland University of Integrative Health in 2012. She has been with Richmond Natural Medicine since 2013, and specializes in therapeutic holistic nutrition, circadian rhythm balance and sleep physiology, digestion, and Ayurvedic nutrition. She offers individualized nutrition and herbal medicine consultations that include meal planning support, custom compounded herbal formulas, nutrition guidance and general wellness support.  Learn more about services that Lindsay offers at Richmond Natural Medicine by clicking HERE.


1,331 Views0
Topical treatments for acne: Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has been widely researched and shown great efficacy for the treatment of acne.

Acne is a chronic inflammatory skin condition caused by many different factors.  Those include excessive sebum production, abnormal shedding of the outer layer of skin, inflammation and the presence of bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes) (1).

Research has shown that diet is very effective for the treatment of acne.  One of the most helpful dietary therapies is a low-glycemic diet (2). This type of diet decreases the inflammation throughout the body which plays a major role in acne. Studies have shown that people following a Mediterranean diet, which has a low glycemic index, have much less cases of acne than people eating a western diet (2).

While diet is very effective, it could take some time to take effect.  For this reason many people turn to over the counter facial products to help with their symptoms.  The most popular topical treatment is 2.5% benzoyl peroxide (3). However, there is a more natural alternative.

Tea tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia) has been widely researched and shown great efficacy for the treatment of acne, as well as oral candidiasis, tinea, onychomycosis and molluscum contagiosum (4). The power of tea tree oil is its antimicrobial activity by non-specific cell membrane damage. Tea tree oil has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory actions (5).

There are many products currently on the market that utilize tea tree oil.  Research has found that the active ingredients in tea tree oil do not penetrate to the deepest layers of the skin and most evaporates (6).  The best formulation is microemulsion (6), while the worst is a clay formulation. Another option that shows great efficacy is gel products containing 5% tea tree oil.

***Never apply tea tree essential oil topically without a carrier oil as that may burn the skin. If you want to target a specific area with tea tree oil, mix it with jojoba or argan oil to dilute it and avoid burns.


  1. Williams H., Dellavalle R., Garner S. Acne vulgaris. Lancet. (2012):379: 361–72
  2. Bronsnick T., Murzaku E.C., Rao B.K. Diet in dermatology. J Am Acad Dermatol. (2014):71: 1039.e1-12
  3. Armstrong A.W., Cheeney S., Wu J., Harskamp C.T., Schupp C.W. Harnessing the power of crowds: crowdsourcing as a novel research method for evaluation of acne treatments. Am J Clin Dermatol. (2012):13: 405–16
  4. Hammer K.A. Treatment of acne with tea tree oil (melaleuca) products: A review of efficacy, tolerablility and potential modes of action. International J Antimicrobial Agents. (2015):45: 106-110
  5. Carson C.F., Mee B.J., Riley T.V. Mechanism of action of Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) oil on Staphylococcus aureus determined by time–kill, lysis, leakage, and salt tolerance assays and electron microscopy. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. (2002):46: 1914–20
  6. Cross S.E., Russell M., Southwell I., Roberts M.S. Human skin penetration of the major components of Australian tea tree oil applied in its pure form and as a 20% solution in vitro. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. (2008):69: 214–22.

About the Author:

Viktoriya Beliy is a licensed naturopathic physician who completed her education and a year-long residency at the National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, OR. During her time at NUNM she also earned her Master’s in Nutrition concurrently with her doctorate in naturopathic medicine. She has additional training in classical homeopathy through the New England School of Homeopathy with Dr. Paul Herscu and Dr. Amy Rothenberg. She enjoys treating all conditions, especially focusing on dermatology, women’s and men’s health, endocrinology, and autoimmune conditions.


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Superfoods for Type 2 Diabetes

Diet plays an incredibly important role in managing blood glucose. What foods will give you the best nutrients to manage Type 2 Diabetes?

Important nutrients such as Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Fiber,Vitamins A, C, and E, Chromium, and Omega-3 fatty acids all play a role in effective blood glucose control. Foods listed below are all nutrient dense powerhouses that can support those with Type 2 Diabetes.

Stock up your pantry and refrigerator from the list below:

  • Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids:   Try fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines and cod.  Omega-3 fatty acids are important for cardiovascular health.  Studies have shown that type 2 diabetes occurs less often in populations that eat fish regularly compared to those who don’t.
  • Legumes:   Full of fiber, protein and other nutrients that are great for blood sugar regulation.
  • Green leafy vegetables:   Fill your plate with Swiss chard, mustard greens, spinach and kale.  Low in calories and carbohydrates, high in antioxidant nutrients. These unassuming leaves are full of vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids and flavonoids.  
  • Sweet potatoes:    Don’t be fooled by the name, sweet potatoes are a great addition to any diet.  Studies have shown that sweet potatoes stabilize blood sugar and lower insulin resistance.  They are also full of antioxidant nutrients!
  • Onions:   Chock full of chromium, onions are perfect for blood sugar regulation because of this important mineral.
  • Tomatoes:   Also a good source of chromium and antioxidant nutrients, tomatoes are a colorful addition to any plate.  
  • Cinnamon:   This flavorful spice is a diabetes powerhouse.  Compounds in cinnamon stimulate insulin receptors and increase cells’ ability to use glucose.  Sprinkle it on to your morning oatmeal!
  • Red and purple fruits:   The beautiful colors of cherries, cranberries, blueberries and other red and purple fruits is due to anthocyanins.  This phytonutrient may help lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.
  • Walnuts:   Great source of the omega-3 fatty acid ALA and protein, walnuts may help lower heart disease risk.
  • Whole Grains:   Include whole grains in your diet for beneficial dietary fiber.  You want the germ and the bran for the highest nutritional impact.  You’ll get magnesium, chromium, omega-3 fatty acids and folate. Pearled barley and oatmeal are a source of fiber and potassium.  Buckwheat is especially great because it has a substance called chiroinositol that may play an important role in the regulation of blood sugar.     

Things to remember:

  •    Include these superfoods to manage glucose and for an overall healthier diet.
  •    Focus on the foods you can eat, rather than the foods that you should avoid.
  •    You are changing your lifestyle, not just going on a new diet.
  •    You can’t go wrong with a whole foods, plant based diet for good health!


About the Author:

Viktoriya Thompson is a licensed naturopathic physician who completed her education and a year-long residency at the National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, OR. During her time at NUNM she also earned her Master’s in Nutrition concurrently with her doctorate in naturopathic medicine. She has additional training in classical homeopathy through the New England School of Homeopathy with Dr. Paul Herscu and Dr. Amy Rothenberg. She enjoys treating all conditions, especially focusing on dermatology, women’s and men’s health, endocrinology, and autoimmune conditions.

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