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Do you notice a change in your skin health during each season? Perhaps your skin is dryer in the winter and more sensitive in the heat of summer. Sometimes it’s helpful to switch up your skincare routine from season to season as our skin may need different support from month to month. In spring, the temperatures and humidity may fluctuate quite a bit, and our diet changes dramatically from consuming warming winter foods to more fresh, cooling foods. This change in the seasonal environment can definitely impact our skin!


These few simple springtime skin care tips can help to keep your skin glowing:


It’s not uncommon for folks to easily become dehydrated daily and experience the symptoms of dehydration that could be easily prevented with some awareness and simple habit shifts. During the months of April – September, it’s extremely important (especially when you’re doing outdoor activities) to drink consistently, and smart to make sure your body doesn’t experience the cellular strain that is dehydration. When we dry ourselves out, our skin will almost immediately feel drier and itchier. 


How to calculate your minimum requirement: There are different schools of thought on this one, but a simple formula to get started is to take your body weight, and divide it by 2.  That number is the minimum number of ounces for your daily intake. For example, if you’re 160 pounds, you should aim for 80 ounces of water daily. This is your minimum amount, so if you’re traveling or exercising more or the weather is extra hot, you should increase this.

Gentle detoxification

Much of what we see happen on our skin is a downstream effect of what may be going on internally. If our skin is red and inflamed, or dry and itchy, it is likely that we have internal heat and inflammation or lack adequate cellular hydration. If we experience breakouts, clogged pores, or rashes, for example, one thing to note is how well your body may or may not be detoxifying. This comes down to adequate hydration (number one!), and also our liver health. If our body is not properly detoxifying internally, we will probably notice unwanted effects externally. Support your body’s natural detoxification by consuming plenty of antioxidant rich foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, minimal sugar and caffeine, and of course plenty of bitter spring foods! 


Read More: Health Benefits of Every Color


Now is the time to bring out the sunscreen and get in the habit of using it every day, especially on your face. Although you may not be spending hours in the summer sun just yet, the sunnier spring days will quickly impact your skin if you’re not prepared. Choosing a mineral-based sunscreen with no added chemicals or fragrance is ideal. If you choose to skip the sunscreen, wear a sun-protecting hat or lightweight clothing to protect your skin if you’re out in the sun for more than 30 minutes. 

Nourishing body oils 

For deeply nourishing your skin from head to toe, oils can be a luxurious and effective way to bring moisture and glow back to your skin. Both sesame oil and coconut oil are gentle and moisturizing for nearly all skin types, and are best used right out of the shower on damp, warm skin. If this is your first time using oils on your skin, apply to a small area first to make sure it settles well, and avoid your face if you tend towards very sensitive skin. 


For more tips on skincare, learn more from Dr. Ferreira: Read More: Skincare 101 with Dr. Ferreira


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