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We all know that the holidays can create stress with the pressure to make it “all come together”. Here are some simple ways to pause when your holidays start getting a little too hectic.

This time of year can be busy with places to go, people to see and endless to-do lists. There is planning, parties, entertaining and often overindulgence. More often than not, I hear people say they are not looking forward to this time of year because of the busyness and the stress of it all.

Would it be possible to approach the season in a different way? Can you imagine moving into the season as a more grounded and present version of yourself? One that realizes self-care is a top priority in order for you to take care of others? What would be possible if you felt your needs were met too? If you did not have to say “yes” to everything and “do” everything?

Below are some simple tools to keep you grounded and centered. To take care of yourself during this season and offer your loved ones a more present you. It will take some effort to make new routines and choices that honor yourself, but you may just experience this time of year with more joy, enchantment, and ease.

Simple ways to slow down, pause and take care of yourself:

  • Alone time: In the thick of the season you may be surrounded by family, friends, crowds, etc. The time together can be lovely but also triggering. You may start to feel more emotional or irritated by the littlest things. Taking the time and space to check in with yourself is so important.
    • Feeling triggered and reactive? While alone, close your eyes and take a couple breathes and then ask yourself “what is this emotion about?” More often than not the emotion is an old one resurfacing. If you give yourself time to tune in, feel it and then shift it out you will be less likely to react in other situations.
    • With alone time you will clear your mind, get to know yourself better, be more productive and creative and just feel more like yourself.
    • It doesn’t take much, as little as 10 minutes daily. Make it happen, wake up 10 minutes early or write it into your schedule. You can do it!
  • Breathe: There is something so simple about the art of breathing. It is an awesome tool and can be used anywhere! Closing your eyes and taking long, slow deep breaths resets the nervous system. It can shift heightened emotions, allow them to move through you and bring you back to neutral. Below are breathing techniques to reduce stress, calm and harmonize the mind, reduce anxiety and promote relaxation and a sense of wellbeing. Practice daily and as needed.
  • Go for a walk in nature: Moving the body, getting fresh air and being present with nature has a number of positive health benefits.
    • Clears the mind, increases endorphins, uplifts mood, reduces anxiety and depression, increases immune system function, reduces inflammation and more!
    • Grounding; putting your bare feet on the earth provides added benefit! Reduces pain and stress, regulates circadian rhythm or sleep patterns, increases energy and promotes nervous system balance.
  • Say “No”: You are not supposed to run yourself ragged trying to please everyone… and the truth is, you can’t. You cannot feel anything for others, you cannot bring them happiness and contentment – that is their own choice. What they choose to think, feel and experience is their own. And the same goes for you. Before over committing yourself, slow down and check in.
    • Is this something I really want to do? Something I love doing? OR Is this something I feel obligated to do? Something others expect me to do?
    • If you can allow yourself to make bold choices that honor yourself during this time of year you will have more time and be more present for the things you actually want to do with the people you want to be with.
  • Ask for help: Feeling like you have to do and be everything to everyone is exhausting. Following the guidelines above will help you tap into what makes you happy, freeing up time and energy. What will offer you even more of that time and energy is asking for help. One person cannot do it all and that is okay. This is a time of year where we come together and help is always available. Just ask for it!
  • Stick to your health routine: During this time of year, it is easy to get derailed from your health routine. This does not mean you cannot indulge, but it can be done so mindfully.
    • Moderation: Stick to your anti-inflammatory diet. Having a single serving of a treat is okay and you should enjoy it! Just don’t make a daily habit of it.
    • Hydrate: Drink more water. Staying hydrated keeps your hunger cues regular and mind clear.
    • Movement: Keep up with your daily movement; walking outside, yoga, stretching, taking the kids to the park, working on the yard, putting up lights, bodyweight exercises, etc.
    • Sleep: Do not sacrifice your sleep. You will be more emotionally balanced, more productive and less stressed!
  • Gratitude: Having a gratitude practice can help to prime your mind for positivity. Providing the reminder for all the wonderful things in our lives we have to be thankful for and appreciate.
    • Start a gratitude journal. Write down 3 things you are grateful every day.

Are you feeling depleted during the holiday season? Is this historically a hard time for you? If you are in need of more support to manage stress during this time of year or are looking to start a new health routine consider making an appointment with one of our naturopathic doctors. You can contact our office at (804) 324-3451 or request an appointment here for more information and to book an appointment.


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