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Spring is a season bringing light, cool and fresh energy on the heels of winter, which is heavy, damp, and cold. When we have abrupt seasonal changes (such as a 70-degree day right after a 40-degree day), we can immediately notice our body adjusting to this abrupt change. Sometimes that aggressive shift is the precise time when we come down with a cold, or our sleep patterns are disrupted. Our body likes gradual and sustainable change, with a graceful transition from season to season. However, the transition into spring can be a quick and fickle time, and one of the most challenging for our bodies to adjust to. 


One of the ways that we can support ourselves in these topsy turvy spring days is to incorporate fresh, nourishing, seasonally aligned foods onto our plates every day. The flavor of spring is bitter, which energetically means these foods are moving and stimulating for our body. Many of us are not accustomed to the bitter flavor, as we only really consume coffee, beer, and chocolate to satisfy this incredible taste! But spring is the perfect season to explore this flavor more and see how it feels in your body and digestion. This is a fun and intimate way to bring the spring season into your awareness both physically and energetically. 


Read More: Springtime Liver Support 


Spring Nutrition: Bitter Nourishing Foods 

As soon as our tongue tastes food that is even mildly bitter, this sends a direct message to our stomach and pancreas to begin making digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes such as amylase, lactase, and lipase, help us break down macromolecules (proteins, fats, and carbs) into small, more digestible pieces before they move into our lower digestive tract. Digestive enzymes are essential for good digestion. When we feel hungry, or when we taste stimulating, bitter food, this begins the process of healthy digestion due to the production of those enzymes.


This is precisely why we traditionally enjoy salads before a larger meal. Salads used to be made of wild, bitter greens, all of which are so delicious and stimulating to our digestion in order to help us digest the larger meal to come. Now, however, many pre-meal salads are made of flavorless iceberg lettuce and sugary dressings – not nearly the same therapeutically as those colorful, wild bitter salads.  Even a bitter mocktail or cocktail can have a similar effect, with cordials, herbal bitters, and aperitifs being fun and effective ways we can stimulate our digestion before a meal. 


Read More: 5 Simple Habits for Eating Well

Bitter Foods To Enjoy for Spring 

Try some of these delicious, seasonal springtime bitter foods each day and see what you notice improves with your energy, digestion, and even immune health this spring. 

  • Dandelion greens
  • Burdock root
  • Chicory
  • Kale
  • Green tea
  • Chamomile tea
  • Radishes 
  • Watercress


Read More: History and Benefits of Bitters


If you need extra support or inspiration on how to support your digestion this season, consider making an appointment with one of our naturopathic doctors here at Richmond Natural Medicine. 


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