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Whether you made a new year’s resolution to improve your overall nutrition, or are just now feeling inspired to learn how to incorporate weekly meal-prep for yourself. Here are a few tips to aid you in staying on track with meal planning so that eating well can fit in seamlessly with your daily schedule: 


  • On a day that works for you (Sundays are usually a good one), plan out your week of meals and make sure you’ve got your grocery list ready, your ingredients together, and 1-3 meals prepped and ready for busy mornings, afternoons or evenings. 


  • If you picked a day to prepare meals in the new year, assess that this day is still working for you and make an adjustment if you need to. 


  • Keep several glass containers handy to prep your lunches for the week or store leftovers. 


  • As soon as you buy any fresh produce, go ahead and chop and prep this when you get home. This makes healthy snacks more accessible, and cuts down on time when you’re including these in your meals in the evenings. 
    • For example – if you like smoothies in the mornings, put together four or five bags of the smoothie ingredients such as strawberries, banana, spinach, blueberries, and celery and put these in the freezer for easy grab and blend access each morning. 


  • Keep easy snacks handy throughout the week. Nut butter stuffed dates, clementines, chopped carrots, and cucumbers with hummus or mixed nuts are great to keep around your kitchen or office. 


  • Have an arsenal of recipes ready for new inspiration. It’s easy to feel burnt out eating the same things week after week. Pinterest is a great place to discover and save recipes or invest in a great cookbook that fits your and/or your family’sies nutrition needs. 


Read More: Nutrition Tips – 5 Colors Every Day


  • If you’re really pressed for time every week, consider meal delivery services with organic ingredients that involve either minimal prepping or are ready to eat. Here are two good options: Sakara / Sunbasket 


  • Remember the 80/20 philosophy – if you feel like you’re doing really well with your meal prepping and nutrition about 80% of the time, with the other 20% being small indulgences, eating out, or improvising outside of your ideal nutrition plan, then you’re doing well! The most important part about our nutrition choices is that they are sustainable for us to continue. Perfectionism isn’t sustainable, so allow yourself some grace and flexibility knowing what is realistic for you to maintain. 


If you would like individualized support and guidance on creating the best meal plan for you, Dr. Beliy can offer personalized suggestions for you that will meet your health needs and nutrition goals. Contact our office today to schedule an appointment. 


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