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Although these past 18 months have been unusual in many ways, the basics of immune health are still applicable for supporting our body seasonally, especially as we enter fall and winter. Keep these primary habits in mind for your immune system this year, and remember – many of the best practices for our immune health are daily, preventive habits.

Maintain a whole food (mostly plant based) diet

A diet plentiful in whole, unprocessed foods with fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, adequate fiber and herbs and spices will keep our body nourished and strong. Maintaining a nutritious and balanced daily diet is truly one of the best self care + physical health and wellness practices we can do for ourselves every single day to support all of our organ systems and even our mental health!

Stay hydrated

Our body relies on healthy elimination and detoxification pathways in order to keep us functioning optimally in our environments. Water is such a key input that we need every single day in order for these pathways to work properly! So many of us are under-hydrating throughout the day, so keep in mind that we should be aiming to consume half of our body weight in ounces each day (not to exceed 100 ounces for women and 120 ounces for men). For example, if you weigh 160 pounds that’s 80 ounces of water per day. Try enjoying cold brewed herbal teas, kombucha, mint + cucumber infused water, or even add plenty of juicy, fresh fruits to your diet to increase your water intake

Remove triggering foods or lifestyle habits

The more things we are exposed to throughout the days, weeks and months that trigger our body to mount an immune or inflammatory response, the harder our body is working to keep our immune system constantly elevated. Thus, if you know there are foods that you cannot digest well, allergens that are triggering an inflammatory response, or behaviours that negatively impact your body, do your best to minimize or eliminate these from your daily life.

Read More: Naturopathic General Wellness Support

Eat your vitamin C!

Foods rich in vitamin C are also rich in antioxidants and help to support the vitality and strength of our immune system. Especially when we are actively ill, vitamin C has been shown to protect our body from oxidative stress and improve immune function when under stress. Foods such as oranges, cherries, parsley, kale, broccoli, lemons and strawberries are all great sources of vitamin C.

Continue to practice good hygiene and preventive habits

As always, washing your hands, covering your coughs and avoiding people or places with active illness are advisable preventive measures to support your immune system in any season.

Maintain a connection with Nature

Feeling a sense of connection with the natural world around us not only supports our mental health, but entrains our circadian rhythm to optimize sleep and maintain healthy energy levels throughout our days and nights. When our body is out of alignment with the natural rhythms of the world, we are more likely to feel imbalance and susceptible to seasonal bugs. Our immune health is closely linked to our levels of stress and rest, and these are closely tied to our connection with nature.

Read More: How Does Vitamin D Affect Immune Health?

If you need personalized support for seasonal immune health, consider making an appointment with one of our naturopathic doctors here at Richmond Natural Medicine.

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