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At Richmond Natural Medicine, many of us recognize that physical symptoms are more than just physical matter.

One of the hardest things to admit is that what we have been doing or the path we’ve been on is just not working.  Maybe something changed or maybe we changed.  But this realization can occur due to a change in our health.  The nagging headaches, the abdominal pain, poor sleep, anxiety or a new diagnosis persist.  But these symptoms can actually serve as a signal that something larger is going on. It can serve as an indicator that something bigger needs to change in your life.  You see, the mind and body connection is real.  Researchers show that under chronic long-term stress, immune markers, inflammation and heart rate variability change.  Essentially, stress and our mood do impact our physical health.  Thus, if we are living out of alignment or our purpose, the body will in fact work to communicate with you.  It will try to get your attention.  The fact is that symptoms can worsen or resurface over and over again until we do something different.  These symptoms serve as signals.

The Past

It is inevitable that we grow and change.  It doesn’t mean that we don’t appreciate the past or the life and lessons we have learned before, it may just be a different time. This can happen for so many reasons including transitions, age, injury, or loss.  For many people, a large part of their identity may come from their career or raising children where maybe there was little self-care.  As life further unfolds, the career or the nest becomes less full, and people may sense that there is a different path awaiting them.  Maybe for years they have ignored hip pain, diabetes or headaches. They mustered through where life was about duty and they did not think about their needs or what would be most useful for them.  They were not in touch with their body and instead the mind was overriding their own needs.  

But some individuals have been unhappy in a career or relationship for some time where they grinned and also mustered through it. They didn’t want to let others down or they don’t want to admit that their decision wasn’t working. They also didn’t want to fail.  But they have been willing to sacrifice their own happiness or needs for others.  It is admirable but not sustainable.  And thus because the mind, body and spirit are connected, the body will start presenting symptoms of dis-ease. It is at this point, that bodily symptoms serve as a cross roads.

Do we listen?

The point is many times we are faced with a transition that we did not anticipate or ask for.  We might be willing to give anything to have another day with a loved one, another stroll in the park before our accident, to heal a broken heart, to have that old job or to have our youth back.  It is natural that, since we are creatures of habit, many of us would like things to stay the same. Staying in the same situation provides normalcy even if it isn’t the healthiest situation.  We are often conditioned where we learn patterns from society and within our upbringing that may have told us to “suck it up and deal with it”.  But what if your body is telling you something else? Do you listen?  

The Body is Wise

You see, the body will never lie to you.  But our mind will.  We can convince ourselves of so many things as well as talk ourselves out of things or even minimize health concerns.  But the body is so wise and will communicate physical symptoms when we are in conflict or being forced to do things for long periods of time that are not congruent or in our highest good.  The body gives us clues of where attention and healing are needed.  

What is in Your Highest Good?

Change can be hard.  But sometimes sticking with the same thing is even harder.  At some point, there will be a breaking point in your health.  But if you are resisting the inevitable change where you are “sticking” with a job, or sticking with a relationship or career that makes you sick on a regular basis, your body may be screaming at you.  And at some point you may have no other option but to listen.  But even now it is your job to listen.  You are the steward of your body.  No one else.  Listen with your heart, mind, body and spirit.  What is truly in your highest good?  Be brave and follow your body’s signal.

Our Experience

The reason this topic is so important is because we see this all the time within our practice.  Because we deeply understand the mind-body connection, we see many people who come to us in pain, broken and suffering.  But it isn’t always just physical suffering.  There is often more behind their picture.  We see individuals that have been unhappy for years or something changed in their life. The point is how much are you willing to sacrifice?  How much of your health are you willing to lose before you admit a new path is needed?  

At Richmond Natural Medicine, many of us recognize that physical symptoms are more than just physical matter.  We are a whole being that needs joy, love, compassion and someone to deeply understand where we each have been; what has shaped us and what has brought us to this point.  We truly understand that there was deep value in the past, but that there is also value in a new path.

The New Path

Change is a courageous process and we welcome those that are sick, suffering and ready for a new path to unfold.  Be brave!  Be courageous!  

If you are at a place where you recognize the interconnection of your physical and emotional health and are looking for help as you make new steps in your healing journey, reach out to the team at Richmond Natural Medicine.  Contact our office (804) 977-2634 and consider working with one of our trained practitioners to customize a holistic plan to address the mind body and spirit connection of your health.  

About the Author:

Dr. Leah Hollon ND MPH

Richmond Native and Naturopathic Dr. Leah Hollon is the Co-Owner of Richmond Natural Medicine. She received her B.S. and MPH from Virginia Commonwealth University. She is a graduate of National College of Natural Medicine where she received her Naturopathic Medical Degree. Her areas of focus include Autoimmune, Hormones, MTHFR Gene Mutation and Naturopathic Cancer Support. Please check our Book An Appointment for more information about booking an appointment.

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