Heal From Within: How Colorful Foods Support Detoxification Pathways

Do You Need a “Cleanse”?

When we hear the word detoxification, we are somewhat conditioned to think that our bodies can only detox through a cleanse. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, our bodies know exactly what to do. We don’t need to buy a multiple-day cleanse in order to support our natural detoxification processes. The best and most effective way to support detoxification for every organ system is to eat a daily nutrient-dense diet rich in naturally colorful foods, and drink plenty of high-quality water. The rest is just supportive. Additional inputs such as supportive liver herbs (also called hepatoprotectives), blood purifiers, or lymph tonics all are secondary supports to a healthy diet.

Why is Detoxification so Important?

Everything that we eat through our diet and are exposed to environmentally must be processed throughout our bodies and filtered throughout detoxification pathways. These pathways allow for chemicals, pollutants, allergens, and toxins to be excreted safely, as opposed to having them build up in our organs and blood. The human body is homeostatic and self-healing and has incredibly complex systems for elimination and maintaining this homeostasis.

The primary body systems required for detoxification are the liver, gallbladder, lymphatic system, and the kidneys. These systems help to filter all of the allergens in foods, pollutants in our environment, drugs, alcohol, food contaminants and poisons, and even products we put on our skin (which are absorbed into the bloodstream within thirty seconds!). Without these detoxification processes, the residual toxic load of these inputs would have no place to go and would just build up in the body, creating major health risks.

Why Is Color So Important for Detoxification?

When a food is naturally colorful it means that it contains natural antioxidants and an abundance of bioavailable nutrients. Our body’s natural detoxification systems struggle the most with inflammatory inputs such as processed sugar, alcohol, smoking, and poorly prepared or processed animal proteins. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is high in these inflammatory inputs and lacking in colorful vegetables, fruits, and other antioxidants. A high ratio of inflammatory foods to antioxidant-rich foods means that our bodies – especially the liver, bloodstream, and lymphatic system – will struggle to maintain a healthy detoxification pattern.

When we consume a daily diet of colorful, fresh foods we keep our detoxification systems running optimally and ensure that our bodies are less likely to need commercial interventions such as detox or cleanse kits.

The Best Foods to Support Natural Detoxification

The best way to support natural cleansing and detoxification is through our diet. A common motto to remember is “eat the rainbow” – the more colorful the better, and here’s why:

Purple Vegetables – Nourish the blood; Tones cardiovascular system; Contains anthocyanins, to strengthen capillary tone; high in antioxidants.

  • Examples: eggplant, red onion, purple cabbage, beets, blueberries.

Red Vegetables – High in lycopene; Great for the heart and cardiovascular system.

  • Examples: Tomatoes, red peppers.

Orange Vegetables – Contains beta carotene which is essential for cell-to-cell communication and important for the immune system.

  • Examples: Carrots, golden beets.

Green Vegetables – Especially dark leafy and brassicas are important for multiple organ system detoxification; Useful in balancing hormones; Increases liver detoxification by supporting the offload of extra hormones; Loaded with vitamins and minerals.

  • Examples: kale, broccoli, bok choy, Chinese cabbage, spinach, swiss chard, beet greens

White/Green– Extremely nutritive to the immune and lymphatic system.

  • Examples: garlic, onions, leeks, chives
Keep these tips in mind when thinking about daily detoxification:
  • At each meal or snack, aim to consume at least two different color fruits or vegetables
  • Keep this pattern up through each meal to consume at least five different colors by the end of the day. Pay attention to color!
  • Consume 6-8 full glasses of filtered water daily
Ready to talk detoxification with a Naturopathic doctor? All RNM practitioners are fully prepared to discuss diet and nutrition in-depth as part of your visit. Request an appointment or call our office at (804) 977-2634 to learn more.
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