The Health Effects of Mold Exposure: How Can Naturopathic Medicine help?

Humans have interacted with mold for thousands of years. Typically the effects of small amounts of environmental molds are not a problem, nor do they cause any obvious symptoms. However, our indoor living environments may be prime areas for excessive mold growth depending on the weather, age of the home, and previous water damage. Molds can be found anywhere there is dampness around the home, including doorways, window sills, basements, cellars, under carpets and upholstery, vents and within ceilings. They can be especially prolific in spaces that have previously experienced flooding. It grows well on damp wood areas around the home, making window sills around bathrooms, basements, and ceiling tiles / leaky roofs a prime area to find extra molds.

The health consequences of molds is a somewhat ambiguous area, and many of the symptoms of a mold allergy or sensitivity can be extremely difficult to relate directly back to mold specifically. If you have a mold allergy, your immune system overreacts when you breathe in airborne mold spores, and the lungs may become sensitive. In more rare cases, a mold allergy may potentiate a more serious health issue in immunocompromised children and adults. Many of these symptoms are also symptoms of other health issues, therefore making the connection to mold as a cause can be tricky.

What are the health effects of mold exposure?

Symptoms include:

  • Itchy eyes
  • Frequent coughs
  • Asthma
  • Dry or scaly skin
  • Sneezing
  • Headaches
  • Chest tightness
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Brain fog/ issues with memory
  • Altered growth of children
  • Frequent infections
  • Altered hormone function
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Changes in lipid metabolism including cholesterol
  • Low birth weight of your children
  • Impaired development of your children

Controlling Mold in Your Environments

Environmental molds will always be present, but not everyone responds to them in the same way. Even though humans have interacted with molds for thousands of years, there can be serious consequences once mold has settled into your home. There may also be health consequences due to the high and constant exposure. It is important to note that not everyone responds to mold in the same way. Epigenetic factors related to detoxification and glutathione function (antioxidant protection) can leave some individuals more vulnerable. But to start, there are some steps you can take to check your home and control the spread of molds include:

  • Check the windows and doors of your home seasonally for any traces of mold growth
  • If flooding has occurred in your home (past or present), check the house thoroughly under carpets, under ceiling tiles, around roof leaks, or basement openings
  • Control the humidity levels as much as possible
  • Ventilate your most humid rooms thoroughly including the kitchen, bathroom showers, and laundry areas
  • Once you have isolated a problem, you not only need to clean it thoroughly but fix the mold problem completely. That may mean investing in new windows and doors, thoroughly repairing any ceiling leaks ventilation problems within the home, repairing leaky pipes and venting systems, and replacing flooring

The Naturopathic Approach to Mold Toxicity

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms with an unknown cause, or suspect there may be a mold issue within your home or workspace, we can support you. Naturopathic medicine looks not just at the causative factors but also your individualized immunity, and works to stabilize factors that may make you more vulnerable now and overtime, including your detoxification pathways.

Your ND will take a thorough health history, and inquire specifically into your current symptoms and timeline of their development. They will ask detailed questions about your home and work environments and begin working on short and long term strategies to support your immune and detoxification systems. Utilizing appropriate supplements, herbal medicines, lifestyle recommendations, dietary suggestions, and homeopathics, they can support your immune system and help increase your detoxification pathways known as phase I and phase II for mold exposure.

Your ND will create a tailored and uniquely specific plan to address your current symptoms while working long term to address the deeper cause of your health issues. Again not everyone will react to mold in the same way and thus finding the unique interplay between your immune system and your environment is key. Your ND may also provide local resources to help you eliminate mold within your home if needed. If you or your child is presenting with more complicated health issues that may be triggered by mold exposure, such as PANDAS, autoimmune conditions, frequent infections, or developmental concerns, the treatment strategies will be targeted to address several layers of whole-body therapy. Your ND may even have additional referrals for you and your child so you can develop a team of experts unique to your health needs.

To schedule an appointment with one of our Naturopathic Doctors, click here.

Read More | Healing Autoimmune Conditions Through Naturopathic Care


Facts About Mold & Dampness from the CDC
Mold Allergy from the Mayo Clinic
The Inhalation Health Effects of Mold
Mold and Your Health from the EPA
Adverse Nutritional Implications of Exposure to Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals and Mycotoxins
Deficient Glutathione Function

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