Integrating Naturopathic Care and Western Medicine: Managing Your Prescriptions

Integrating Naturopathic Care and Western Medicine: Managing Your Prescriptions

Here at Richmond Natural Medicine, we see many patients that are under the care of an MD, PCP, pediatrician, or specialist, in addition to the care they receive from their naturopathic doctor (ND). Each patient’s needs are unique to them, and having a strong, well-rounded team of practitioners is something that our NDs strongly encourage.

Embracing this comprehensive team approach means that many of our patients are also taking prescription drugs, either temporarily or permanently as part of their long-term care. It is important that your naturopathic doctor is fully informed about any prescription medications you are currently taking so they can make appropriate recommendations when developing your care plan. When you incorporate a naturopathic approach into your health care team, you can rest assured that your naturopathic doctor will be capable of working with your medical team, your current prescriptions and supplements, and your own personal health goals.

Your naturopathic doctor will never work to remove or replace prescription medications from your health plan unless you express that as your goal, and they confirm that it can be done safely and effectively with the oversight of your prescribing MD.

Can I continue taking my prescription medications while seeing a naturopathic doctor?

Absolutely. Licensed naturopathic doctors are well versed in the use of prescription medications alongside any recommended herbs, supplements, homeopathics, dietary suggestions, and lifestyle adjustments. In licensed states where NDs have a wider scope of practice, they can even prescribe medications themselves, if necessary. Your naturopathic doctor can help manage or reduce any side effects caused by prescription medications through appropriate modalities such as herbal formulas or homeopathic remedies. This can be common practice for patients with autoimmune disease, pain, cancer, or other chronic conditions where some prescriptions may be necessary for their health recovery, but cause unwanted side effects.

Your naturopathic doctor will never ask you to choose between one type of medicine or another. Instead, your naturopathic doctor will work seamlessly alongside other members of your health care team to provide you with the comprehensive support and education you need in your health journey.

Read More: A Naturopathic Approach to High Blood Pressure

Will the recommendations of my naturopathic doctor interact with my medications?

No. Naturopathic doctors are trained to understand the interactions between drug therapy and natural non-toxic therapies. They have a firm grasp on the intricacies, interactions, and possible contraindications of drug therapy, herbal medicine, and nutrition. In addition, naturopathic doctors consistently remain up-to-date on the newest research related to possible drug interactions or nutritional deficiencies that can manifest when a new drug appears on the market.

Read More: Healing Autoimmune Conditions Through Naturopathic Care

My doctor has concerns and reservations about taking natural supplements with my prescriptions. How should I proceed?

One of the strengths of a naturopathic doctor is their ability to confidently communicate information about your health with other medical practitioners and provide relevant research to support their recommendations. ND’s are also prepared to educate you and the other practitioners on your care team on the effects of herbs, homeopathic remedies, or supplements and how they may improve your current state of health.

Your naturopathic doctor, like any other medical practitioner, will make recommendations for your health using an evidence-based approach. These recommendations will vary, and often your ND will provide a few options for you to choose from. Their goal is always to educate you on any new or alternative approach that may improve an existing health condition or support your overall health.

Are you interested in incorporating naturopathic medicine into your healthcare team? Request an appointment with one of our naturopathic practitioners and begin your journey to comprehensive wellness with the support of our licensed ND’s.

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