Combating Seasonal Allergies with Naturopathic Medicine

Sneezing, itchy, watery eyes, nasal congestion, and sore throat – all signs and symptoms of having seasonal allergies – can make it difficult to enjoy the beauty and rejuvenation of Spring.

If you suffer from seasonal allergies here are some tips on how to reduce spring allergic reactions and symptoms.

Home Environment

Keep your living and sleeping space as “allergy-friendly” as possible. Consider making your bedroom an “oasis” from allergies, noise, distractions, electronics, etc. This should be a clean, quiet, peaceful room for relaxation and recovery during sleep. Here are some tips to help with your home environment:

  • If possible use an air filter in your home, especially in the bedroom. Electrostatic filters can be used in heating/cooling systems to remove dust from the air and stand-alone filters with a HEPA filter are also a great option. Make sure to clean ducts and replace filters regularly. Use a HEPA vacuum cleaner to better trap and remove dust and other particles.
  • Regularly clean curtains, rugs, wall decor, and clutter. These items can increase the amount of dust and allergen build-up. Wood or tile floors are easiest to clean and keep allergen-free.
  • Change pillowcases and bed sheets frequently to cut down on dust mites.
  • Shower and change your clothes after you get home for the day to remove pollen and other allergens from your skin and hair.
  • If you have pets, consider whether or not you are reacting to their dander and act accordingly. If you know you are reactive but are committed to keeping your pets– try to at least keep them out of your bedroom and off the bed. Remember, the bedroom is an allergy-free sanctuary. Eight hours of quality sleep in a clean, restful environment gives your immune system time to recover.
  • Keep humidity levels around 50% to reduce the growth of dust mites and mold. A dehumidifier and/or humidifier may be necessary, depending on where you live.

Our Internal Systems

Allergies are essentially the response of a reactive and unbalanced immune system which, sensing an “invader,” goes to town trying to destroy it. The reason we end up with allergy symptoms, like running nose and itchy watery eyes is usually due to high levels of histamine in the body. Histamine is released from immune cells that try to protect the body from foreign invaders.

To improve our response to allergies, we must first “stabilize” these immune cells so they are not so quick to release histamine. In addition, we can work to balance the immune system as a whole, so the body is less reactive and more able to tolerate exposure to allergens without having a negative response. Here are some ways to work with your internal environment:

  • Diet – Avoid your food sensitivities to reduce inflammation. Some common aggravating foods when it comes to allergies include dairy, wheat, chocolate, egg, soy, citrus, peanut, pork, trans-fats, and chemical additives. Aim to eat whole, fresh foods like organic produce and high-quality proteins and fats each day. Make sure you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water as well.
  • Add flavonoid-rich foods – Bioflavonoids, such as quercetin, are the compounds that give fruits and vegetables their rich colors. They act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds in the body, helping to both mitigate damage from chronic inflammation and also preventing further inflammation. Quercetin also works as a stabilizer of cells that release histamine (i.e. it can reduce histamine released in the body), so it is particularly helpful with seasonal allergies. Quercetin-rich foods include onions, apples, citrus fruit, green tea, parsley, sage, grapes, dark berries (blueberry, blackberry) and dark cherries. You can also supplement with quercetin – usually, 1500mg/day for adults is adequate.
  • Include essential fatty-acid (EFA) rich foods: Omega 3 fats help reduce inflammation and soothe mucous membranes – this includes fish, nuts (such as walnuts and almonds), seeds (flax or pumpkin) and olive oil. You can also supplement with EFAs in the form of Cod Liver Oil or Fish Oil. Make sure to get high-quality oils!
  • Probiotic-rich foods: Fermented foods supply important beneficial bacteria which can help improve gut health and therefore reduce inflammation and calm the immune system. Foods to consider would be sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, and pickled veggies. It’s important to note that through the process of fermentation, these foods will also be naturally high in histamine, so some folks may find they cannot tolerate them. In that case, I would recommend supplementing with a probiotic for some time to balance gut flora.
  • Herbs – Herbs are a wonderful addition to any allergy regime, as they often have a multitude of positive effects, such as toning and balancing the immune system, reducing inflammation, and improving resistance to allergens. Some common herbs used for allergies include nettles, eyebright, khella, thyme, butterbur, feverfew, ginkgo, curcumin, and yarrow. I typically recommend taking these herbs in tincture format, but teas and capsules can be used as well. Your naturopathic doctor or herbalist can custom-blend a formula for you, depending on your particular symptoms, triggers, and individual constitution.
  • Supplements –Vitamin C, Vitamin E and minerals like calcium and magnesium can also be helpful during allergy season. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and improves immune function. For allergies, recommendations range between 500mg/day up to 3,000mg/day. As always, check with your ND before taking high levels of any vitamin or supplement. When choosing a Vitamin C, look for a whole-food-based supplement, rather than just the ascorbic acid component.
  • Exercise – Moderate exercise helps improve peripheral blood flow and lower inflammation, so try to get at least 30 minutes 4-5 times per week. You may want to head outside at times or on days when the pollen count is lower to avoid aggravating allergy symptoms.

Additional support can often be found through homeopathic medicines and acupuncture, so consider these therapies as well.

As with any other health concern, prevention is key to reducing seasonal allergies. Consider taking local honey and/or an appropriate amount of the herb nettles (as a tea or freeze-dried in capsules) during the winter months, or for at least 1 month before allergy season to prevent or reduce the onset of allergic symptoms.

To get personalized recommendations for your seasonal allergies, request an appointment with one of our naturopathic doctors. There is no single way to support allergies, find out what your body needs to get through peak allergy season! Call our office for more information or if you have questions, (804) 977-2634.

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