chronic infection
Naturopathic Care & Chronic Infections

Those dealing with chronic infections, and even individuals with chronically weakened immune function, often face a challenging and frustrating health obstacle to overcome. Chronic or persistent infections are ones in which the virus (or instigating pathogen) is not clearing, and remains in specific cells, sometimes reactivating and causing symptoms. There are many reasons why a chronic infection may not be clear, and some of these infections are not always responsive to antiviral or antibiotic drug treatments. Each chronic infection may have a different presentation from person to person, making treatments even more difficult.

Some viruses, for example, can remain latent for months or even years before they are activated again. Examples of this may be HPV, shingles, and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Some of the biggest triggers of reactivating a chronic infection can be the presence of another virus weakened immune function or stress. Chronic infections may also present with cyclical or seasonal patterns, therefore taking a proactive approach could be very helpful. Having a “big picture” perspective while understanding the nuances of chronic infections or viral patterns is a big help to approach your care holistically, effectively, and individually. That’s where naturopathic medicine can help.

Read More: Integrating Naturopathic Care and Western Medicine
The Naturopathic Approach to Chronic Infections

When supporting a person with a persistent chronic infection, the naturopathic doctor will always assess your entire health picture, not just your acute symptoms. Family history, epigenetics, sleep, diet, stress, and your own health history are important factors that can influence the presentation and healing of chronic infections. Dr. Leah Hollon, ND, MPH takes both a big picture and a fine-point view of dealing with an infection, looking for the specific triggers and symptom presentation:

“The chronic viruses can heighten and worsen with stress. For example, The TRAF1 enzyme (also known as Epstein Barr Virus-induced enzyme 6) is part of serving as a checkpoint or protector against many viruses. And it is epigenetic (of the family line) and thus based on this you can see EBV, shingles or any herpes family virus to be more likely to get set off. TRAF1 also governs SIBO and Lyme. If stress does occur, then being proactive is important so that recurrence or worse symptoms do not set up. Part of this is epigenetic and also related to stress. If a person knows that they are sensitive to stress, then they will need to be very proactive now and be conscious of this throughout their life.”

Dr. Hollon also recommends that through the approaching Fall and Winter months, it is important to have your vitamin D levels checked and within good range:

“Often those reactivating with viruses have their Vit D below 20 but often around 12 or less”.

If you find that your vitamin D levels are deficient, you can consult with your primary care or naturopathic doctor for appropriate supplementation to bring your levels back into the optimal range.

Read More: How does Vitamin D Affect Immune Health?

The naturopathic approach to healing chronic infection will almost always utilize multiple approaches, including diet, lifestyle (including your relationship with stress), and botanical, homeopathic, and supplements when needed.

Nutrition Support for Chronic Infections

Everything we put into our body affects its daily function, either strengthening our body or depleting it. Every day in every season, it is important to maintain a whole food, a seasonal and colorful diet rich in phytonutrients (vegetables!), antioxidants (fruits!), adequate fiber (vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes) and probiotic-rich foods (fermented foods like yogurt, miso, kimchi, and sauerkraut) can help to maintain our natural vitality. Avoiding pro-inflammatory foods is just as important, especially empty calories, processed sugars, alcohol, and processed carbs.

Read More: Nutrition Support for Balances Probiotics and Gut Health

If you need support managing a chronic infection, a weakened immune system, or building better dietary habits to support these conditions, request an appointment with one of our naturopathic doctors trained both in nutrition and other natural modalities.

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