The Naturopathic Approach to Thyroid Health

Thyroid health is one of the many areas that is supported by the naturopathic doctors here at Richmond Natural Medicine. Whether you have been diagnosed with an existing thyroid condition or are suspecting a possible thyroid imbalance, there are plenty of questions to ask and lab work to assess to further your knowledge about how to approach a personalized solution for you. The naturopathic approach to thyroid health can involve many different

The thyroid gland is a small, butterfly-shaped gland in the front of the neck, and is an integral part of our complicated endocrine system. It plays a role in regulating our metabolism, controlling our body temperature, and supporting the balance of other hormones throughout our body. It is affected by things such as stress (acute and chronic), our sleep cycle, our environments, our diet, and also our genetic predisposition. Common thyroid conditions include hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid), hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid), and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (an autoimmune condition that impacts the thyroid gland). In each case, it is important to dig deeper and assess the cause of the imbalance and determine appropriate short and long term solutions.

Read More: Condition We Support: Thyroid 

The Naturopathic Approach to Thyroid Health

Dr. Vanessa Ferreira shares her expertise on approaching thyroid health with her patients:

Dr. Vanessa Ferreira is a Naturopathic Doctor at Richmond Natural Medicine
Dr. Vanessa Ferreira, Naturopathic Doctor at Richmond Natural Medicine

“When it comes to the thyroid, there are a lot of factors that affect it. We need to look at stress, diet and lifestyle, sex hormones, nutrient and cofactor deficiencies, adrenal function, chronic disease, and a possible autoimmunity factor. In order to address the possible underlying cause of an over or underactive thyroid, we need to fully understand what factors might need improvement and each case is unique to each individual. Through supplementation, diet, and lifestyle, herbs, and stress management, we can get the thyroid to wake up and start producing it’s hormones more appropriately.

Oftentimes patients will present with autoimmune thyroid conditions, such as Hashimoto’s, and while many will say there is nothing that can be done about the autoimmune aspect of thyroid disease, I’ve done otherwise. When it comes to hormones and autoimmunity, diet and lifestyle changes are key! With just this simple change, I’ve seen thyroid autoimmunity markers drastically improve, and finally, patients are able to feel like themselves again. Diet and lifestyle changes are no easy task, but as a naturopathic doctor, I work with and support my patients every step of the way so they don’t feel lost along their health journey.”

What Symptoms May Indicate a Thyroid Imbalance?

Because all hormones communicate with one another and the thyroid hormone acts on all body tissues, we can see body-wide symptoms. Many symptoms of thyroid imbalance are also common symptoms of other things, thus many people can go years with an undiagnosed thyroid condition. Things such as fatigue, weight gain, brain fog, anxiety, and mood swings are common to experience. Below is a breakdown of common symptoms for both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism:

Hypothyroid Hyperthyroid
Fatigue, lack of energy Anxiety
Depression, low mood, lack of motivation Palpitations
Weight Gain or difficulty losing weight Restlessness
Hair Loss Irritability
Dry Skin Insomnia
Brittle Nails Weight loss
Constipation Increased sweating
Low basal body temperature Trembling
Intolerance to cold temperature Intolerance to warm temperature
Brain Fog Exophthalmos – protruding eyes
Goiter Goiter


Therefore, treatment is highly dependent on the signs and symptoms, lab values, and further workup of other potential endocrine issues. Your naturopathic doctor will best be able to evaluate your whole picture to address the root cause of your thyroid imbalance.  Every case is different and the individualized approach is imperative to healing.

Getting Help With Thyroid Issues With The Naturopathic Approach

Do you need support or have questions about your own thyroid health? We would love to connect you with one of our naturopathic doctors and support you on your health education journey. Call or email us to schedule an appointment today.

Learn More: Individualized Requirements for Hypothyroidism

Learn More: Assessment of Thyroid Function: Towards an Integrate Clinical Approach

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Beyond Balancing Hormones: What Factors Play Into Dysregulation?

Hormone support, for both men and women, is a common area of health that practitioners at Richmond Natural Medicine address with each patient. There are a number of different hormones such as thyroid, adrenal, as well as the female and male sex hormones.  These hormones regulate metabolism, energy, sexual function, reproduction, sleep and circadian rhythm balance, and mood. When one or more of our hormones are out of balance, a number of symptoms can present that eventually cascade into more complex problems. Often, the symptoms of a hormone imbalance can be subtle, such as gradual weight gain, lethargy, or poor sleep. In other instances, hormone imbalance may be more obvious. In each case, there is often a deeper layer to address than just the hormone imbalance itself. A combination of lifestyle and diet, family history, age, and environmental factors, are all addressed when working with your naturopathic doctor.

Some Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance
  1. Mood swings
  2. PMS / PCOS / Painful or irregular menstrual cycles
  3. Fatigue
  4. Blood sugar dysregulation
  5. Sleep issues
  6. Acne
  7. Sexual dysfunction
  8. Changes in metabolism
Why focusing on hormones alone is not enough

Hormone dysregulation is rarely a stand-alone issue. For an imbalance to occur, there is usually a potentiating factor that causes the endocrine system, immune system, or reproductive system to become out of balance. For example, in hypothyroidism, there is a strong connection to the adrenal glands via the HPA (Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal) axis, involving stress and blood sugar balance. Often, a major stressor can impact the production of cortisol from the adrenal glands, which in turn affects the feedback loop to the thyroid gland, which can cascade into a hypothyroidism response. If the stressors are still present for the person, the adrenal gland will continue to struggle, and continue to send a “stress” response to the thyroid gland. Even if someone is taking a hormone support medication for the thyroid, the underlying cause of the problem is not addressed and may remain a problem long term.

The Naturopathic Approach

When taking a holistic approach to hormone balance, the practitioners at RNM will look at your health and family history, as well as review any recent lab work, or make recommendations for additional lab work to be completed. Your diet, lifestyle, environment, and other areas of health will all be assessed and contribute to the health plan your practitioner will create for you. You can expect suggestions to be made in areas of stress support and reduction, sleep hygiene, dietary changes, supplement or homeopathic recommendations, and exercise. This is a full spectrum approach that not only addresses the cause of hormone imbalance but encourages continued support for long term, sustainable hormone balance.

What your Naturopathic Doctor May Be Looking For
  1. Estradiol, estrone, progesterone, testosterone
  2. Progesterone metabolites
  3. Estrogen metabolites
  4. Androgens and metabolites
  5. Total DHEA, 24 hr free cortisol, metabolized cortisol
  6. Cortisol metabolites
  7. Melatonin
  8. Creatinine
  9. Nutritional Organic Acids
  10. Neurotransmitter metabolites

This is invaluable information when taking an individualized approach to a person’s hormone health. Hormone support should be personalized, and symptoms can be challenging to manage if recommendations are not expertly tailored to address a person’s specific needs. These hormone levels offer your doctor a personalized glimpse into your hormone health and provide a tool for addressing and balancing your hormones through a holistic approach.

How We Utilize This Information

When we have a clear and comprehensive picture of your hormone health, we can use this information to specifically tailor your care plan to address your levels of hormone production, and even work preventatively. Whether you’re over- or under-producing certain hormones, your naturopathic doctor can make tailored recommendations to address your specific needs both nutritionally, supplementally, and with lifestyle recommendations.

Read More: The Key To Vibrant Health | The Adrenal Glands

Read More: Naturopathic Approaches to PCOS

Read More: Circadian Rhythm | The Importance of our Internal Clock

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