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Have you ever heard of the practice of sleeping in warming socks? This long-standing hydrotherapy health practice has been used for generations, and the benefits are extraordinary and yet so simple. The concept harnesses the body’s innate heating and cooling response to not only stimulate the immune system but also support overall detoxification and lymphatic stimulation while you sleep. Here’s how it works:


When you first warm, then immediately cool the feet, there is an increase in blood flow and circulation, lymphatic drainage, and white blood cell count – all of which are needed for an effective immune response. This method is known as a “heating compress”, meaning your body is responsible for warming up the cold socks overnight. Some people also report the warming sock treatment to have a sedating effect, improving their overall quality and quantity of sleep. 


Read More: The Benefits of Hydrotherapy


The warming sock treatment works best on the very first day of an illness or for allergies. It is best to continue this practice for at least two or three nights in a row for the maximum effect. 

Benefits of warming socks:

  1. Stimulates and encourages circulation
  2. Supports the first stages of seasonal colds such as congestion, headaches, sore throats, and fever
  3. Can be used for migraines or allergies
  4. Supports a healthy immune response
  5. May improve sleep quality and quantity

How-To: Warming Sock Treatment

  1. Prepare a bowl of ice water, and soak a pair of thin, cotton socks until they’re saturated.
  2. Remove the socks from the ice water, and wring them out thoroughly. Place in the refrigerator. 
  3. Prepare a hot foot bath and soak your feet for 5-10 minutes until they are warm and pink. Dry off your feet thoroughly with a clean towel.
  4. Immediately afterward, put the ice-cold wet socks on your warm feet. Overtop the cold socks, and put on a pair of thick, wool socks (or other insulator socks). 
  5. Go directly to bed and leave the socks on overnight. 
  6. During the night, you may wake up with your whole body wet from sweat. If so, change into dry pajamas, but leave on the socks.

In the morning, you will notice the once cold, wet socks are completely dry! 

Note: Warming socks are contraindicated in people with a lack of feeling in their extremities (such as severe cases of diabetic neuropathy, Raynaud’s, or neuropathic injury) as they may be unable to feel if the temperature of the foot bath would be too hot. Also, any individuals with mobility issues where they may be unable to remove the socks should avoid this treatment. 

Read More: Keeping Kids Healthy: Immune Support for Back-to-School

Are there any known contraindications? – Yes, if they have a lack of feeling in their extremities where they are unable to feel if the temperature is too hot. This could include severe cases of diabetes or neuropathy from injury. Also, if individuals have issues with mobility and being able to remove the socks, etc..

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