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Naturopathiv Mens Health

Here at Richmond Natural Medicine, we view fertility support as a small part in the overall health and vitality in both partners. This means that in addition to looking comprehensively at hormonal health, our Naturopathic Doctors also investigate chronic ailments throughout the physical body and take interest in any mental or emotional symptoms. Inviting a naturopathic doctor into your larger care team means having an expert who can assess both partners as whole people and provide non-toxic, effective, and individualized care options.

How Can RNM Support Men’s Health and Fertility?

In our practice, it’s common to see patients who have previously been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction, hormonal imbalances, stress related conditions, and PTSD or past trauma. Naturopathic medicine and doctors are well positioned to support these patients because their goal is to discover the root cause of a fertility difficulty by using modalities such as herbs, supplements, diet, lifestyle changes, and homeopathic remedies to support and strengthen the body inside and out. After reviewing a patient’s medical history, a ND may explore specialty hormone or gastrointestinal health assessments, circadian patterns, environmental exposures, and chronic infections. But more important to us than a diagnosis is the individual behind the diagnosis, if there is one. Sometimes, men struggling with fertility issues seemingly have no obvious reasons why. We want to know your whole picture as a person.

These are some of the medical conditions involving infertility that naturopathic medicine can address for men:

  • Low sperm counts
  • Poor morphology
  • Poor fertilization
  • Hormone imbalances (estrogen, testosterone, thyroid and/or adrenal)
  • Erectile dysfunction

Read More: 5 Preventative Tips for Men’s Health

The Goals of Naturopathic Fertility Support

The changes we strive for when optimizing men’s fertility are highly individualized. When your ND addresses whole-body health and sees your chronic ailments improve, the effects on fertility may include:

  • Increase blood flow or lymphatic flow
  • Improve nutrition to for the reproductive system
  • Assist with sperm count
  • Enhance morphology
  • Reduce mental or emotional stress
  • Support unresolved trauma that can impact endocrine system
  • Hormonal regulation
  • Supporting detoxification pathways to help the body process environmental toxins that impact the endocrine system

Naturopathic medicine can be an excellent tool in the process of enhancing overall fertility support in men, and we are happy to work with people individually or partners to reach their goals. Interested in scheduling an appointment with one of our naturopathic doctors? Click here to get stared.


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