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Spring is an exciting and sometimes dramatic change in season that we all respond to a little differently. Allergy season is in full swing now, and many people are getting outdoors and exercising more. Seasonal produce is appearing, and our digestion may shift from the heavier, cooked foods of winter to the lighter, raw foods of spring. The days are getting longer, and the weather can shift from cold to warm within hours! Welcoming spring can be a challenge for some but starting new habits to support seasonal shifts is a great way to start fresh. This will keep your body and mind vibrant, healthy, and vital for this beautiful new season. 

Seasonal Supportive Habits | Spring


Morning Routine

After daylight savings time, try to awaken and get out of bed at the same time each day. This consistency will help to align your body to the time change. It will also support your circadian rhythm throughout the day and night, supporting your sleep quality. Ideally, wake just before sunrise and enjoy the morning sunlight on your face and skin. 


Read More: Seasonal Skin-Care Tips for Spring


Support Digestion

If your digestion is slightly off as spring approaches, try a gentle diet of kitchari and cooked vegetables. Kitchari is a fantastic way to support the digestive system with a 1-3 day gentle cleanse. This can enhance digestive function, balance the internal energetics of the digestive tract, and build up and nourish the lower digestive tract (large intestines and bowel). Many of the “detox kits” on the market these days focus on rapid cleansing and not the nutritional components that are needed by the body. Kitchari – with its hearty yet nourishing combination of rice, mung-dal, and cooked vegetables, builds the body up and provides grounding nourishment and alignment. 


Read More: Kitchari Spice Mix & Recipe


Combat Spring Allergies

Many people have difficulty with pollen and seasonal allergies in the spring. If you know this is a challenge, try drinking Nettle tea throughout the day. This can serve as a general anti-histamine support throughout the season. You can also consume one teaspoon daily of raw, local honey throughout the year to support your allergy response next spring. Adding in electrolyte support to your water can also be helpful. Saline nasal spray or rinses can also be useful. Finally, consider adding an air purifier to your home or bedroom if your allergies are intense during the latter part of spring. 


Read More: Allergy & Pollen Support for Spring 


Dress in Layers

The weather can be unpredictable in the early spring days, and our bodies do not generally like abrupt temperature changes. Wear layers of clothing in these early weeks to add warmth if there’s a chill, and shed a layer when it warms up. This will help protect your body from sudden temperature drops and sweats that challenge your immune system and digestion. 


Spend time Outside!

Take a short walk daily to experience the changes around you, feel the air on your skin, and connect with the seasonal shift. Every day offers new and subtle signs of spring’s gifts. This can range from emerging, budding flowers to sweet bird songs and warm breezes. These small, daily transitions allow your body to absorb the newness of the season.


Schedule an appointment with one of our Naturopathic Doctors at Richmond Natural Medicine for personalized support with your seasonal shift into spring!

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