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Winter Health

As we enter into another winter season, we want to remind everyone that with every season comes fluctuations and change, both externally and internally. Just like the changing seasons, our bodies go through seasonal rhythms and adjustments in order to stay in alignment with our environment. This includes changes in our weight, our sleep patterns, our diet, and perhaps even our emotional health.

Be gentle with how you hold yourself this season. Winter is a time of rest, inward reflection, and intentional transformation. 

Winter Fluctuations: How Your Body May be Responding

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a common imbalance that many people experience due to shorter days, lack of sunlight and lower vitamin D levels. This year especially, when many people are experiencing unprecedented loneliness and lack of physical connection, our emotional health may be taking a toll. Check in with your emotional needs each day – what does your body and mind need to feel more balanced today? Are you feeling like you need extra support to tend to these needs? The doctors at Richmond Natural Medicine can help you to navigate the best outlets for your emotional health – whether through improved diet, support with sleep, a referral to a trusted local counselor, or personalized herbal or homeopathic recommendations to suit your needs.

Read more: How Words & Thoughts Contribute to Emotional Inflammation 

Changes in your weight. Each of us have different ways that we present with weight. At the beginning of every year, we all hear things like “Resolve to lose that holiday weight!”, and this year in particular fretting about or being hyper sensitive about your weight may cause extra stress and despair that is not necessary. So many things contribute to how we hold on to weight. Stress thyroid function, sleep quality, food choices, movement and exercise, blood sugar balance, inflammation, and even our emotional health play a role. You needn’t feel pressured to rapidly lose weight after not only a very stressful previous year, but also lack of outlets to do so.

The doctors and nutritional experts at Richmond Natural medicine can help you to navigate this in a healthy positive way, finding solutions to suit your needs and current state of health.

Read More: Optimizing Weight Through Holistic Nutrition

Sleep Imbalance. Winter provides us the longest nights with the shortest days. This adjustment to earlier darkness along with a change in our daily schedule may be throwing off our sleep patterns. If you find yourself having trouble staying asleep or experiencing daytime sleepiness, this may be due to the seasonal shift (among other things). Good quality and quantity sleep is so important for the winter months, as our immune system is impacted by the amount of rest we experience. There are several solutions to achieving a good night’s sleep including adjustments to diet, exercise, nervous system and stress support, and sleep environment enhancements.

Read More: Winter Solstice: Are you Sleeping?

Being patient and gentle with self talk

Remember that this year – and the previous year – may look very different than what you are normally used to. You are your biggest ally in how you approach each day, and that includes how you approach yourself. Make an intention this year to speak kindly to yourself, and be patient with how your body is responding to the situations that arise.

The practitioners at Richmond Natural Medicine are here to support you and your health through these changing seasons, and create a care plan for you that can guide you confidently through whatever may be changing or challenging for you. To schedule an appointment with one of our practitioners click here.

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