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Goldenrod is a medicinal herb and wild flower

Now that we’re walking gently into September, the sun’s shadows are starting to get a bit sharper. The mornings stay dark a little longer, and the sounds of the annual autumn migrations hang in the air. This revolution into autumn brings more than just a golden light to the air. It also brings a burst of goldenrod flowers to our natural landscapes. These flowers line the edges of our highways, sneak into our gardens, and joyfully dot the landscapes in front of us just about everywhere we go. There’s a quiet truth that our bones know. The earth gives us just what we need, just when we need it. Not only are these golden flowers beautiful heralds of autumn, but they’re also little packets of natural medicine right when we need it most. As pollen counts increase, goldenrod is there to help alleviate our allergy symptoms and so many more symptoms of the seasonal transition. Goldenrod is definitely a healing herb of the autumn!


Common name: Goldenrod 
Latin name: Solidago canadensis
Part Used: Flowers and leaves
Benefits: Diuretic, clears excess mucous, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, clears excess gas, wound-heal, and helps induce sweating to aid in detoxification
Taste/Energetics: Warming, drying, astringent, slightly bitter

History: Goldenrod has a long history of being used by Indigenous populations as a wound healer. Its name, “solidago,” is actually from the Latin word for “to make whole.” The Omaha indigenous people used goldenrod as a sign in their floral calendar. While they were away on their summer buffalo hunt, they would use the local flora to give them signs and signals. As soon as goldenrod began to pop up, they knew their corn was ripening back home, and it was time to return. During Elizabethan times, goldenrod was already well known beyond its capabilities as a healing herb of autumn. As a native plant to North America, goldenrod’s powdered leaves and flowers were exported to London for quite a heavy price. In colonial America, colonists would drink goldenrod tea, or “Liberty Tea,” as they began to call it, after the Boston Tea Party. It was so popular that they even began to export it to China. 

Benefits: Goldenrod has been traditionally used by different Indigenous groups for a number of ailments. Topically, it’s been an important healer of sores, infections, aches, burns, and other wounds. Internally, it’s been used as a diuretic, meaning it helps move toxins through our body systems to be expelled through urination. As such, it’s beneficial for many urinary issues, as well as respiratory and digestive issues. Modern uses of goldenrod really focus on its powerful decongestant abilities. It’s often a go-to for clearing sinus complications, allergies, and flu symptoms. Infusing goldenrod with sage (making a strong tea) is an effective gargle for sore throats and laryngitis (1).

Goldenrod is also a useful digestive agent. Due to its high tannin count and anti-inflammatory properties, it can help alleviate diarrhea symptoms. Tannins are drying and astringent, two modalities that are helpful with diarrhea, gas, bloating, and indigestion. Using goldenrod as a tea can also help stimulate and ease digestion. 


Herbs are helpful not only for the physical body but also for the emotional and spiritual body. Emotionally, goldenrod inspires a sense of self-trust and confidence, especially for those having trouble finding a strong sense of self and identity. Our identities and values often mirror our surroundings. For this, Goldenrod boosts inner knowing and helps solidify identity away from peer pressure. 


Herbs and plants, like Goldenrod, have a beautiful way of helping the physical, emotional, and spiritual body. In our exploration of these remarkable allies, we appreciate you joining us for the second herb of this series. If there are other herbs you’re interested in learning more about go ahead and reach out to us and we’ll add them to our future writings.


And if you want to include more herbal medicine into your health or existing care plans, our naturopathic doctors at Richmond Natural Medicine have extensive knowledge of herbal remedies and can customize blends that are specific and individualized for you. For more information on becoming a new patient or getting back on the schedule, call our front desk at 804-977-2634.


Related Reading

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  1. McIntyre, A. The Complete Herbal Tutor: The Ideal Companion for Study and Practice (Octopus Books, 2010).

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