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Getting a good night’s sleep can feel very out of reach for those with circadian rhythm imbalances, insomnia, or noisy and uncomfortable sleep environments. What may seem like a simple and natural part of life can be tricky to optimize when so many things play an important role in a good night’s sleep. At Richmond Natural Medicine, we are working to resolve sleep troubles all the time. Sometimes the solution is simple – sometimes it’s very complex. We have written quite a bit about solutions to disrupted sleep, and one of the things that contribute to optimal sleep is our nutrition habits. The nutrition tips for optimal sleep below can however be very individualized, but in combination with other lifestyle and health factors, can make a big difference. 


Read More: How Lifestyle Factors Contribute to a Good Nights Sleep

Things that Contribute to Disrupted Sleep Cycles

  • Shift work and circadian rhythm imbalances 
  • Inconsistent daily schedules (waking up and going to sleep at different times)
  • Consuming caffeine or processed sugar within 4-5 hours of sleep
  • Exposure to overhead lights and blue light when it’s dark outside
  • Hormonal dysregulation, including cortisol and melatonin
  • Anxiety or chronic stress

Nutrition Tips for Optimal Sleep

  • Avoid afternoon caffeine each day (coffee, caffeinated teas, and energy drinks).
  • Avoid processed sugars, desserts, and alcohol within 3 hours of sleep. These inputs can disrupt our blood sugar balance and make it either difficult to fall asleep or cause us to wake up several times during the night. 
  • Consider making dinner your smallest meal of the day. If you have digestive problems that keep you awake at night, eating a large meal prior to falling asleep can be difficult for your digestion to process when your body is trying to relax into sleep. 
  • Take any multivitamins containing B vitamins in the earlier part of the day. For some people, some of the b vitamins may be slightly stimulating. 
  • If you wake up to urinate several times each night, try to consume the last of your water intake 2 hours before bedtime. 
  • Consume magnesium-rich foods for dinner. Magnesium is very supportive of relaxation and restful sleep and is found in leafy greens, pumpkin seeds, nuts, sweet potatoes, and dark chocolate. 


Read More: The Effects of Magnesium, Melatonin, and B-complex on Insomnia 


If you need support adjusting your nutrition to optimize your sleep, consider making an appointment with Dr. Beliy  – one of our naturopathic doctors and nutrition specialist. 


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