5 Herbs to Support Your Stress Response & Nervous System

Many of our present-day diseases and internal imbalances are rooted in stress.

High, frequent stress is extremely depleting to our central nervous system and can have negative effects on our health. The central nervous system is responsible for many of the communications throughout our bodies. This system is also the first to respond to external stimuli like rapid decision-making, environmental stressors, and difficult people. When we support our nervous system through lifestyle adjustments and appropriate herbs we can make major strides in improving our overall health.

The Effects of Daily Stress on the Nervous System

Humans live each day with a constant, underlying amount of stress circulating throughout our bodies. Each day we face minor stressors like traffic, physical exercise, professional deadlines, children, finances, and our overall relationships. These minor stressors are normal and our bodies are usually capable of managing them as they arise. However, when stress levels become constant and uncontrolled the effects of daily stress become pathological. If traffic becomes a multi-hour daily commute, and we over-exercise to combat high stress, or if our deadlines grow unmanageable, and our family relationships, health, and financial requirements become overwhelming, we risk reaching a point of physical & mental breakdown.

The concept of Allostatic Load describes this physical, emotional, and psychological breakdown caused by stress. It is defined as the cost of chronic exposure to elevated or fluctuating endocrine or neural responses resulting from chronic or repeated challenges that the individual experiences as stressful. In short, the allostatic load is how much stress we can carry on our shoulders, so to speak, at any given time before our nervous system starts to break down. When our stress levels become too much for the body to handle we experience a number of highly individual symptoms. Some symptoms of nervous system dysregulation include:

  • Digestive imbalances such as IBS, diarrhea, stomach aches, and GERD
  • Mood irregularities & irritability
  • Poor quality & quantity of sleep
  • Weight gain or loss
  • Skin conditions such as eczema, acne, and psoriasis
  • Sensitivity to or presence of allergic responses
  • Weakened immune function
  • Poor memory and inability to concentrate

Read More: Stressed or Stressed out: What’s the Difference?

The Naturopathic Approach to Stress Management

The body’s reaction to stress is influenced by more than just the obvious stress triggers that one may encounter. A lack of sleep, poor quality diet, and disproportional physical exercise can all be contributing factors to nervous system dysregulation. These factors must be addressed when creating a plan for stress management. In creating a customized plan, a naturopathic doctor may ask:

  • How are you sleeping?
  • What is the quality of your diet?
  • What methods of exercise do you practice each day?

Sleep, diet, and exercise are three major areas that naturopathic doctors will ask about when working to support healthy stress levels. In addition to suggested changes in these areas, lifestyle modifications, medicinal herbs, and appropriate supplements may be added to your Naturopathic doctors choose from a variety of herbs to support each patient’s unique nervous system, matching their needs and physiology to specific herbs.

Read More: The Naturopathic Approach to Insomnia

What are Herbal Nervines?

Nervines are a class of herbs that specifically impact the central nervous system. Herbal nervines help to relax the nervous system and vagus nerve, strengthen and restore nervous system function, ease anxiety and tension, and buffer the long term effects of chronic stress. Several herbs fall into this category and each works in a slightly different way. Matching an herb to your specific needs is where naturopathic doctors and herbalists can really shine.

Read More: The Vagus Nerve: What Is It & How Do We Heal It?


5 Herbs to Support the Nervous System*

*As always, ask your doctor for accurate information on dosing and possible drug interactions before taking any new supplements.

Chamomile (Matricaria recutita)

Chamomile is a dual remedy for the central nervous system and the enteric nervous system, which resides in the gut. These two nervous systems are highly communicative throughout the day. It is the enteric nervous system, however, that is much more responsive to external and internal cues than we realize. Chamomile is wholely restorative to an overstimulated person, as well as soothing and antispasmodic to the gut. This is an ideal herb for people who hold their stress in their digestive system (like a nervous stomach or with IBS patterns). For acute and daily support, tea is optimal, but a tincture of chamomile can also be ideal to travel with.

Holy Basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum)

Holy basil is an excellent adaptogen that is specific to the endocrine system and the adrenal glands. It’s a tonic building herb that supports a depleted nervous system both short and long term. The adrenal glands are responsible for releasing cortisol, which affects our responsiveness to stress. It is important to support the adrenal glands during times of acute and chronic stress. For people who have long term stress and are feeling emotionally low, daily consumption of holy basil (or Tulsi) tea can be most helpful.

Read More: The Key to Vibrant Health: The Adrenal Glands

Milky Oat (Avena sativa)

Milky oat serves as a calming and nourishing tonic that is soothing to the central nervous system when taken long-term (4+ months). This herb is packed with important minerals and nutrients and can be added to herbal teas or taken as a daily tincture (hydroalcoholic extract). The oat straw and spikelet components are what give milky oat its medicinal properties after harvesting. Being such a strengthening and nutritive tonic herb, it is ideal for people who have nervous exhaustion and get more fatigued as the day progresses. Milky oat is also great for people like new parents or caregivers, who could be much restored through extra rest.

Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora)

Skullcap is one of the most underused central nervous system remedies, yet it is one of the most effective, gentle, and powerful nervines available in herb form. Scutellaria lateriflora is perfect for individuals under long-term stress who hold this stress in their musculoskeletal system (especially stiff necks, tightness when sleeping, or shoulder tension). Everyone responds to long term stress differently, and skullcap works extremely well for people who become agitated, reclusive, and feel overexposed when under stress. Skullcap tea can be consumed daily and is lovely in combination with chamomile.

Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata)

Passionflower supports a depleted central nervous system that presents as difficulty sleeping and an overactive mind. Often when people are so exhausted they can’t sleep, they may feel a sense of desperation and anxiety at bedtime. This is where passionflower can be extremely helpful, as it allows the body to fall asleep on its own terms instead of knocking the mind and body out. Passionflower is a gentle sleep remedy that when consumed consistently can work excellently in the long-term. One should take Passionflower tea approximately one hour before bedtime.

If nervous system support is something you would like to discuss in a compassionate healing environment, request an appointment with one of our naturopathic doctors through our website or by calling our office at (804) 977-2634.

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Ayurvedic Medicine Principles & Naturopathic Care
Many patients are curious about the similarities and differences between an ayurvedic medicine approach and a naturopathic medicine approach when working with their alternative medicine providers. The ayurvedic and naturopathic systems of medicine share some similar foundational principles and both offer an individualized approach to acute conditions, preventative care, and any other wellness concern that may arise.

The Principles of Ayurveda

For thousands of years, the system of ayurvedic medicine has upheld its core principle to treat each individual by focusing on unique constitutions, or doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Each dosha embodies specific elements of physical and emotional presentations. For example:

  • Vata: thin, airy, flighty, thin or dry skin, angular features, creative, intuitive, anxiety.
  • Pitta: athletic build, warm or hot to touch, sweat easily, focused, high achieving.
  • Kapha: broad shoulders/hips, clammy skin, grounded, thick hair, calm, slow-moving.
Read More: The Principles of Ayurveda and Individual Doshas

In an Ayurvedic approach, healing does not come from simply taking an herbal protocol and waiting for results. Ayurveda requires that patients get to know themselves – their dosha – in relation to their presence in the world. By understanding our dosha, we can begin to understand how and why our symptoms are presenting and how to realign our way of life to support whole-body wellness. The patient must be an active participant in the understanding of their own health so their ayurvedic practitioner can help guide them in making necessary changes to support their overall health, acutely and preventatively.

“Ayurveda is a way of life, where your awareness of your own health and alignment is essential.”

Read More: 5 Ways to Introduce Ayurveda into your Health

The Naturopathic Approach

Similar to Ayurvedic medicine, the Naturopathic approach focuses on the whole individual – not just the parameters of the disease. Here at Richmond Natural Medicine, we look beyond the imbalances or disease a person might have and assess what kind of health factors that person holds, allowing us to tailor each Care Plan to fit the unique needs of the patient.

Naturopathic doctors utilize western herbs (different from ayurvedic herbs), among many other modalities, and take into account the energetics of those herbs, just as an ayurvedic practitioner would. For example, ginger is a hot and pungent herb. Giving ginger to a patient who runs cold can help to balance their internal systems. Naturopathic doctors also expect their patients to take an active role in their own healing, which includes implementing exercise, daily stress management techniques, lifestyle adjustments to support sleep and circadian rhythm balance, and dietary changes. These new habits are also likely to be recommended by some ayurvedic practitioners.

Individualized Holistic Care

It is clear today that individualized health care is essential for longevity and in discovering the core of imbalances or dis-ease. Indeed, a disease state can be identified by a number of symptoms and approached through multiple methods. However, much of today’s health care removes the individual from the disease and neglects the crucial pieces that make that person unique, both in their individuality and in disease presentation. These essential observations, including family history, constitution, dietary regimen, lifestyle, stress, sleep, exercise, and digestive pattern are core individual presentations that are unique to each person, and how they may or may not respond to certain protocols.

There is no one “right” approach to healing. Multiple approaches can be successful, and both naturopathic doctors and ayurvedic practitioners will help their patients get to the root of their imbalance by educating them about how their body is working, responding, and changing. In fact, it is common in both ayurvedic medicine and naturopathic medicine for health recommendations, herbal protocols, or lifestyle recommendations to be adjusted with every visit according to each change in health.

Interested in how Naturopathic doctors integrate Ayurvedic principles in their patient care approach? Request an appointment with one of our naturopathic doctors today, or call our office to learn more: (804) 977-2634.

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Integrating Naturopathic Care and Western Medicine: Managing Your Prescriptions

Integrating Naturopathic Care and Western Medicine: Managing Your Prescriptions

Here at Richmond Natural Medicine, we see many patients that are under the care of an MD, PCP, pediatrician, or specialist, in addition to the care they receive from their naturopathic doctor (ND). Each patient’s needs are unique to them, and having a strong, well-rounded team of practitioners is something that our NDs strongly encourage.

Embracing this comprehensive team approach means that many of our patients are also taking prescription drugs, either temporarily or permanently as part of their long-term care. It is important that your naturopathic doctor is fully informed about any prescription medications you are currently taking so they can make appropriate recommendations when developing your care plan. When you incorporate a naturopathic approach into your health care team, you can rest assured that your naturopathic doctor will be capable of working with your medical team, your current prescriptions and supplements, and your own personal health goals.

Your naturopathic doctor will never work to remove or replace prescription medications from your health plan unless you express that as your goal, and they confirm that it can be done safely and effectively with the oversight of your prescribing MD.

Can I continue taking my prescription medications while seeing a naturopathic doctor?

Absolutely. Licensed naturopathic doctors are well versed in the use of prescription medications alongside any recommended herbs, supplements, homeopathics, dietary suggestions, and lifestyle adjustments. In licensed states where NDs have a wider scope of practice, they can even prescribe medications themselves, if necessary. Your naturopathic doctor can help manage or reduce any side effects caused by prescription medications through appropriate modalities such as herbal formulas or homeopathic remedies. This can be common practice for patients with autoimmune disease, pain, cancer, or other chronic conditions where some prescriptions may be necessary for their health recovery, but cause unwanted side effects.

Your naturopathic doctor will never ask you to choose between one type of medicine or another. Instead, your naturopathic doctor will work seamlessly alongside other members of your health care team to provide you with the comprehensive support and education you need in your health journey.

Read More: A Naturopathic Approach to High Blood Pressure

Will the recommendations of my naturopathic doctor interact with my medications?

No. Naturopathic doctors are trained to understand the interactions between drug therapy and natural non-toxic therapies. They have a firm grasp on the intricacies, interactions, and possible contraindications of drug therapy, herbal medicine, and nutrition. In addition, naturopathic doctors consistently remain up-to-date on the newest research related to possible drug interactions or nutritional deficiencies that can manifest when a new drug appears on the market.

Read More: Healing Autoimmune Conditions Through Naturopathic Care

My doctor has concerns and reservations about taking natural supplements with my prescriptions. How should I proceed?

One of the strengths of a naturopathic doctor is their ability to confidently communicate information about your health with other medical practitioners and provide relevant research to support their recommendations. ND’s are also prepared to educate you and the other practitioners on your care team on the effects of herbs, homeopathic remedies, or supplements and how they may improve your current state of health.

Your naturopathic doctor, like any other medical practitioner, will make recommendations for your health using an evidence-based approach. These recommendations will vary, and often your ND will provide a few options for you to choose from. Their goal is always to educate you on any new or alternative approach that may improve an existing health condition or support your overall health.

Are you interested in incorporating naturopathic medicine into your healthcare team? Request an appointment with one of our naturopathic practitioners and begin your journey to comprehensive wellness with the support of our licensed ND’s.

735 Views0
Heal From Within: How Colorful Foods Support Detoxification Pathways

Do You Need a “Cleanse”?

When we hear the word detoxification, we are somewhat conditioned to think that our bodies can only detox through a cleanse. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, our bodies know exactly what to do. We don’t need to buy a multiple-day cleanse in order to support our natural detoxification processes. The best and most effective way to support detoxification for every organ system is to eat a daily nutrient-dense diet rich in naturally colorful foods, and drink plenty of high-quality water. The rest is just supportive. Additional inputs such as supportive liver herbs (also called hepatoprotectives), blood purifiers, or lymph tonics all are secondary supports to a healthy diet.

Why is Detoxification so Important?

Everything that we eat through our diet and are exposed to environmentally must be processed throughout our bodies and filtered throughout detoxification pathways. These pathways allow for chemicals, pollutants, allergens, and toxins to be excreted safely, as opposed to having them build up in our organs and blood. The human body is homeostatic and self-healing and has incredibly complex systems for elimination and maintaining this homeostasis.

The primary body systems required for detoxification are the liver, gallbladder, lymphatic system, and the kidneys. These systems help to filter all of the allergens in foods, pollutants in our environment, drugs, alcohol, food contaminants and poisons, and even products we put on our skin (which are absorbed into the bloodstream within thirty seconds!). Without these detoxification processes, the residual toxic load of these inputs would have no place to go and would just build up in the body, creating major health risks.

Why Is Color So Important for Detoxification?

When a food is naturally colorful it means that it contains natural antioxidants and an abundance of bioavailable nutrients. Our body’s natural detoxification systems struggle the most with inflammatory inputs such as processed sugar, alcohol, smoking, and poorly prepared or processed animal proteins. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is high in these inflammatory inputs and lacking in colorful vegetables, fruits, and other antioxidants. A high ratio of inflammatory foods to antioxidant-rich foods means that our bodies – especially the liver, bloodstream, and lymphatic system – will struggle to maintain a healthy detoxification pattern.

When we consume a daily diet of colorful, fresh foods we keep our detoxification systems running optimally and ensure that our bodies are less likely to need commercial interventions such as detox or cleanse kits.

The Best Foods to Support Natural Detoxification

The best way to support natural cleansing and detoxification is through our diet. A common motto to remember is “eat the rainbow” – the more colorful the better, and here’s why:

Purple Vegetables – Nourish the blood; Tones cardiovascular system; Contains anthocyanins, to strengthen capillary tone; high in antioxidants.

  • Examples: eggplant, red onion, purple cabbage, beets, blueberries.

Red Vegetables – High in lycopene; Great for the heart and cardiovascular system.

  • Examples: Tomatoes, red peppers.

Orange Vegetables – Contains beta carotene which is essential for cell-to-cell communication and important for the immune system.

  • Examples: Carrots, golden beets.

Green Vegetables – Especially dark leafy and brassicas are important for multiple organ system detoxification; Useful in balancing hormones; Increases liver detoxification by supporting the offload of extra hormones; Loaded with vitamins and minerals.

  • Examples: kale, broccoli, bok choy, Chinese cabbage, spinach, swiss chard, beet greens

White/Green– Extremely nutritive to the immune and lymphatic system.

  • Examples: garlic, onions, leeks, chives
Keep these tips in mind when thinking about daily detoxification:
  • At each meal or snack, aim to consume at least two different color fruits or vegetables
  • Keep this pattern up through each meal to consume at least five different colors by the end of the day. Pay attention to color!
  • Consume 6-8 full glasses of filtered water daily
Ready to talk detoxification with a Naturopathic doctor? All RNM practitioners are fully prepared to discuss diet and nutrition in-depth as part of your visit. Request an appointment or call our office at (804) 977-2634 to learn more.
955 Views0
Fish Oil Supplementation: What Are the Benefits and Risks?

Why Supplement With Fish Oil?

In 1980 a study on Greenland Eskimos was published touting the universal benefits of fish oil supplementation. This population was found to have an unusually low risk for coronary heart disease, which the study attributed to their diet high in fatty fish. Because of this study, fish oil became commonly known as having cardiovascular-protecting benefits.
Following further clinical research, fish oil was shown to reduce the chance of stroke, aid in clinical depression, support age-related macular degeneration, and benefit patients with chronic high cholesterol. Today, more and more clinical studies being published encourage us to supplement with fish oil high in Omega-3’s, DHA, and EPA. Fish oil benefits include:

  • Protection to the cardiovascular system
  • May increase HDL (good) cholesterol levels while lowering overall triglyceride levels
  • May lower inflammation
  • Supports skin health, including psoriasis
  • Increases dietary levels of Omega-3 fatty acids if they are not consumed in the diet

As the popularity of fish oil supplements has soared, so has the push to consume more fatty fish in our daily diets. With all of this new interest in the health benefits of fish, demand has skyrocketed, and the harvesting practices of cold-water fish have really taken a hit. Thus, quality control for fish oil supplementation has become somewhat questionable and could pose potential health risks.

The Quality of Fish Oil Supplements

Good manufacturing practices (cGMPs) are regulatory requirements that provide guidelines for procedures and documentation necessary to assure that the product produced has the identity, strength, composition, quality, and purity it is represented to possess.

To keep up with demand, millions of pounds of fish are harvested and processed every year. Like any other animal-derived food product, the FDA must oversee the manufacturing of the whole fish for the general public’s safety. However, the FDA does not regulate dietary fish oil supplements. This regulation is up to the individual supplemental fish oil manufacturers, which is where some quality concern arises. The International Fish Oil Standards Program (IFOS) was established as a third-party testing agency to test supplemental fish oil for three main criteria:

  1. Omega-3 contents
  2. Contaminants
  3. Stability

This ensures that fish oil sold commercially has a guaranteed level of omega-3 fatty acids, is virtually free of heavy metals, and is manufactured in a stable manner (not denaturing the oil in processing) to ensure freshness. Unfortunately, IFOS testing is not a requirement, and consumers cannot assume that all fish oil manufacturers are adhering to the IFOS testing standards.

Potential Risks of Fish Oil Supplementation

Fish has the potential to be contaminated with high levels of mercury and other environmental chemicals depending on where it was harvested. Mercury is found throughout the planet, from volcanoes to man-made sources like coal-fired electric power plants and chlorine production. From these sources, it is then recycled through rainwater into our oceans and streams and into our soil.

Mercury is generally not well absorbed by the human body and cannot cross into tissues or the placenta. However, mercury is often converted into organic methylmercury via microbial activity while still in this recycling process. This methylmercury is a big concern because it can be easily absorbed into the body, transported into tissues, and affect fetal health and development. Methylmercury absorption happens first in fish, particularly in fatty fish such as salmon and tuna, and then later into our own bodies. If the fish is native to an area high in mercury, any supplement made from that fish will also contain mercury.

There is also the risk of PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) and dioxins in fish oil supplements. PCBs were once used in industrial processes as synthetic organochlorine compounds until the late 1970’s when they were prohibited. Dioxins are the by-products of organochlorines from sources like pesticides, paper bleaching, and the production of polyvinyl chloride plastics.
These chemicals persist in the environment for decades and can still be present in some foods. Although dioxin use has been significantly reduced since the late 1980s, it is still in use in some areas of the world. PCBs and dioxins are known carcinogens and can be found in some meat products, vegetables, and dairy products. Fish products were thought to contain lesser amounts of PCBs. However, with recent testing, farmed salmon was shown to contain the same amounts as other contaminated foods.

Finally, there is the issue of freshness. Fish oil, like any oil, can go rancid and has a shelf life. When you’re taking something in a capsule, most companies take extra care that everything looks the same, has no smell, and especially with fish oil, you shouldn’t even be able to tell you’re consuming fish. So how would you know if you’re taking a fresh capsule or a rancid one if it has been treated to have no smell? It’s difficult without puncturing the capsule. Because of this, it is generally better to purchase bottled liquid fish oil, as opposed to in soft gel form. Smell your food and taste your food – it’s important on so many levels.

Smart Fish Oil Supplementation

Fish oil is high in omega-3 and omega-9, essential fatty acids that are essential because the body cannot make these fatty acids internally. Instead, we must consume them through food sources. Fish oil and the essential fatty acids they contain are protective for our cardiovascular health, joint health, brain health, and cholesterol health, among so many other benefits.

Because the fatty acids found in fish are essential to our bodies, as consumers we must remember that high-quality fish must come from high-quality sources. When purchasing fish, aim for a variety week to week. Choose organic fish when possible, and local whenever available. “Wild-caught” fish is also excellent quality, as it has fewer chemicals and antibiotics. If you can, get to know your local fish department worker and ask where the fish came from. Let your grocery store know that you care about the source and quality of their fish.

When purchasing fish oil supplements, look for products that carry the official IFOS seal and state use of a cold-press extraction process either on the label or on the company website. A good fish oil supplement company will harvest sustainably and not use high heat multi-step processing on their products. With fish oil, cheaper is not always better. We recommend speaking with your naturopathic doctor about what kind, quality, and dosage of fish oil would support your health needs best. Schedule an appointment with one of our naturopathic doctors to learn more about the benefits of fish oil for you and your health needs.


Environmental Working Group Consumer Guide to Seafood

796 Views0
Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) & Acupuncture

Have you ever had the uncontrollable urge to move your legs in the evening while sitting or lying still? Does it feel like pins and needles, aching in the legs or prickling? Does movement, such as walking or stretching help relieve the sensation? If so, you may have a condition called Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS). RLS affects mostly women past the age of 50 (about 10%) and there could be a genetic component particularly if it begins prior to 50.

There is no single known cause of RLS, however nutritional deficiencies, iron deficiency, diabetes, deficient dopamine, pregnancy, smoking and lack of exercise can be contributing factors. It is advisable to be evaluated by a healthcare professional to identify if any of the above are attributing factors. In addition to ruling out any of the above, studies have shown that acupuncture may be of benefit to patients who have RLS, and even to those already taking medication for RLS.

From a Chinese medicine perspective, RLS is analyzed based on symptom patterns showing imbalances. Patterns or Chinese medicine assessments take into account symptoms along with tongue and pulse diagnosis. Because acupuncture, much like naturopathic medicine, evaluates the individual, and not the condition, treatment plans are customized to each person’s unique presentation. Typically acupuncture is performed weekly for a series of 10 weeks, then bi-weekly, and finally as needed.

Interested in exploring how a naturopathic approach could support your RLS? Request an appointment with one of our Naturopathic Doctors or call our office for more information, (804) 977-2634.


814 Views0
What is Naturopathic Medicine? How Your Naturopathic Doctor Complements your PCP Provider

What is Naturopathic Medicine?

Naturopathic medicine is a system of primary health care that emphasizes prevention and combines a natural, whole-body healing approach with current health research and scientific methodology. Naturopathic doctors utilize a variety of modalities, including nutrition therapy, botanical and herbal formulas, homeopathy, supplementation, and sometimes pharmaceuticals. Their goal is always to understand the causative factors that lead to disease presentation, and work on a deeper level to balance the body and address the underlying causes of imbalance. Their primary focus is on disease prevention rather than symptom management.

Although naturopathic doctors are not licensed in all fifty states, a trained naturopathic physician has attended and graduated from an accredited, four-year graduate-level school, and some have attended additional residencies and post clinical rotations. In those states where naturopathic doctors are licensed, they are considered primary care providers and can deliver the same level of health care as an MD, including performing physical exams, diagnosing medical conditions, and prescribing medications. In those states where a licensed naturopathic doctor is not recognized as a primary care provider, they can still provide a high level of individualized care and are trained to work collaboratively with your primary care MD’s to provide an extra layer of holistic health support.

Read More: Naturopathic Medicine for General Health

How Your Naturopathic Doctor Complements your Primary Care Provider

Licensed naturopathic doctors (even in unlicensed states, such as Virginia) can provide an essential level of support to your primary care MD by focusing on areas of your health that are easily overlooked in the conventional health system. Your ND looks very closely at your health history, family history, diet, lifestyle, areas of stress, current health conditions and medications, and recent lab work, and makes holistic health recommendations that can fit in safely with your current medical protocol. They are trained to communicate professionally with your doctors and understand contra-indications, interactions, side effects, and complex physiology, all while staying informed of the most current health and scientific research to support their alternative approach.

Sometimes, symptom management with medications alone is not enough. Through a naturopathic viewpoint, all areas of your life and health are addressed. When you implement naturopathic recommendations that address your sleep, diet, stress, genetic predisposition, exercise, and/or happiness, your level of care is exponentially higher, and your body’s response to healing and balance is significantly improved.

Read More: A Naturopathic Approach to High Blood Pressure

Taking a Holistic Health Approach

No matter how complicated or misunderstood your health state is in, working with your naturopathic doctor can bring a level of clarity and understanding to your health journey that lab work and medications may leave lacking. The goal of the naturopath is to empower, educate, and explain to their patients how and why something is manifesting within their health, and put all of the pieces together in a way that you can understand while empowering you to ask questions moving forward. Sometimes, putting all of the pieces of a health history together is a complicated and lengthy process, but viewing it from a whole-body perspective is essential to gain a full understanding. That’s why appointments with your naturopathic doctor are one or two hours long. Gathering information is important, and hearing your story is a valuable piece of detective work.

Comprehensive Understanding

One of the skills your naturopathic doctor can provide is putting all of the pieces together from multiple areas of care. It is not uncommon for their patients to be seeing several specialists, a primary care provider, another alternative practitioner, and taking half a dozen supplements they have self-prescribed but may not fully understand. Your naturopathic doctor can view all of these pieces objectively, make educated and individualized recommendations for you to put it all together while understanding the bigger picture of health and healing. Communicating with your other health providers is very important while making sure you are not placed in the middle of choosing one doctor’s recommendations over another. Collaborative care with a comprehensive understanding of your overall health is one of the greatest values of naturopathic medicine.

Are you wondering if a naturopathic approach is right for you? Consider making an appointment with one of our naturopathic doctors, and see for yourself the benefits and improvements of working collaboratively with an ND can provide for you. Questions? Call our office at 804-977-2634.

1,576 Views0
Discussing Prostate Health with Richmond Natural Medicine

Here at Richmond Natural Medicine, our doctors work with a wide range of client health issues for men, women, and children. For men, one of the most common areas in need of support is prostate health. Our naturopathic doctors focus on men’s health by incorporating a variety of approaches as she supports their wellness journey. One area of concern within prostate health is prostatitis – which is a condition that is marked by inflammation of the prostate.

Some signs and symptoms of prostatitis include:

  • Frequent urination, which may be painful or difficult to start or complete
  • Urgent need to urinate
  • Cloudy urine
  • Pain in the abdomen, lower back, or groin
  • Lack of thirst, or avoidance of drinking fluids to limit urination
  • Possible pelvic inflammation as a contributing factor

The naturopathic approach to prostate health includes prevention and education about the steps that can be taken each day to enhance the quality of your healthy life. Men may be reluctant to seek health care, but adequate nutrition and avoiding common health problems, like diabetes and high blood pressure, can prevent the need for more significant interventions later. A better quality of life is possible.

Read More: RNM’s Five Prevention Tips for Men’s Health

Naturopathic Approach to Prostate Health

Some of the main factors affecting prostate health include aging, endocrine disruptors (in our diet or through environmental toxins), and genetic predisposition. Our doctors take a thorough health and dietary history to uncover what the contributing factors may be for each person and formulate a health plan with them in mind.

From a naturopathic perspective prevention is key to supporting one’s long term health, and focusing on prostate health is no exception. Preventive measures such as avoiding processed foods, choosing organic whole foods whenever possible, and drinking adequate water go far in supporting long-term prostate health.

Naturopathic medicine can support prostate health through a variety of approaches. Our practitioners educate patients on how nutrition and natural interventions can improve overall health, including prostate health specifically. Naturopathic medicine can have a positive impact on prostate health by naturally rebalancing hormones.

We often think first of testosterone being out of balance when men have health issues, but excess estrogen may be a problem. There are ways to assess hormone imbalances for men which then allows appropriate selection of individualized therapies. Seek advice as soon as changes in urination occur, as they say, an ounce of prevention, is worth a pound of cure.

Read More: Naturopathic Lifestyle: Water & Hydration

If you are a man who would like to take immediate steps towards a better quality of life, we suggest these three actions:

  • Consume adequate protein with age
  • Engage in exercise
  • Cultivate well-being through close relationships

If men’s health, or prostate health, is something you would like individualized support navigating, considering scheduling an appointment with one of our practitioners at Richmond Natural Medicine today.


660 Views0
Healthy Holiday Recipes from RNM

If you’re curating your holiday recipes and are on the hunt for some healthier options, consider a few of our favorites. Mostly gluten-free, dairy-free, and no sugar added, these recipes are adaptable to many dietary intolerances with the substitutions listed below.

Main Dish (Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free)

Stuffed Acorn Squash with Broccoli Rabe & Quinoa (Vegetarian)
Veggie Stuffed Portobellos with Herbal Chimichurri (Vegetarian)
Lemon & Herb Roasted Chicken
Butternut Squash, Leek and Apple Soup (Vegetarian)
Lemon Baked Salmon with Garlic Dill Sauce

Healthy Sides & Appetizers

Sweet Potato Quinoa Skillet with Kale & Sage
Sweet Potato Wedges with Tahini Honey Sauce

Tabbouleh Salad with Pomegranate & Kale
One Pan Garlicky Green Beans with Almonds
Easy Vegan Cornbread


Delicious Desserts (Gluten Free / Dairy Free)

Honey Sweetened Jam Thumbprint Cookies
Double Ginger Molasses Cookies
Grain-Free Holiday Tahini Cookies
Cacao Hemp Krispy Treats

No-Sugar Holiday Beverages

Blood Orange Gin Cocktail
Coconut Butter Hot Chocolate
Pumpkin Spice Latte

Simple Substitutions

Have another food allergy or intolerance? Here are some simple recipe substitutions that you can use in place of some ingredients, allowing you to make almost any recipe you desire.

Egg replacements:
1 tablespoon chia seeds + 2.5 tablespoons water = 1 egg (how-to here)

Sugar alternatives:
Coconut palm sugar / Dates and date sugar / Honey / Maple Syrup or maple sugar / 100% stevia

Dairy alternatives:
Hemp milk /Almond milk / Coconut milk / Flaxseed Milk / Oat milk / Rice milk

Potato alternatives:
Parsnips / Cauliflower / Rutabaga / Turnip / Butternut squash / Polenta

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Give the Gift of Health with RNM Gift Cards & Sauna Memberships

Gift Certificates at Richmond Natural Medicine

There are few things more personal than being invited to share in a friend or loved one’s health and healing journey. Helping that special someone take the next step in achieving their wellness goals is truly a remarkable opportunity. Richmond Natural Medicine offers gift cards that can be put towards any naturopathic medicine or nutrition consult, and also can be used towards herbal formulas and supplements recommended by your practitioner. If you have experienced the therapeutic benefit of having one of our naturopathic doctors be a partner in your healing journey, you know how profound this gift of wellness can be.

Infrared Sauna Membership

Add a visit to Richmond Natural Medicine’s in-house infrared sauna to further support your physical, mental, and emotional healing journey. Enjoy a 30-40 minute private sauna session and allow your body to sink into a parasympathetic state for full nervous system support, along with countless other health benefits. Learn more about the benefits of infrared sauna use and the memberships we offer here.

Give the gift of health this holiday season to your closest friends and family. Questions or ready to purchase a gift card? Call Richmond Natural Medicine at 804-977-2634 or email us at info@richmondnaturalmed.com.

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Phone 804-977-2634

Fax - 804-980-7876

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Monday: 8:00 AM-5:30 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM-5:30 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM-5:30 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM-5:30 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM-5:30 PM

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