Metabolic Syndrome: The case of weight gain, hypertension, cholesterol imbalance and high blood sugar

Metabolic Syndrome is a group of risk factors that increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

Why do so many Americans have this condition?

About 34% of American adults are estimated to have this condition.  It is also known as Insulin Resistance Syndrome or Syndrome X. The cause of metabolic syndrome is multifactorial, being mostly due to environmental influences, including dietary and lifestyle choices, as well as level of inactivity.  The fast paced busy life of many Americans has shuttled us into a culture where fast convenient foods are commonplace and sitting all day while working is the social norm.  This sedentary lifestyle with improper nutrition has led us to an epidemic of obesity.  The consequences of obesity are many and it is one of the main causes for chronic disease in the world, metabolic syndrome being one of them. 

The 5 risk factors that make up metabolic syndrome tend to occur together, but you must have at least 3 of the 5 risk factors to be diagnosed with metabolic syndrome.  

  • Abdominal obesity: Excess fat in the abdominal area is higher risk for heart disease than fat in other areas.
    • Greater than 40 inches in men and 35 inches in women
  • High triglycerides: A type of fat found in the blood, increased by diet high in simple carbohydrates and sugar.
    • Greater than 150 mg/dL
  • Low HDL cholesterol: AKA “good” cholesterol. HDL helps remove cholesterol from your arteries, so a lower level increases risk for heart disease.
    • Less than 40mg/dL
  • Hypertension: High blood pressure can lead to damage of vessel walls and plaque buildup within the vessels.
    • Greater than 130/85
  • High fasting blood sugar: this can be a sign of blood sugar imbalance and diabetes.
    • Greater than 100mg/dL

Symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome:

There is not a set of symptoms specific to metabolic syndrome due to the fact that many of the risk factors involved in the diagnosis are based on lab values.

Some people with blood sugar imbalance or diabetes may have signs and symptoms of increased thirst and urination, fatigue, faintness, or blurred vision. While others with hypertension may not notice any symptoms at all.  

In the case of metabolic syndrome it is diagnosed based on weight/waist circumference, blood pressure readings and having labs done.

What labs are needed to diagnose metabolic syndrome?

Your doctor should run a full lipid panel including; LDL, HDL, VLDL, Triglycerides, Total cholesterol as well as a fasting blood sugar.

It can be important to also look at other metabolic functions with a complete metabolic panel (CMP), to ensure liver and kidney functions are optimal.  As well as a hemoglobin A1c, which is long-term marker for blood sugar imbalance or diabetes.

Lastly, a couple key contributors to body wide metabolism and stress response are the thyroid and adrenal glands. Looking at a thyroid panel and daily cortisol pattern may also be indicated.

How is metabolic syndrome treated?

The best way to treat and prevent metabolic syndrome is through diet and lifestyle practices.  These will all contribute to improved health and weight loss, which leads to reduction of blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and waist size!

  • Eating a healthy whole foods diet with high quality protein sources, plenty of vegetables, and healthy fats (omega-3s). This diet is high in fiber and nutrient dense! Find a great whole-food pantry essentials list here.
  • Avoiding fast food, processed foods (especially carbohydrate and sugar laden ones), artificial sugars (like splenda), and diet soda.
  • Getting regular body movement or exercise in some form. At least 30 minutes per day.
  • Stress Management practices: Meditation, mindfulness, yoga, stretching, breathing, being in nature, taking epsom salt bathes, etc. Any way that works for you to relax and decrease the stress in your life!
  • Restful sleep: Sleep contributes to our insulin and cortisol balance as well as the hunger and satiation hormones of ghrelin and leptin.  Good sleep is vital to recovery from any dis-ease and for optimizing metabolism and supporting overall wellness. Click for sleep supporting habits and herbs.
  • Avoiding health harming behaviors like smoking and drinking alcohol.

There are many other natural therapies that your naturopathic doctor may recommend for aiding this process of balancing blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol.  These may include herbs, homeopathics, as well as vitamin and mineral supplementation.  These recommendations are all individualized to the patient presentation and what will serve them best to heal.

If you are struggling with any metabolic condition, heart disease, or just want to work on prevention, consider making an appointment with one of our practitioners at Richmond Natural Medicine to get to the root cause of your symptoms with individualized care. 

651 Views0
Naturopathic Approach to Cardiovascular Health

When we work with heart health from a naturopathic perspective, we look at the whole person and offer tailored interventions.

Common cardiovascular symptoms and diagnoses we work with frequently include arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, palpitations, chest pain, high cholesterol, peripheral vascular disease and valvular disease. When our patients are on pharmaceutical medications, we ensure that drug-nutrient or drug-herb interactions are avoided. Working as a team with prescribing physicians, patients may be able to reduce or eliminate pharmaceutical interventions over time. Additionally, naturopathic medicine can be useful in reducing side effects of many drugs.  Dysfunction elsewhere in the body- like in the endocrine system or gastrointestinal tract- may be responsible for causing or exacerbating cardiac symptoms. In these cases, we work to nourish the underlying weakened organ system in order to help optimize heart health.

The following are examples of therapies your naturopathic doctor may incorporate into a heart-health focused Care Plan.

Herbal Medicine: Hawthorn berry, leaf and flower

Antioxidants in hawthorn support lowering LDL cholesterol and plaque formation in blood vessel walls. Hawthorn supports coronary blood vessel dilation leading to improved blood and oxygen flow to the heart- reducing chest pain and lowering blood pressure.

Homeopathic: Rhus toxicodendron

Someone with heart disease who would benefit from this remedy often has a history an overwork or overexertion with great stiffness in the chest and back- accompanied by a remarkable desire to move. They may tend to feel claustrophobic. The movement they want is part of a cycle in which the motion actually aggravates them over time and causes significant weakness and then stiffness, all over again (5). On the mental and emotional realm we often see a restlessness and general rigid outlook of life when someone is in a rhus-tox state. Heart enlargement is often present when this remedy is indicated. Homeopathic rhus-tox supports shifting this entire dynamic and relieving symptoms in a deep and lasting way. (6, 7)

Nutrition: Fresh juices and alkaline water

New research is showing the the heart may not be a pump in the way it has classically been viewed. Biomedical engineer Dr. Gerald Pollack and his team have determined that infrared light may be what’s important for driving the blood through our bodies. Ultimately, this translates to additional support for eating lots of fruits and vegetables- especially freshly juiced- as well as drinking alkaline water as these are thought to optimize body-wide vascular health.

Lifestyle: Pets

In a 2013 Harvard Heart Letter, Daniel Denoon reported, “a panel of experts from the American Heart Association (AHA) has weighed all the available evidence. The verdict: Having a pet—a dog in particular—likely lowers the risk of heart disease.” We know that, for many people, pets are a potent source of emotional health and possibly a motivating factor for taking regular walks. Cholesterol, stress and blood pressure levels have been found to be healthier in dog owners. (8.9)

Emotional well-being: Cultivate Joy

We ask you to check in with your joy. What fills you up and brings you joy?  Is there anything in your life that blocks this- a relationship, an outlook, a job or a habit? Louise Hay offers this affirmation for heart-related ailments: “Joy. Joy. Joy. I lovingly allow joy to flow through my mind and body and experience.” (1) There is heart-healing power in your happy place. (2-5)

While your heart knows best what brings it joy, as naturopathic doctors, we can use herbs, homeopathy and nutrients in an energetic way to help facilitate an open heart and self-inquiry. This can be done while simultaneously using these modalities to support your physical health. That is, herbal medicine, homeopathic remedies and nutrition can benefit mental, emotional, spiritual and physical well-being all at once.

If you would like to explore your cardiovascular wellness with a root-cause, whole-body approach- please call us to set up a visit.

Note: This article is aimed at exploring naturopathic interventions for non-emergency and chronic cardiovascular ailments. While naturopathic medicine has a role in congenital conditions, acute and emergency cardiac situations- that is beyond the scope of this article. Your naturopathic doctor can provide additional resources if you’d like to learn more about this.


  1. Hay, L. You Can Heal Your LIfe. United States: Hay House, Inc.; 2004.
  6. Vermeulen, F. Concordant Materia Medica. Haarlem, The Netherlands: Emryss by Publishes; 2000.
  7. Herscu, P. Cycle of Rhus Toxiconendron. Lecture Presented: New England School of Homeopathy 10-Weekend Course; April 8, 2017; Amherst, MA.
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2018 Favorite Practitioner Holistic Health Resources

We know it’s a challenge to find credible, research based information amongst all of the health material available now. We are judicious about where we are getting our information and also selective about what we recommend.

Below are a handful of favorite resources that the practitioners are referencing often during their days in practice:

Naturopathic Oncology: An Encyclopedic Guide for Patients and Physicians by Neil McKinney, ND ( This book is a treasure trove of clinical experience and the latest evidence-based references in regards to using natural medicine to support people with cancer.   
New England School of Homeopathy – articles: It’s helpful to ask for guidance when searching for where to learn more about classical homeopathy! This website offers a plethora of articles from pioneers in the field- Amy Rothenberg, ND and Paul Herscu, ND. You can learn about homeopathy in general, how it can help specific conditions and what it’s role is in current issues like the opioid crisis and this particularly harsh influenza season.

The Homeopathic Treatment of Children by Paul Herscu, ND Understanding a child’s individual homeopathic constitution helps us realize how to best support them physically, mentally and emotionally.

Taking Charge of your Fertility by Toni Weschler– As essential read for every single female of any age to fully understand how their reproductive system works and how to naturally support and shart their cycles.

Herbs for Children’s Health by Rosemary Gladstar – An easy to read and utilize reference for supporting children’s ailments with natural herbal remedies at home.

Wild Feminine by Tami Lynn Kent, MSPT Women birth children as well as creative ideas throughout their lifetime. This book explores home practices geared towards nourishing the energy that resides in the pelvic bowl.

My New Roots – Vegetarian Recipe Resource. A creative, simple and nourishing recipe archive that utilizes plant based proteins, whole grains and sprouting techniques.

For even more resources, see our first edition of this post

At Richmond Natural Medicine, the practitioners often recommend their favorite holistic health resources to their patients. One of the things we always stress to every person is their innate ability to take control of their own health story and make a positive change through their own positive mindset and activities. We are here to educate you and aid in your healing journey.

About the Author:

Lindsay Kluge is a Clinical Herbalist & Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist and received her Masters of Science degree in Herbal Medicine from the Maryland University of Integrative Health in 2012. She has been with Richmond Natural Medicine since 2013, and specializes in therapeutic holistic nutrition, circadian rhythm balance and sleep physiology, digestion, and Ayurvedic nutrition. She offers individualized nutrition and herbal medicine consultations that include meal planning support, custom compounded herbal formulas, nutrition guidance and general wellness support.  Learn more about services that Lindsay offers at Richmond Natural Medicine by clicking HERE.


1,333 Views0
Topical treatments for acne: Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has been widely researched and shown great efficacy for the treatment of acne.

Acne is a chronic inflammatory skin condition caused by many different factors.  Those include excessive sebum production, abnormal shedding of the outer layer of skin, inflammation and the presence of bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes) (1).

Research has shown that diet is very effective for the treatment of acne.  One of the most helpful dietary therapies is a low-glycemic diet (2). This type of diet decreases the inflammation throughout the body which plays a major role in acne. Studies have shown that people following a Mediterranean diet, which has a low glycemic index, have much less cases of acne than people eating a western diet (2).

While diet is very effective, it could take some time to take effect.  For this reason many people turn to over the counter facial products to help with their symptoms.  The most popular topical treatment is 2.5% benzoyl peroxide (3). However, there is a more natural alternative.

Tea tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia) has been widely researched and shown great efficacy for the treatment of acne, as well as oral candidiasis, tinea, onychomycosis and molluscum contagiosum (4). The power of tea tree oil is its antimicrobial activity by non-specific cell membrane damage. Tea tree oil has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory actions (5).

There are many products currently on the market that utilize tea tree oil.  Research has found that the active ingredients in tea tree oil do not penetrate to the deepest layers of the skin and most evaporates (6).  The best formulation is microemulsion (6), while the worst is a clay formulation. Another option that shows great efficacy is gel products containing 5% tea tree oil.

***Never apply tea tree essential oil topically without a carrier oil as that may burn the skin. If you want to target a specific area with tea tree oil, mix it with jojoba or argan oil to dilute it and avoid burns.


  1. Williams H., Dellavalle R., Garner S. Acne vulgaris. Lancet. (2012):379: 361–72
  2. Bronsnick T., Murzaku E.C., Rao B.K. Diet in dermatology. J Am Acad Dermatol. (2014):71: 1039.e1-12
  3. Armstrong A.W., Cheeney S., Wu J., Harskamp C.T., Schupp C.W. Harnessing the power of crowds: crowdsourcing as a novel research method for evaluation of acne treatments. Am J Clin Dermatol. (2012):13: 405–16
  4. Hammer K.A. Treatment of acne with tea tree oil (melaleuca) products: A review of efficacy, tolerablility and potential modes of action. International J Antimicrobial Agents. (2015):45: 106-110
  5. Carson C.F., Mee B.J., Riley T.V. Mechanism of action of Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) oil on Staphylococcus aureus determined by time–kill, lysis, leakage, and salt tolerance assays and electron microscopy. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. (2002):46: 1914–20
  6. Cross S.E., Russell M., Southwell I., Roberts M.S. Human skin penetration of the major components of Australian tea tree oil applied in its pure form and as a 20% solution in vitro. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. (2008):69: 214–22.

About the Author:

Viktoriya Beliy is a licensed naturopathic physician who completed her education and a year-long residency at the National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, OR. During her time at NUNM she also earned her Master’s in Nutrition concurrently with her doctorate in naturopathic medicine. She has additional training in classical homeopathy through the New England School of Homeopathy with Dr. Paul Herscu and Dr. Amy Rothenberg. She enjoys treating all conditions, especially focusing on dermatology, women’s and men’s health, endocrinology, and autoimmune conditions.


659 Views0
Superfoods for Type 2 Diabetes

Diet plays an incredibly important role in managing blood glucose. What foods will give you the best nutrients to manage Type 2 Diabetes?

Important nutrients such as Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Fiber,Vitamins A, C, and E, Chromium, and Omega-3 fatty acids all play a role in effective blood glucose control. Foods listed below are all nutrient dense powerhouses that can support those with Type 2 Diabetes.

Stock up your pantry and refrigerator from the list below:

  • Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids:   Try fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines and cod.  Omega-3 fatty acids are important for cardiovascular health.  Studies have shown that type 2 diabetes occurs less often in populations that eat fish regularly compared to those who don’t.
  • Legumes:   Full of fiber, protein and other nutrients that are great for blood sugar regulation.
  • Green leafy vegetables:   Fill your plate with Swiss chard, mustard greens, spinach and kale.  Low in calories and carbohydrates, high in antioxidant nutrients. These unassuming leaves are full of vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids and flavonoids.  
  • Sweet potatoes:    Don’t be fooled by the name, sweet potatoes are a great addition to any diet.  Studies have shown that sweet potatoes stabilize blood sugar and lower insulin resistance.  They are also full of antioxidant nutrients!
  • Onions:   Chock full of chromium, onions are perfect for blood sugar regulation because of this important mineral.
  • Tomatoes:   Also a good source of chromium and antioxidant nutrients, tomatoes are a colorful addition to any plate.  
  • Cinnamon:   This flavorful spice is a diabetes powerhouse.  Compounds in cinnamon stimulate insulin receptors and increase cells’ ability to use glucose.  Sprinkle it on to your morning oatmeal!
  • Red and purple fruits:   The beautiful colors of cherries, cranberries, blueberries and other red and purple fruits is due to anthocyanins.  This phytonutrient may help lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.
  • Walnuts:   Great source of the omega-3 fatty acid ALA and protein, walnuts may help lower heart disease risk.
  • Whole Grains:   Include whole grains in your diet for beneficial dietary fiber.  You want the germ and the bran for the highest nutritional impact.  You’ll get magnesium, chromium, omega-3 fatty acids and folate. Pearled barley and oatmeal are a source of fiber and potassium.  Buckwheat is especially great because it has a substance called chiroinositol that may play an important role in the regulation of blood sugar.     

Things to remember:

  •    Include these superfoods to manage glucose and for an overall healthier diet.
  •    Focus on the foods you can eat, rather than the foods that you should avoid.
  •    You are changing your lifestyle, not just going on a new diet.
  •    You can’t go wrong with a whole foods, plant based diet for good health!


About the Author:

Viktoriya Thompson is a licensed naturopathic physician who completed her education and a year-long residency at the National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, OR. During her time at NUNM she also earned her Master’s in Nutrition concurrently with her doctorate in naturopathic medicine. She has additional training in classical homeopathy through the New England School of Homeopathy with Dr. Paul Herscu and Dr. Amy Rothenberg. She enjoys treating all conditions, especially focusing on dermatology, women’s and men’s health, endocrinology, and autoimmune conditions.

691 Views0
Batch Cook | Weekly Spring Staples

Moving into the spring season can sometimes be one of the most challenging seasonal shifts, both energetically and physically.  As the weather is changing, I often encourage my patients to gradually begin adding spring staples into their batch cooking to ease the transition.

Sometimes it feels like it takes several weeks for the weather to shift, the air to change, the upward energy to take effect and for spring produce to finally become available. Other times, there are abrupt weather changes, from warm days to snow fall and back again.  These abrupt weather shifts are extremely challenging for the body to handle as we are designed to better tolerate gradual and gentle environmental shifts. You may notice around this time that colds, flus and bugs are more prominent as our immune system is struggling with the environmental shift. Digestive imbalance is also common to show up at this time as we move from heavier foods (root vegetables, starchy foods) to lighter produce.

Seasonal Shifts in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, the transition from winter to spring is perhaps the most difficult.  But this is also where balancing your diet can be so helpful to support the entire body – especially our digestive tract – through these unpredictable seasonal changes. As the weather is changing, I often encourage my patients to gradually begin adding in early spring foods into their batch cooking staples and consuming these throughout the week. As a general rule, I like to choose at least 2 new spring veggies, one whole grain, and fresh herbs and spices as they become available. Adding these into your meals each day helps your digestion to gently transition energetically and maintain a gradual balance of seasonal attunement. You can try all three, or one at a time as these ingredients become available in your area. Each will store in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.

Winter to Spring Recipes

Early Spring Barley


  • 4 1/2 cup vegetable broth or chicken broth
  • 2 cups pearled barley, rinsed and soaked overnight
  • 1 tsp celtic sea salt
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1 tsp coriander powder
  • 1/2 cup spring onions, chopped
  • 1 tsp ghee or coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup hemp seeds or  roasted sunflower seeds

Bring broth  to a boil in a medium sized saucepan. Wash barley and add to boiling water. Add salt, turmeric, coriander, spring onions  and ghee. Stir, covered, and simmer on medium-low heat for 45 minutes until barley is very soft. Garnish with hemp seeds or roasted sunflower seeds and serve warm in addition to your meals.

Asparagus & Avocado Chilled Soup


  • 3 medium ripe avocados, pitted
  • 1.5 pound asparagus,washed, roasted or lightly steamed
  • 2.5 cups plain coconut milk
  • 3 cloves garlic (less if you have a sensitive stomach)
  • ¼ cup chopped spring onion
  • ¼ cup fresh parsley
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • Juice of 1 lime
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • ½ teaspoon cardamom
  • ¼ tsp fennel seed powder
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt

Add all ingredients (except the asparagus) into a high speed blender , and blend until smooth. Coarsely shop the roasted asparagus and add to the blender and pulse to desired thickness. You can blend until very smooth or leave a little chunky. Serve warm or slightly chilled

Easy Spring Herbed Peas


  • 2 pounds of fresh spring peas
  • ½ cup ghee
  • 3 scallions, minced
  • 3 tbsp fresh chives, chopped
  • 2 tbsp coarsely chopped cilantro or parsley
  • 3 tsp grated lemon zest
  • ½ tsp sea salt

Boil fresh peas in a saucepan of slightly salted water for about 3 minutes. Strain and set aside. the ghee on low heat and directly add the scallions and chives. Let simmer for 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat and add the peas, cilantro/parsley and lemon zest and mix well. Add salt if desired.

About the Author:

Lindsay Kluge is a Clinical Herbalist & Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist and received her Masters of Science degree in Herbal Medicine from the Maryland University of Integrative Health in 2012. She has been with Richmond Natural Medicine since 2013, and specializes in therapeutic holistic nutrition, circadian rhythm balance and sleep physiology, digestion, and Ayurvedic nutrition. She offers individualized nutrition and herbal medicine consultations that include meal planning support, custom compounded herbal formulas, nutrition guidance and general wellness support.  Learn more about services that Lindsay offers at Richmond Natural Medicine by clicking HERE.




857 Views0
Transitioning to a GLUTEN FREE diet

When it comes to transitioning to a gluten free diet, there is no single “right way” to do this, as each person’s response to gluten can range tremendously.

Whether due to a recent allergy, celiac diagnosis, general digestive issues or simply being more conscious of your overall health, there is a huge influx of people within the past 15 years who have chosen to remove gluten from their diet. Unfortunately, when we choose to remove anything from our diet, it is often accompanied by external judgement, stigma and plenty of misinformation surrounding a decision that should otherwise be personal and individual.  

Start Small

When I counsel people on shifting to a gluten free diet, I often recommend they begin with small steps (unless their diagnosis or reaction to gluten is extreme, such as the case of celiac disease in which all wheat and gluten should be avoided). This means first paying attention to their symptoms, writing down their foods and reactions, experimenting with various forms of grains and incorporating in other foods or herbal therapeutics that support digestion during the entire process.  It is important to pay attention to your body’s signals and develop a deep understanding of the foods that either support or detract from your overall health. 

Modern Day Wheat

Processing and production of modern day wheat is heavily overproduced and over-processed. For example, in this country modern day wheat barely marks a resemblance to the wheat products that were consumed 50 years ago. The most popular strains of wheat that are produced now are often easier to harvest, cheaper to produce and significantly less nutrient dense than heirloom wheat strains.  Coincidentally they also have a higher gluten protein content. In our modern diet, wheat, soy and corn are three of the most heavily produced foods and therefore make up a larger part of our diet than we may realize. This is where paying attention to your food labels and familiarizing yourself with all the different forms of wheat is hugely beneficial. It is important to remember that not all grains contain gluten, and familiarizing yourself with several types of grains is helpful when transitioning to a gluten free diet.

Gluten Containing Grains

Examples of gluten containing grains include: wheat, barley, rye, couscous, spelt, semolina, durum, malt, brewer’s yeast, farro, wheat bran and wheat germ. For a complete list of all gluten containing grains and wheat derivatives, visit the reference page. Each grain has an individual nutrient profile with a varying range of gluten proteins, therefore each person (with mild gluten sensitivity) may have individual reactions to some gluten containing grains more than others. If you have a serious gluten condition, all of these grains should be avoided. If you’re experimenting with removing gluten from your diet, it is often helpful to remove all of these grains initially for at least 4 weeks, then add in one grain at a time and pay attention to how your body accepts or reacts to this addition. Go slowly, and allow at least 10 days between adding in different grains. Pay attention to processed or packaged foods such as soy sauce, prepared sauces, beer, baked goods, pasta, candy, gravy, imitation meat, salad dressings and lunch meats, as these often contain gluten ingredients. When a commercially produced product contains gluten ingredients, it should be clearly marked underneath the ingredient list saying. “Contains Gluten”.

Gluten-Free Grains

Examples of gluten free grains include: steel cut or gluten free oats, buckwheat, millet, quinoa, amaranth, wild rice, nuts and seeds, arrowroot, teff, and flax. Many of these grains are also extremely nutrient dense with rich protein content and are high in fiber, making them an excellent addition to meals. Again, try them one at a time and make sure you can tolerate them well. Many local health food stores will carry these grains in their bulk food area, as well as stock certified gluten free products made with many of these gluten free grains. Do keep in mind, however, that just because a product is “gluten free” doesn’t automatically make it healthy and well tolerated. For example, if you have an allergy or intolerance to potato, almost all gluten free products contain potato derivatives of some kind. So again, this is very individualized.

In summary…

When transitioning to a gluten free diet pay close attention to your symptoms, keep a food log, remove gluten containing grains from your diet (and in some cases), gradually add them back into your diet slowly and one at a time. This will either reinforce which grains you need to avoid or allow opportunity to consume select grains depending on your individual response.

If you need support during this process or help figuring out which grains work best for you to support your digestion, schedule a Nutrition appointment at Richmond Natural Medicine with Lindsay Kluge and we can come up with a tailored nutrition plan that fits your unique health picture.

Additional Resources & Perspectives:

Kamut: An Ancient Grain with Many Health Benefits

The Truth About Grains, part I

The Truth About Grains, part II

Gluten Free Food Labeling

About the Author:

Lindsay Kluge is a Clinical Herbalist & Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist and received her Masters of Science degree in Herbal Medicine from the Maryland University of Integrative Health in 2012. She has been with Richmond Natural Medicine since 2013, and specializes in therapeutic holistic nutrition, circadian rhythm balance and sleep physiology, digestion, and Ayurvedic nutrition. She offers individualized nutrition and herbal medicine consultations that include meal planning support, custom compounded herbal formulas, nutrition guidance and general wellness support.  Learn more about services that Lindsay offers at Richmond Natural Medicine by clicking HERE.

711 Views0
Reconnecting to Mother Nature by Getting Grounded

The earth is always available and always underneath you – you simply have to walk outside!

Our ancestors throughout human history have sat, stood, walked, slept, worked and played on the ground.  As we evolved we have lost our connection to the earth, with synthetic rubber soled shoes, sleeping on beds full of insulating material, and living largely indoors. We lack the connection to the earth’s healing power in our modern industrialized world.  As this has happened humans have become more and more ill, likely as a result of this disconnection.

What on earth is Earthing?

Earthing (aka grounding) is the timeless and simple practice of having direct contact with the Earth’s surface by walking barefoot, sitting, or lying on the ground outside.  Note: You must have direct skin contact with the earth.

Why is it important?

It is well studied that the earth’s surface is a never-ending supply of free electrons. The earth surface therefore is electrically conductive and maintains a negative potential. As humans we are made up of approximately 50-65% water.  In that water we have electrolytes like sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and more.  This creates an inner environment that is able to conduct the free electrons the earth has to offer.  We are bioelectric beings; our innate physiology from the beats of our heart to the signals sent by our nervous system depicts this fact.

Earthing reunites us with the naturally occurring electrical signals from the earth that govern all organisms dwelling upon it.  It restores the body’s natural internal electrical stability and rhythms, which in turn promotes normal functioning of all body systems, including the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, immune and neurological systems.  It remedies electron deficiency to reduce inflammation and shifts the nervous system from a sympathetic to parasympathetic state.  By reconnecting with the earth we allow the body to return to a normal state of electrical balance, which allows the body to better self heal.

How does this work?

The Earth is constantly being charged by solar radiation, thousands of lightning strikes per minute (~5,ooo per minute!!), and heat from the central molten core.  The electrons from the earth act as potent antioxidants and reduce electrical imbalances within your body and thus reduce oxidative stress and damage to the cells and tissues.  The Earth’s diurnal electrical rhythms are also proposed to set the biological clocks for hormones that regulate sleep and activity. One study showed that grounding while sleeping resynchronized cortisol hormone secretion, regulated circadian rhythm, as well as reduced pain and stress.

Health Benefits of Earthing:

  • Reduction of inflammation
  • Reduction of chronic pain
  • Reduction of stress
  • Increases energy
  • Improves sleep
  • Regulates cortisol rhythm
  • Improves heart rate variability
  • Regulates blood sugar metabolism
  • Improves blood flow circulation
  • Relieves muscle tension
  • Speeds healing process
  • Protection from EMFs
  • Shifts the autonomic nervous system from a sympathetic (fight or flight) to parasympathetic (rest and heal) state

The Beauty of Reconnection & Grounding:

The earth is always available and always underneath you – you simply have to walk outside! This healing source is available to everyone and even better this is a FREE therapy you can give yourself. There are no harmful side effects and there is no such thing as too much.

Getting outside and grounding also reconnects you to nature – our greatest teacher. The greater whole of nature often times offers us perspective.  It connects us to something much larger than ourselves and gives us a sense of purpose and offers us more tools to cope with the chaos of daily life.  Connecting to nature provides clearer more attentive minds, uplifted energy, inspiration, and a greater sense of well-being.

Bonus healing tip: Maximize the healing capacity of your grounding practice by visualizing yourself being charged up by all the earth has to offer and offering the earth gratitude in return!

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better” – Albert Einstein

Resource: Ober, C., Sinatra, S. T., & Zucker, M. (2010). Earthing: the most important health discovery ever? Laguna Beach, CA: Basic Health Publications.

849 Views1

The most important meal of the day (BREAKFAST) is also commonly the most overlooked meal.

In nutrition appointments, I hear over and over again the reasons why people skip breakfast and it usually has to do with lack of time in the morning and also lack of appetite. If you’ve gone several months (or even years!) without eating breakfast, then your  appetite adjusts to that and it’s difficult to incorporate eating breakfast back into your routine. It usually takes about 3-4 weeks for your digestive system to adjust and begin to expect food earlier in the day.

Morning meals don’t have to be complex or time consuming. In fact, most morning breakfasts can be prepped the night before for minimal work in the morning.

Below are 5 quick breakfast ideas that are high in proteins, colorful with fruits and vegetables and easily prepped:

  1. 2 egg scramble with (pre-chopped) red pepper, onion and mushrooms.  Pre-chop all the veggies once during the week and just add in ½ cup to your morning egg scramble.
  2. Quick cooking oats / overnight oats with ¼ cup walnuts, blueberries, hemps seeds and honey.  Quick cooking oats take 3-4 minutes to prepare in the morning. Adding in nuts and seeds for added proteins and fresh fruits for color and nutrients make a delicious and hearty breakfast.
  3. 2 pieces whole grain sprouted toast with smashed avocado, sea salt and hemp seeds.  Sprouted whole grain toast is an excellent carrier for so many things! Top with smashed up avocado and hemp seeds, nut butter and banana or greek yogurt and fresh fruits for protein rich options.
  4. 1 cup plain, full fat yogurt with fresh fruits, almonds and honey.  Siggi’s is an excellent yogurt that’s high in protein and low in sugar that makes a delicious creamy protein rich option for a quick breakfast. Top with fresh fruit and honey for added sweetness.
  5. Protein rich smoothie with banana, blueberries, nut butter, almond milk and hemp seeds.  You can also add additional protein powders to morning smoothies to enhance the protein content. I always recommend making a smoothing and then pouring into a bowl, top with a bit of granola and eat like cereal. This tricks your stomach into staying fuller longer.

If breakfast is something you’re not allowing time for – consider batch prepping some of the above options to save more time. Having something that is protein rich and nutrient dense in the morning is extremely beneficial to maintaining blood sugar balance and also enhancing your energy and cortisol production early on in the day. Start with just half a serving if you’re not usually hungry in the morning and slowly work your way up to a full serving for your stomach and appetite to adjust.

Looking for more personalized meal suggestions for you and your family? Consider scheduling a  nutrition appointment with RNM’s Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist Lindsay Kluge for a custom nutrition plan that fits your needs and lifestyle.

About the Author:

Lindsay Kluge is a Clinical Herbalist & Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist and received her Masters of Science degree in Herbal Medicine from the Maryland University of Integrative Health in 2012. She has been with Richmond Natural Medicine since 2013, and specializes in therapeutic holistic nutrition, circadian rhythm balance and sleep physiology, digestion, and Ayurvedic nutrition. She offers individualized nutrition and herbal medicine consultations that include meal planning support, custom compounded herbal formulas, nutrition guidance and general wellness support.  Learn more about services that Lindsay offers at Richmond Natural Medicine by clicking HERE.

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Symptoms Serve as Signals

At Richmond Natural Medicine, many of us recognize that physical symptoms are more than just physical matter.

One of the hardest things to admit is that what we have been doing or the path we’ve been on is just not working.  Maybe something changed or maybe we changed.  But this realization can occur due to a change in our health.  The nagging headaches, the abdominal pain, poor sleep, anxiety or a new diagnosis persist.  But these symptoms can actually serve as a signal that something larger is going on. It can serve as an indicator that something bigger needs to change in your life.  You see, the mind and body connection is real.  Researchers show that under chronic long-term stress, immune markers, inflammation and heart rate variability change.  Essentially, stress and our mood do impact our physical health.  Thus, if we are living out of alignment or our purpose, the body will in fact work to communicate with you.  It will try to get your attention.  The fact is that symptoms can worsen or resurface over and over again until we do something different.  These symptoms serve as signals.

The Past

It is inevitable that we grow and change.  It doesn’t mean that we don’t appreciate the past or the life and lessons we have learned before, it may just be a different time. This can happen for so many reasons including transitions, age, injury, or loss.  For many people, a large part of their identity may come from their career or raising children where maybe there was little self-care.  As life further unfolds, the career or the nest becomes less full, and people may sense that there is a different path awaiting them.  Maybe for years they have ignored hip pain, diabetes or headaches. They mustered through where life was about duty and they did not think about their needs or what would be most useful for them.  They were not in touch with their body and instead the mind was overriding their own needs.  

But some individuals have been unhappy in a career or relationship for some time where they grinned and also mustered through it. They didn’t want to let others down or they don’t want to admit that their decision wasn’t working. They also didn’t want to fail.  But they have been willing to sacrifice their own happiness or needs for others.  It is admirable but not sustainable.  And thus because the mind, body and spirit are connected, the body will start presenting symptoms of dis-ease. It is at this point, that bodily symptoms serve as a cross roads.

Do we listen?

The point is many times we are faced with a transition that we did not anticipate or ask for.  We might be willing to give anything to have another day with a loved one, another stroll in the park before our accident, to heal a broken heart, to have that old job or to have our youth back.  It is natural that, since we are creatures of habit, many of us would like things to stay the same. Staying in the same situation provides normalcy even if it isn’t the healthiest situation.  We are often conditioned where we learn patterns from society and within our upbringing that may have told us to “suck it up and deal with it”.  But what if your body is telling you something else? Do you listen?  

The Body is Wise

You see, the body will never lie to you.  But our mind will.  We can convince ourselves of so many things as well as talk ourselves out of things or even minimize health concerns.  But the body is so wise and will communicate physical symptoms when we are in conflict or being forced to do things for long periods of time that are not congruent or in our highest good.  The body gives us clues of where attention and healing are needed.  

What is in Your Highest Good?

Change can be hard.  But sometimes sticking with the same thing is even harder.  At some point, there will be a breaking point in your health.  But if you are resisting the inevitable change where you are “sticking” with a job, or sticking with a relationship or career that makes you sick on a regular basis, your body may be screaming at you.  And at some point you may have no other option but to listen.  But even now it is your job to listen.  You are the steward of your body.  No one else.  Listen with your heart, mind, body and spirit.  What is truly in your highest good?  Be brave and follow your body’s signal.

Our Experience

The reason this topic is so important is because we see this all the time within our practice.  Because we deeply understand the mind-body connection, we see many people who come to us in pain, broken and suffering.  But it isn’t always just physical suffering.  There is often more behind their picture.  We see individuals that have been unhappy for years or something changed in their life. The point is how much are you willing to sacrifice?  How much of your health are you willing to lose before you admit a new path is needed?  

At Richmond Natural Medicine, many of us recognize that physical symptoms are more than just physical matter.  We are a whole being that needs joy, love, compassion and someone to deeply understand where we each have been; what has shaped us and what has brought us to this point.  We truly understand that there was deep value in the past, but that there is also value in a new path.

The New Path

Change is a courageous process and we welcome those that are sick, suffering and ready for a new path to unfold.  Be brave!  Be courageous!  

If you are at a place where you recognize the interconnection of your physical and emotional health and are looking for help as you make new steps in your healing journey, reach out to the team at Richmond Natural Medicine.  Contact our office (804) 977-2634 and consider working with one of our trained practitioners to customize a holistic plan to address the mind body and spirit connection of your health.  

About the Author:

Dr. Leah Hollon ND MPH

Richmond Native and Naturopathic Dr. Leah Hollon is the Co-Owner of Richmond Natural Medicine. She received her B.S. and MPH from Virginia Commonwealth University. She is a graduate of National College of Natural Medicine where she received her Naturopathic Medical Degree. Her areas of focus include Autoimmune, Hormones, MTHFR Gene Mutation and Naturopathic Cancer Support. Please check our Book An Appointment for more information about booking an appointment.

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