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Do you feel like you just finally got relief from your Fall seasonal allergies? Well, don’t throw out your supplements just yet because it’s time to start preparing for Spring allergy season! Last year, we noticed that pollen levels slowly started increasing around the middle of February here in Richmond, which means now is the time to prepare! Heading into the peak of allergy season with the lowest histamine levels possible will work to your advantage, as your body will be able to process and clear histamines more effectively in the hopes that you will experience fewer symptoms! 


What Causes Seasonal Allergies?

As we venture outdoors more in the springtime, exposure to pollen, grass, flowers, trees, and other environmental triggers can cause spring allergy symptoms. When we are exposed to these allergens, our bodies sometimes see them as a threat, so it causes our immune system to react. This reaction causes mast cells within our body to release histamines, which helps our bodies fight these ‘invaders’ but also ends up causing more symptoms. Our main goal is to stabilize the mast cells so less histamines are released, which will result in fewer or less severe symptoms and will help you enjoy the spring season a little more.


Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

Symptoms of seasonal allergies can vary dramatically from person to person. Still, some of the most common symptoms include a runny nose or nasal congestion, sneezing, coughing, watery/itchy eyes, postnasal drip, headaches, and fatigue. Sometimes, we even see changes in our blood pressure and heart rate! 


Spring Allergy Preparation Tips

  • Avoid high-histamine foods to help reduce the overall histamine burden in the body. A few examples of high-histamine foods include citrus fruits, pineapples, bananas, strawberries, tomatoes, eggplants, spinach, packaged meats, fermented foods, shellfish, alcohol
  • Air Quality: Consider purchasing a HEPA air filter for your main living spaces to reduce allergens in the air. Dust surfaces in your home often, vacuum carpets, and wash curtains and bedding frequently to reduce allergen exposure. If you spend a significant amount of time outdoors, consider changing clothes as soon as you enter the house to reduce contamination throughout the rest of your home. It’s also common for allergens to find their way inside your home by way of your shoes. So, make sure to take those shoes off by the door!
  • Castor Oil Packs: Consider purchasing a bottle of cold-pressed castor oil to use daily for optimal liver health! Castor oil is anti-inflammatory and can help gently support the detoxification pathways within the liver. This helps ensure we are effectively breaking down and eliminating histamines from our circulatory system. Important Note: Castor oil is to be applied topically (rubbed on the skin) over the abdomen/liver and is not to be taken internally.


Spring Goals: Start clearing those histamines! Schedule an appointment with one of our naturopathic doctors to learn more about histamine processing and what additional support may be best for you to incorporate this spring season! 


Read More: Benefits of Air Purifiers in Spring 
Read More: How to: Castor Oil Pack 



  1. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8469513/
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK557790/ 


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