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Settling into winter can be an opportunity to experience the grounding, hibernating calm that the season exemplifies. With its dark, long nights and quiet, chilly days, these peaceful months invite us to reflect on what nature is doing around us while carefully balancing our ongoing life responsibilities. Even though nature is hibernating and slowing down, our day-to-day lives may not be, and establishing a gentle winter wellbeing guide may help you to effectively settle into this season and take care of yourself as you deserve. 

Winter Wellbeing Guide


  • Stay warm and toasty. Wear wool underlayers and keep your neck warm with turtlenecks or scarves (even inside). 
  • Consistently move your body with active stretching, yoga in the morning or evening, and continuing your favorite exercise routines. If you run extra cold in the winter, your body may feel tight and brittle with a  lack of movement. Daily stretching will keep your body feeling warm and flexible. 
  • Practice self massage throughout the week. After a shower or bath, gently massage warm sesame or bath oil onto your chest, neck, and shoulders. This supports lymphatic drainage and hydrates your skin. 


  • Spend a bit of time each day outdoors to connect with and listen to the season. This not only helps to calibrate our inner circannual rhythms, but time in nature significantly improves our mental health. 
  • Winter is an ideal time to practice gratitude journaling and self-reflection. Take just a few moments each day to reflect on the things in life you are grateful for (nothing is too small!), and meditate on any habits or daily practices you would like to improve upon each day. 
  • Learn more and experience the art of “Wintering” and how it can positively influence your approach to the season. 


Read More: Daily Practices to Support Mental Health 



  • Daily Tea Breaks: Sip on ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, or warm lemon water throughout the day. These are excellent circulatory supporting herbs to keep the blood flowing and bring inner warmth.
  • Cook ALL the foods. Raw foods are generally more cooling and harder to digest in colder months while soups, stews, porridge, and sautéed foods are more easily digested and warming to your digestion.
  • Enjoy winter fruits for extra nutrients and antioxidants such as pomegranates, oranges, pears, grapefruits, and cranberries. 
  • When cooking grains (rice, quinoa, couscous, millet), in place of water use a vegetable, chicken, or mushroom broth for a rich flavor and added nutrients. 


Throughout the weeks of winter, try choosing one of the above each week and implementing that into your daily routine. Layering these wellbeing practices is a sustainable way to keep these self-care habits consistent. 


Read More: Winter Fluctuations – Weight, Emotions & Sleep Support 


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