chronic infection
Naturopathic Care & Chronic Infections

Those dealing with chronic infections, and even individuals with chronically weakened immune function, often face a challenging and frustrating health obstacle to overcome. Chronic or persistent infections are ones in which the virus (or instigating pathogen) is not clearing, and remains in specific cells, sometimes reactivating and causing symptoms. There are many reasons why a chronic infection may not be clear, and some of these infections are not always responsive to antiviral or antibiotic drug treatments. Each chronic infection may have a different presentation from person to person, making treatments even more difficult.

Some viruses, for example, can remain latent for months or even years before they are activated again. Examples of this may be HPV, shingles, and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Some of the biggest triggers of reactivating a chronic infection can be the presence of another virus weakened immune function or stress. Chronic infections may also present with cyclical or seasonal patterns, therefore taking a proactive approach could be very helpful. Having a “big picture” perspective while understanding the nuances of chronic infections or viral patterns is a big help to approach your care holistically, effectively, and individually. That’s where naturopathic medicine can help.

Read More: Integrating Naturopathic Care and Western Medicine
The Naturopathic Approach to Chronic Infections

When supporting a person with a persistent chronic infection, the naturopathic doctor will always assess your entire health picture, not just your acute symptoms. Family history, epigenetics, sleep, diet, stress, and your own health history are important factors that can influence the presentation and healing of chronic infections. Dr. Leah Hollon, ND, MPH takes both a big picture and a fine-point view of dealing with an infection, looking for the specific triggers and symptom presentation:

“The chronic viruses can heighten and worsen with stress. For example, The TRAF1 enzyme (also known as Epstein Barr Virus-induced enzyme 6) is part of serving as a checkpoint or protector against many viruses. And it is epigenetic (of the family line) and thus based on this you can see EBV, shingles or any herpes family virus to be more likely to get set off. TRAF1 also governs SIBO and Lyme. If stress does occur, then being proactive is important so that recurrence or worse symptoms do not set up. Part of this is epigenetic and also related to stress. If a person knows that they are sensitive to stress, then they will need to be very proactive now and be conscious of this throughout their life.”

Dr. Hollon also recommends that through the approaching Fall and Winter months, it is important to have your vitamin D levels checked and within good range:

“Often those reactivating with viruses have their Vit D below 20 but often around 12 or less”.

If you find that your vitamin D levels are deficient, you can consult with your primary care or naturopathic doctor for appropriate supplementation to bring your levels back into the optimal range.

Read More: How does Vitamin D Affect Immune Health?

The naturopathic approach to healing chronic infection will almost always utilize multiple approaches, including diet, lifestyle (including your relationship with stress), and botanical, homeopathic, and supplements when needed.

Nutrition Support for Chronic Infections

Everything we put into our body affects its daily function, either strengthening our body or depleting it. Every day in every season, it is important to maintain a whole food, a seasonal and colorful diet rich in phytonutrients (vegetables!), antioxidants (fruits!), adequate fiber (vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes) and probiotic-rich foods (fermented foods like yogurt, miso, kimchi, and sauerkraut) can help to maintain our natural vitality. Avoiding pro-inflammatory foods is just as important, especially empty calories, processed sugars, alcohol, and processed carbs.

Read More: Nutrition Support for Balances Probiotics and Gut Health

If you need support managing a chronic infection, a weakened immune system, or building better dietary habits to support these conditions, request an appointment with one of our naturopathic doctors trained both in nutrition and other natural modalities.

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Balance Energy & Cortisol Levels With These Tips

Almost everyone experiences some fluctuations in their energy levels throughout their lives.

From day to day, so many factors influence how our body responds to the demands of our routine lives. Maintaining healthy energy levels is something that from a naturopathic perspective is extremely successful, and can offer a wide range of benefits that extends far beyond just your energy levels. Improved sleep, healthy blood sugar balance, and stress reduction are some of the most common influencers of energy levels throughout our lives, and there are several holistic supports, including herbs, that can be successfully used to support healthy energy levels.

What Contributes to Low Energy?

We all experience our days differently, however biologically we go through the same processes. Healthy energy levels are dependent on, but not limited to, three main things:

  1. The quality and quantity of healthy sleep practices
  2. Blood sugar balance (highly influenced by your diet)
  3. Hormonal control (cortisol) and adrenal health (highly influenced by stress)

Check into all three of these areas if you are frequently experiencing low or inconsistent energy levels: How are you sleeping? What is the quality of your diet? How much stress do you carry every day? These are three main questions your naturopathic doctor will ask you when trying to support healthy energy levels.

How Healthy Cortisol Levels Support Sustained Energy

Cortisol is the body’s energy hormone and is also one of the main hormones that deal with both acute and chronic stress. A healthy, daily cortisol rhythm should look like a nice gentle wave – slowly increasing around sunrise, peaking at midday, and then slowly decreasing to a gentle trough around sunset when melatonin (your sleep hormone) begins to rise. With this gradual increase and decrease throughout the day, our energy levels are supported and sustained. However, cortisol spikes and drops are highly influenced by acute and chronic stress triggers.

Similar to epinephrine and norepinephrine, cortisol is secreted in response to an acute stressor, but it is also produced and excreted in response to low-level and/or chronic stress (after the adrenaline is used up or wears off). Like most things in the body, we need some cortisol but not too much. In the right amounts, cortisol has the following actions in the body:

  • Wakes us up in the morning (a major player in our circadian rhythm)
  • Raises blood sugar when it dips
  • Maintains blood pressure (especially when standing)
  • Reduces pain and inflammation
  • Provides resistance to acute or chronic stressors (like infection, extreme temperatures, trauma, etc.)
  • However, over time, too much cortisol can lead to issues like:
  • Weak connective tissues and difficulty healing
  • Weak bones
  • Growth inhibition
  • High blood pressure
  • Mood, cognitive and memory issues
  • Blood sugar dysregulation
  • Low libido
  • Low sex hormone levels – including infertility and menstrual disorders
  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Abdominal adiposity
  • Skin thinning
  • Immune suppression

If you’re extremely tired with no energy in the morning, or your energy plummets mid-afternoon, this is a clear sign that your cortisol rhythm is off, and the focus should be on incorporating lifestyle, environmental, and nutritional therapies to support your endocrine system and adrenal glands.

Read More: The Key to Vibrant Health: The Adrenal Glands

Unique Herbs That Support Stable Energy

Most herbs used to support healthy energy levels fall into the category of “Adaptogens” and “Nervines”. Adaptogens generally support the endocrine system and adrenal glands, while nervines support the central and enteric nervous system. When used together, these two classes of herbs work holistically to address multiple organ systems that may be influencing our overall state of energy. It is extremely important to remember that herbs, including adaptogens and nervines, do not work immediately and should not be used indiscriminately. Give them time to work and adjust to your body. And don’t over-do it. Start with one or maybe two to see how each affects your body. Better still. Consult with your herbalist or Naturopathic Doctor to see which herb is the best fit for you and your specific needs.

Holy Basil (Tulsi)

A treasured and highly spiritual plant in Ayurvedic medicine, holy basil is a multi-faceted herbal ally for a wide range of health issues. As an adaptogen and stress support, it is truly unmatched. It offers protection against several kinds of stress, including physical stress related to over-exertion and exercise, toxic load stress from environmental and industrial pollutants, metabolic stress stemming from blood sugar, blood pressure, and lipid level dysregulation, and psycho-emotional stress associated with anxiety, depression, and poor cognitive function. Being in the mint family, holy basil is traditionally consumed as a delicious daily tea.


The sweet, earthy root of licorice is one of the most widely used, and beneficial adaptogens for adrenal support, and gentle energy enhancement. Licorice root has a direct effect on cortisol patterns, and when used long term can have a very therapeutic effect on long term stress. The Glycyrrhetinic Acid (GA) constituent in licorice inhibits an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of cortisol into cortisone, resulting in a delayed excretion and prolonged activity of cortisol. In short, licorice can support the healthy release of cortisol from the adrenal glands, when in some cases of acute or chronic stress cortisol can be released much too quickly.

Read More: Sustained Energy & Stress Management Through Herbal Support

To request an appointment with one of our Naturopathic Doctors, click here.

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Tips for Creating Wellness Habits With Children
Many of us know that as adults, establishing positive health habits every day can be quite a struggle.

Finding the time, having outlets, learning new skills, and maintaining the practices once we have routines and schedules can be exceptionally challenging. As children, we often follow our parents’ lead, and learning basic wellbeing practices for children is dependent on what we observe when we’re kids. So many of us were never taught the basic skills of cooking, or the importance of being outdoors, or the need for daily exercise at an early age, thus developing those practices in adulthood is all the more difficult.

If you have kids that may be struggling with their overall health and wellbeing practices, there are plenty of things you can start with each day to encourage healthy habits (and they don’t all have to be done at once!). Here are some simple ways you can encourage kids to be well, every day:

  • Let them help to prepare part of their meal or the family meal. This encourages them to develop a relationship with the food that they consume. It’s not just something that miraculously appears before them every day. Preparing food takes time, energy, some skill, and concentration. Even if it’s letting them stir the pot, pour their cereal, arrange some ingredients on the counter, or make their own sandwich, these little steps keep them involved in the preparation process, and learn essential cooking skills and at a young age.
Read More: Batch Cooking: The Basics of Meal Planning
  • Where possible, let your kids enjoy the outdoors. Sunlight and fresh air are essential for us all, and viewing the natural world is so important for children to develop a sense of connection with the home they will eventually steward. Take a few extra moments to point out the little details around them – the ants going and coming from their hill, different flowers in the yard, the birds overhead, earthworms, the shapes of different leaves, or the first three insects they see outside. If your kiddos are old enough to write, have them jot down a sentence or two about their time outside each day. What they saw, what they heard, or the cloud shapes they observed.
Read More: The Essential Roles of Vitamin D
  • Grow something together. Even one pot with a tomato or basil plant growing is a huge, magical process to observe for a child. Give them the responsibility to water the pots during the week, or ask them to grab a tomato, some basil leaves (or whatever herb you grow!) for dinner that night. Seeing the process of food growing teaches them that the food supply is an actual time-intensive, delicate process.
Read More: 10 Tools For Making a Positive Change In Your Health
  • Get moving: Kids have loads of energy, and they need an outlet (as do parents). If their energy spikes and you have a yard, let them run around. Go for walks, stretch, or go for a bike ride together. Encouraging movement every day helps to reinforce the necessity of it, especially if they sit doing schoolwork or watching TV most of the day.
Read More: Children’s Health
  • Practice being still and quiet for 30-60 seconds at a time. These brief pauses can be such a challenge for hyperactive kids (and adults), but they are a great practice to learn how to pause, take a breath, and then carry on. This interrupts our overactive brain and connects us back to our body, even briefly. Try this yourself throughout the day, and do it together with your kids before a meal, before bed, or in the car. Take two big deep breaths together at a time.
Read More: Using Mindfulness to Reduce Stress


These daily practices are all foundational habits that we need as adults. Eating well, cooking and growing our own food, connecting with the outdoors, and regular exercise are all basic life needs that so many people do not get exposed to at a young age. Try them yourself, and start with one at a time if you feel overwhelmed.

Need help setting these positive habits? Our naturopathic doctors can help you create new lifestyle habits that are key on the road to health & healing. Request an appointment online or call our office, (804) 977-2634 to learn more.

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What is Orthorexia? Clean Eating vs. Disordered Behavior
Being conscious about what we eat in today’s continually questionable grocery and agriculture markets is not an unfounded habit.

In fact, educating yourself about the sources of your foods and how they were produced from start to finish is advisable. There is so much we assume is safe that is not, so much we should consider outrageous that is acceptable (i,e, animal treatment on factory farms for instance), and so many commonly used ingredients that go by an endless list of curious, unrecognizable names. Educating yourself, and making smart choices about what you consume is very empowering. However, just like any habit or practice, there is a tipping point that makes it extreme. In this case, one can be so hyper-vigilant about the quality of their foods it can have negative health consequences. This is called Orthorexia.

What is Orthorexia?

Orthorexia is defined as, “…a pathological obsession with proper nutrition that is characterized by a restrictive diet, ritualized patterns of eating, and rigid avoidance of foods believed to be unhealthy or impure”***. It often results in heavily restricting ingredients or food groups due to the inability to find the “best” source or worrying that the ingredient or food will do significant harm to their health. In some cases, this obsession with finding and avoiding certain foods and ingredients comes from excessive research (and not always from credible sources). Additionally, long term orthorexia can lead to nutrient deficiencies and chronic fixations on only choosing the purest foods possible.

Although not much clinical attention has been paid to orthorexia, it is both a behavioral condition and a disease disguised as a “virtue”. Yes, it is smart and responsible to be health-conscious, but when our food choices negatively impact our health and mental well being, contribute to nutrient depletion and other health complications, and lead us to avoid food altogether, it is a serious problem verging on eating disorder territory.

Read More: ***The Clinical Basis or Orthorexia Nervosa

Symptoms of Orthorexia

  1. Obsessively researching proper nutrition and purity of foods to maximize their wellbeing.
  2. A hyper-focus on the quality of a food rather than the quantity.
  3. Spending excessive time scrutinizing food sources and ingredients.
  4. Restricting or avoiding food groups and ingredients due to quality, sourcing, or packaging.
  5. Spending excessive time cataloging foods, weighing and measuring foods, preparing foods, following specific rules about food combining, and going unusually long periods of time
  6. Fasting or skipping meals if “impure” foods are consumed.
  7. Often strongly vocalize their health opinions to friends and family.
  8. May often experience health-related anxiety.

The Slippery Slope of Orthorexia

From a nutrition perspective, there is a fine line between educating yourself to make healthy, informed choices, and refusing to eat anything but the highest quality foods available. Learning to read food labels, and researching unrecognizable ingredients is advised. Avoiding unsafe and clearly unhealthy foods is also encouraged. But remember that as Americans, we live in a society where almost any ingredient or food product is available through global distribution. We must learn to balance our own desire to eat and live in a healthy manner, with the variety of food choices presented to us in a typical supermarket.

It’s possible to make simple dietary changes without crossing the line into obsession. For example, if you’re concerned about the BPA content in canned foods, try buying dried beans and soaking them most of the time, but if you’re in a pinch and need a can of beans, that’s okay. You can also get to know your local farmers and support local health food stores by purchasing organic produce when available, while also remembering that seasons and weather are unpredictable. If a food is not available for a week or two, it’s okay to accept that and choose a different food in the meantime.

Nutrition Tips for Healthy Choices

The 80/20 Rule – Think of the entirety of your day and week. If you’re making mindful and conscious nutrition choices about 80% of the time, while 20% allows for some wiggle room, desserts, or a less mindful purchase, you’re doing a great job!

Get to know your local farmers, and shop local – Do you have a local farmers market? If so, go! Get to know your local farmers and gardeners and see what they have available. Ask them questions about their farms and their agriculture practices. Buying fresh fruits and vegetables locally is a gentle encouragement to try new foods and come up with new recipes. With each season bringing a new set of available goodies, you’ll hardly get stuck eating the same ingredient twice. Plus, supporting your local farmer is incredibly beneficial for your community.

Practice intuitive eating & try eating with gratitude – Intuitive eating is the personal practice of developing a relationship with your body and your food. It means learning to listen and pay attention to your body’s hunger/fullness cues and cravings, and mindfully making choices to support your body’s needs. Eating intuitively breaks the cycle of dieting, encourages body positivity, and teaches you to be confident in making choices outside of any diet label or protocol.

Read More: 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating

Grow your own ingredients – If you’re lucky enough to have a yard or a sunny corner inside your home, plant some vegetables in a garden bed or in containers. Living in an industrialized nation, we often take for granted that our food is harvested by farmers near and far. Organic produce is the gold standard for nutrient density, and although we may find organic produce in the supermarket, it is not always available locally. If there are no Organic or Certified Naturally Grown farmers in your region, try growing your own fresh food and share the bounty with your community.

Helpful Resources:

If you need nutrition support or want to learn more about creating a healthy relationship with food and making your own educated dietary choices, consider requesting an appointment online with naturopathic doctor and nutrition expert, Dr. Viktoriya Beliy, ND, MScN.

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Welcome to RNM Dr. Vanessa Ferreira, ND!

As our community grows here in Richmond and throughout Virginia, we are continually expanding our Richmond Natural Medicine family and optimizing our services and expertise to best serve our patients. This spring, we are thrilled to announce the arrival of our newest naturopathic doctor into our Richmond Natural medicine family – Dr. Vanessa Ferreira, ND!

Dr. Ferreira received her naturopathic medical doctorate degree from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. In 2016, she completed a residency in general medicine at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medical Center. Her areas of specialty include anti-aging, lifestyle & stress management, dermatology, women’s health, men’s health, homeopathy, and hormone optimization.

“I have been practicing for 5 years in the fields of women & men’s health, lifestyle management, and anti-aging. Through my experiences, I’ve realized there are many ways to help the human body function most optimally inside and out. In addition, I have worked alongside other medical professionals to create comprehensive treatment plans for patients that support their healthcare needs & goals”.

Dr. Vanessa Ferreira, ND

Dr. Ferreira has a passion for using alternative therapies in an integrative way to provide complete & balanced care. She believes in empowering individuals to take control of their own health by providing customized health plans to fit each person’s unique needs. Dr. Ferreira also uses tools such as supported detoxification, homeopathy, herbs, supplements, and stress management to address the underlying causes of each concern. As a naturopathic doctor, she committed to providing individuals with the resources they need to feel empowered in their health journey and to support them towards optimal well-being.

“I am a New Jersey native who has always been interested in healthcare and the human body. As a doctor, my goal has always been to help patients improve their health sustainably while also creating opportunities for education.”

Please join us in welcoming Dr. Ferreria into our Richmond community! You can request an appointment with Dr. Ferreria online or by calling (804) 476-2113.

Read More: About Dr. Vanessa Ferreria
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covid-19 coronavirus
Supporting Your Health During & After COVID-19

Over the past two months, our collective attention as a society has been almost entirely focused on one thing: avoiding exposure to COVID-19. And while we’ve been practicing effective social distancing, staying safe at home, and managing our new routines— it is also likely that many of us have started to overlook our present-day health needs. Despite everything happening around the world and in our own communities, our own emotional, physical, and mental health requires continued personalized care. In addition, access to healthcare providers and resources may be significantly limited for some individuals. Despite these challenges, there are simple steps we can take to maintain some control over our health. Taking the time to carve out these new practices today, means that our health could be more streamlined and easier to manage in the coming months.

Read More: COVID-19 & Other Viruses: Preventative Measures for Virus & Flu

Supporting Your Health During & After A Pandemic

At this time, no one has the ability to predict when the pandemic will officially end. This daily uncertainty means that many of us already have or likely will develop mild to moderate symptoms of stress-related conditions such as sleep disturbances, high blood pressure, flares in autoimmune conditions, or increased inflammation. In an attempt to avoid non-essential trips to hospitals and doctor’s offices, many people are also opting to delay their annually scheduled doctor visits for lab work or physicals. This is a difficult decision that should be weighed carefully.

It’s very easy to get engulfed by the dozens of things that call our attention and neglect the subtle changes to our health and wellbeing, especially if our mild symptoms are not alerting us to pay attention. Try to pay attention to how you’re feeling day by day by keeping a brief mood and health diary. In the evening, take 5 minutes to jot down how you were feeling that day. Did you experience anxiety, headaches, new acne breakouts, poor sleep the previous night, or maybe flares in eczema? These little symptoms, although not seemingly significant in our day to day, may be significant if they repeat over time. Keeping a brief daily diary can help you notice the timeline of patterns of new symptoms. This can be extremely helpful for your first doctor’s visit after COVID.

Read More: 5 Herbs to Support Your Stress Response & Nervous System

During quarantine and after, continue to prioritize good sleep hygiene and regular exercise. Both of these areas may have gone askew in the past few weeks, for better or worse. Once we regain our normal routines, sleep and movement are extremely important to maintain within our schedules. Good quality sleep and daily movement contribute to positive nervous system health, stress management, healthy metabolism and weight, optimal digestion, and good mental health.

Prioritize Your Health Today

Does your family need physical or emotional support during this time? Richmond Natural Medicine is offering virtual appointments with all of our naturopathic doctors. You can request an appointment online and learn more about what to expect from a Telemedicine appointment with us. You can also take advantage of our current offers for both new and existing patients:

  • $20 off return appointments
  • $40 off new patient appointments

These offers are available until June 1st, 2020. Patients MUST mention the offer when scheduling or at checkout in order for the discount to be applied.

From all of us at RNM, we hope that you and your family are staying healthy and safe. If you need support, we are here to help.
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naturopathic doctor
Is Your Naturopathic Doctor Correctly Accredited and Trained? This Guide Helps You Find Out.


When searching for a Naturopathic Doctor or Natural Health Practitioner, you may come across individuals who call themselves “Naturopaths” or claim to be a Naturopathic Doctor but may not necessarily have the appropriate and expected level of training or education. It’s important to know what credentials and formal education your Naturopathic Doctor should have when searching for the right practitioner in Virginia.

Not All Doctors Are Created Equal: Know Your NDs Credentials

At this time, naturopathic medicine is not regulated in some but not all 50 states. Virginia is currently one of the states that does not yet regulate Naturopathic Doctors. Unfortunately, this lack of regulation means that some individuals who do not meet the educational standards of the profession are able to call themselves “naturopaths” or “NDs.” These individuals may have degrees or diplomas from distance-learning schools, weekend seminars, home-study schools that operate without state or federal authority to grant degrees, or schools/certifying agencies without naturopathic programs or faculty that confer naturopathic credentials based on other kinds of health education. None of these programs qualify a candidate to sit for national board exams or to receive formal naturopathic licensure in any state.

In some states, individuals misusing ND credentials are able to “claim” the title simply by paying a fee for a business license that requires no evidence of education. Patients should know what to look for when they seek the services of a trained and licensed Naturopathic Doctor. Only state licensure can guarantee the training and safety to which patients are entitled. Look closely at where your naturopathic doctor received their training. If this information is not listed on their website, ask them where they received their credentials and if it is from an accredited institution for clinical practice.

RNM Naturopathic Doctors Meet the Highest Standards

A formal Naturopathic Doctor education begins with a traditional four-year pre-med undergraduate degree. Following the completion of undergraduate requirements, Richmond Natural Medicine doctors train at any one of six accredited naturopathic colleges accredited by the United States Department of Education. This graduate education includes a minimum of four years, with the first two years focusing on basic sciences, pathology, & diagnosis. The last two years are concentrated around a variety of natural therapies, including botanical medicine, nutrition, physical manipulation, homeopathy, minor surgery, and pharmacology. Specialty focus is also given towards individual organ systems, with classes in gastroenterology, proctology, cardiology, gynecology, and neurology.

After graduation, all Naturopathic Doctors must pass national board exams and state licensing exams. For NDs who practice in states that do not offer a license (such as Virginia), practitioners hold a license in a different licensed state, so as to be held to regulation and continuing education requirements. For more detailed information on this please visit the Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges.

Richmond Natural Medicine is proud to offer services from professional, licensed, and experienced practitioners that have completed accredited and legitimate training programs recognized by the Department of Education.

Read More: Naturopathic Medicine at Richmond Natural Medicine

If you are searching for the right Naturopathic Doctor with appropriate credentials and training, check out these online directories:

Learn more about our Naturopathic Doctors at Richmond Natural Medicine.

1,522 Views0
Combating Seasonal Allergies with Naturopathic Medicine

Sneezing, itchy, watery eyes, nasal congestion, and sore throat – all signs and symptoms of having seasonal allergies – can make it difficult to enjoy the beauty and rejuvenation of Spring.

If you suffer from seasonal allergies here are some tips on how to reduce spring allergic reactions and symptoms.

Home Environment

Keep your living and sleeping space as “allergy-friendly” as possible. Consider making your bedroom an “oasis” from allergies, noise, distractions, electronics, etc. This should be a clean, quiet, peaceful room for relaxation and recovery during sleep. Here are some tips to help with your home environment:

  • If possible use an air filter in your home, especially in the bedroom. Electrostatic filters can be used in heating/cooling systems to remove dust from the air and stand-alone filters with a HEPA filter are also a great option. Make sure to clean ducts and replace filters regularly. Use a HEPA vacuum cleaner to better trap and remove dust and other particles.
  • Regularly clean curtains, rugs, wall decor, and clutter. These items can increase the amount of dust and allergen build-up. Wood or tile floors are easiest to clean and keep allergen-free.
  • Change pillowcases and bed sheets frequently to cut down on dust mites.
  • Shower and change your clothes after you get home for the day to remove pollen and other allergens from your skin and hair.
  • If you have pets, consider whether or not you are reacting to their dander and act accordingly. If you know you are reactive but are committed to keeping your pets– try to at least keep them out of your bedroom and off the bed. Remember, the bedroom is an allergy-free sanctuary. Eight hours of quality sleep in a clean, restful environment gives your immune system time to recover.
  • Keep humidity levels around 50% to reduce the growth of dust mites and mold. A dehumidifier and/or humidifier may be necessary, depending on where you live.

Our Internal Systems

Allergies are essentially the response of a reactive and unbalanced immune system which, sensing an “invader,” goes to town trying to destroy it. The reason we end up with allergy symptoms, like running nose and itchy watery eyes is usually due to high levels of histamine in the body. Histamine is released from immune cells that try to protect the body from foreign invaders.

To improve our response to allergies, we must first “stabilize” these immune cells so they are not so quick to release histamine. In addition, we can work to balance the immune system as a whole, so the body is less reactive and more able to tolerate exposure to allergens without having a negative response. Here are some ways to work with your internal environment:

  • Diet – Avoid your food sensitivities to reduce inflammation. Some common aggravating foods when it comes to allergies include dairy, wheat, chocolate, egg, soy, citrus, peanut, pork, trans-fats, and chemical additives. Aim to eat whole, fresh foods like organic produce and high-quality proteins and fats each day. Make sure you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water as well.
  • Add flavonoid-rich foods – Bioflavonoids, such as quercetin, are the compounds that give fruits and vegetables their rich colors. They act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds in the body, helping to both mitigate damage from chronic inflammation and also preventing further inflammation. Quercetin also works as a stabilizer of cells that release histamine (i.e. it can reduce histamine released in the body), so it is particularly helpful with seasonal allergies. Quercetin-rich foods include onions, apples, citrus fruit, green tea, parsley, sage, grapes, dark berries (blueberry, blackberry) and dark cherries. You can also supplement with quercetin – usually, 1500mg/day for adults is adequate.
  • Include essential fatty-acid (EFA) rich foods: Omega 3 fats help reduce inflammation and soothe mucous membranes – this includes fish, nuts (such as walnuts and almonds), seeds (flax or pumpkin) and olive oil. You can also supplement with EFAs in the form of Cod Liver Oil or Fish Oil. Make sure to get high-quality oils!
  • Probiotic-rich foods: Fermented foods supply important beneficial bacteria which can help improve gut health and therefore reduce inflammation and calm the immune system. Foods to consider would be sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, and pickled veggies. It’s important to note that through the process of fermentation, these foods will also be naturally high in histamine, so some folks may find they cannot tolerate them. In that case, I would recommend supplementing with a probiotic for some time to balance gut flora.
  • Herbs – Herbs are a wonderful addition to any allergy regime, as they often have a multitude of positive effects, such as toning and balancing the immune system, reducing inflammation, and improving resistance to allergens. Some common herbs used for allergies include nettles, eyebright, khella, thyme, butterbur, feverfew, ginkgo, curcumin, and yarrow. I typically recommend taking these herbs in tincture format, but teas and capsules can be used as well. Your naturopathic doctor or herbalist can custom-blend a formula for you, depending on your particular symptoms, triggers, and individual constitution.
  • Supplements –Vitamin C, Vitamin E and minerals like calcium and magnesium can also be helpful during allergy season. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and improves immune function. For allergies, recommendations range between 500mg/day up to 3,000mg/day. As always, check with your ND before taking high levels of any vitamin or supplement. When choosing a Vitamin C, look for a whole-food-based supplement, rather than just the ascorbic acid component.
  • Exercise – Moderate exercise helps improve peripheral blood flow and lower inflammation, so try to get at least 30 minutes 4-5 times per week. You may want to head outside at times or on days when the pollen count is lower to avoid aggravating allergy symptoms.

Additional support can often be found through homeopathic medicines and acupuncture, so consider these therapies as well.

As with any other health concern, prevention is key to reducing seasonal allergies. Consider taking local honey and/or an appropriate amount of the herb nettles (as a tea or freeze-dried in capsules) during the winter months, or for at least 1 month before allergy season to prevent or reduce the onset of allergic symptoms.

To get personalized recommendations for your seasonal allergies, request an appointment with one of our naturopathic doctors. There is no single way to support allergies, find out what your body needs to get through peak allergy season! Call our office for more information or if you have questions, (804) 977-2634.

881 Views0
Telemedicine at Richmond Natural Medicine
Telemedicine Appointments at RNM
During this challenging time, Richmond Natural Medicine is adapting to the unpredictable nature of our regional quarantine orders while still striving to provide excellent care and support to our patients.

We are a small business that, like so many others, made the early decision to close our doors to the public for the collective safety of our community. Even though our office is closed to visitors, our staff and doctors are still available to support you from the comfort of your own home, as we have fully transitioned our practice to a telemedicine platform.

All of our naturopathic practitioners are offering telemedicine appointments for both new and existing patients of Richmond Natural Medicine. Our new telemedicine options ensure that your health will continue to be supported seamlessly during this difficult time. We understand that now, more than ever, you need continued and extended support. Our doctors are here for you whether you need support with an existing health condition, guidance with a new physical or emotional challenge, or comprehensive preventative care.

What to Expect During a Telemedicine Appointment

During your telemedicine appointment, you’ll receive the same exceptional level of care and attention you would receive during an in-person visit with our naturopathic doctors. Many of our existing patients have enjoyed the convenience of our phone appointments, which are still available at this time.

We are also excited to offer video telemedicine appointments through our secure patient portal. Our OptiMantra patient portal is HIPAA-secure and easy to use both on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Video appointments are an option for both new and existing patients of RNM. Phone appointments are available only for existing patients, as we would prefer to see our new patients face-to-face during the first visit. The New Patient paperwork has also fully transitioned online and is available for submission directly through the patient portal. Our front desk staff is available to help you create an account through the portal, navigate any paperwork or submission of records, and troubleshoot any technical issues that may arise.

During your telemedicine appointment, your naturopathic doctor will gather new and past information about your health and create, or update your health plan. Your health plan will include unique recommendations ranging from lifestyle and diet changes to the use of supplements and gentle remedies to support healing. Following your telemedicine appointment, your health plan will be emailed directly to you and our front desk staff will call you to complete refills, receive payment, and schedule your next visit. In between appointments, our doctors are available via email and phone for correspondence.

Your Supplement Needs

Although our doors are closed to the public, our medicinary is still open for refills of vitamins, minerals, herbal tinctures, homeopathic preparations, and more. To refill your items, call our office and our front desk staff will assist you with payment, availability, and delivery. To acquire your items, you may pick up through contact-free curbside service outside our building or request delivery of your items directly to your home.

Are You Prioritizing Your Wellbeing? telemedicine

Richmond Natural Medicine is encouraging new and existing patients to keep up with their health during these challenging times by offering $20 off all telemedicine follow-up appointments and $40 off all telemedicine new patient appointments until June 1st, 2020.

To schedule your telemedicine visit, request an appointment on our website or call our office, (804) 977-2634. We’re happy to answer any questions you may have about pricing, conditions we see, and technology issues with telemedicine. Remember, our first priority is your health. We hope you are staying well and safe at home.

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Naturopathic Interview: Cardiovascular Health

A significant number of Americans deal with cardiovascular issues each year.

The American Heart Association estimates that in 2019, some 46% of Americans (about 116.4 million) had hypertension. The CDC also reported that cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in men and women in the US. Cardiovascular disease costs the US healthcare system more than 200 billion dollars per year, making it an area of health that deserves a robust preventive approach through patient education. Dr. Mielke, ND, is one of Richmond Natural Medicine’s naturopaths who works with cardiovascular issues.

Q: What are some common cardiology issues that you see with your patients? What are their signs and symptoms?
  1. High blood pressure or hypertension which may lead to stroke or kidney damage.
  2. Coronary Artery Disease which may lead to a heart attack or angina.
  3. Peripheral Vascular (arterial or venous) Disease which may lead to pain, numbness, or weakness.

There are very few symptoms of these conditions until they are well-advanced and have already caused injury. So, screening and prevention are highly important. People who receive regular conventional medical care are screened at every visit for high blood pressure and emergency rooms rule out life-threatening events, like strokes and heart attacks. Conventional cardiology has effective tools for diagnosing and treating advanced cardiovascular disease. Naturopathic medicine can work alongside conventional care in cases of an advanced disease to mitigate future events and any effects of necessary medications.

Q: From a naturopathic perspective, how do you approach cardiology health issues?

Ideally, we prevent significant cardiovascular events from occurring. I “screen” individuals for early signs of health issues that contribute to the above conditions, including sleep, exercise, and diet. Family history also plays an important part in risk assessment of each individual. If a significant risk is identified, then additional investigation is appropriate, which may involve home monitoring, referral to a primary care doctor, or referral to a cardiologist for testing. The detailed health and family history, any blood labs, and advanced testing reports are used to develop an individualized care plan that details naturopathic therapies (independently or in conjunction with conventional medication), lifestyle adjustments, and nutrition upgrades.

It is not uncommon to find people who are starting to experience spikes in blood pressure or “white coat” syndrome, which is elevated blood pressure when visiting the doctor. Prescription medication for lowering blood pressure is not typically used at this point, because it could result in too much lowering of blood pressure and potential injuries from fainting. However, naturopathic medicine has interventions appropriate to modulate blood pressure response before it is chronically elevated. I think it is important to intervene before prescriptions are needed. Spikes in blood pressure during normal daily life are signs that the body is adapting through blood pressure and that adaptive capacity needs to be bolstered for the entire system.

Q: How can naturopathic medicine be used alongside conventional treatment options, including medications?

When cardiovascular disease is already present, I provide support before and after surgery, during cardiac rehabilitation, and in the years following for prevention of a future event. I coach patients regarding appropriate exercise and how to incorporate a heart-healthy diet in real life. Some diet fads are not heart-friendly and genetics play a role in cholesterol management. Naturopathic therapies are useful when an individual’s blood pressure is not well-controlled on pharmaceuticals, managing early kidney disease resulting from hypertension or diabetes, and providing natural medicines if prescription medications are not well-tolerated.

Q: What are some things you highly recommend to your patients for cardiovascular health prevention?

For healthy individuals, there is nothing better than exercise for prevention. High-intensity interval training on a bicycle, treadmill, or elliptical is very efficient. Attending fitness classes with others or scheduling a personal trainer is what keeps some people continuing to meet their fitness goals. If time and conditioning are a challenge, start where you are, walking is awesome!

If you are seeking support with cardiovascular health and would like to incorporate the principles of functional medicine and naturopathic medicine into your health plan. Request an appointment or call our office for more information, (804) 977-2634.

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