Getting Clear on Skin: Spring Tips for Healthy Skin

Skin health can be one of the more mysterious and frustrating health concerns we face throughout our lives. With inconsistent symptoms and a plethora of triggers, it can be hard to figure out what exactly is causing a skin condition and how to address it. Dermatology and management of skin health can be complicated, and very rarely are they just “skin deep”. Especially in seasons where allergic reactions are high (hello spring!), we see quite a few folks with seasonal skin issues. 


During the spring, skin issues like eczema, bumps, itchy skin, rashes, and general redness are worse with environmental triggers like pollen. If you notice that your skin feels extra irritated or inflamed this time of year, here are some spring tips for healthy skin:

Spring tips for healthy skin

  • When outdoors, wear lightweight, long sleeve and long-pants clothing to reduce skin exposure to sun and irritants. 
  • Add an air purifier to your home and keep windows closed if your allergies flare in the spring. 
  • Drink plenty of water! Hydrating helps every detoxification pathway and supports skin health and elasticity. Nettle tea is also a gentle antihistamine that is wonderful to enjoy this time of year!
  • Soothing topicals like aloe gel or a chamomile compress can be helpful for dry, itchy, or redness on the skin. (Note, if you purchase an aloe leaf topical gel, make sure it is alcohol-free. The pure aloe leaf also works well!)


Read More: Skin Care 101 with Dr. Ferreira


Some of our basic treatment strategies for dermatology issues and skin health concerns include food intolerance assessments, individual-centered nutritional guidance, supplemental nutrients, homeopathy, biotherapeutic drainage, herbal medicine, patient-specific homeopathic remedies, stress management, hydrotherapy, detox support, and appropriate skin care recommendations.

Dermatology issues and skin health concerns that Richmond Natural Medicine can help with:

  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Seborrheic dermatitis
  • Acne
  • Hidradenitis suppurativa
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Candida


Our naturopathic doctors take a close look at the root cause, rather than just offering temporary topical treatments. You can rest assured that your ND will always prioritize a review of the contributing factors that can lead to dermatology problems in order to develop a solution that works from the inside out. Richmond Natural Medicine’s Naturopathic doctors will get a sense of your overall health, with a focus on your digestion, hormone balance, emotional health, and your health history leading up to the start of any dermatology issue.

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Seasonal Affective Disorder: Prevention & Tips

As we enter the midseason of winter, our practitioners often see signs and symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) – a common behavioral and emotional response to the darker, colder, and more isolating time of the year. For most, SAD can begin in the autumn and last through the beginning of spring. Millions of people each year experience SAD, and it occurs more frequently in women than men, especially those with underlying depression or bipolar disorder. However, anyone can be susceptible to the changes in the seasons and depending on where you live you may experience this repeatedly or very occasionally. 

Common Symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder:

  • Feels tired, lethargic, and “low” throughout most of the day
  • Losing interest in activities that previously sparked curiosity
  • Feeling lonely or sad but lacking interest in being social 
  • Difficulty concentrating on tasks 
  • Craving carbohydrates, overeating / comfort eating, and weight gain. 
  • Over-sleeping or defaulting to sleeping and napping when feeling depressed or sad. 


Read More: Seasonal Affective Disorder Diagnosis & Treatments 

SAD Prevention & Tips

Fortunately, the change of the season is predictable, and if you have experienced SAD before, or anticipate the effects of winter on your mental health, here are some tips to support you during this winter season:

  1. Light Therapy – being exposed to a special light source each morning for about 30 minutes has been shown to be supportive of easing symptoms of SAD for roughly 40%-60% of people. This helps to mimic the experience of sunrise, support our circadian rhythm, and improve our mood throughout the day. 


  1. Mental Health support – seeking counseling during the winter months can be extremely helpful during the times when you feel low, despondent, depressive, or despondent. A counselor can also monitor your symptoms to make sure SAD is not progressing into full depression, which may require separate treatment. 


  1. Check your vitamin D – Vitamin D plays a critical role in so many body processes, including our energy, mood, metabolism, and immune function. Monitor your Vitamin D levels closely in the early and mid-winter and supplement as needed and recommended by your health care providers to keep this within an optimal range. 

Read more: Essential Roles of Vitamin D


  1. Routine of comforts – during the winter months, set up 2-3 “anchors” during your day that you know bring you comfort and joy, and stick to these as essential self-care routines. This can be taking a short walk outside, enjoying afternoon tea away from your devices, calling a friend or loved one to check in and talk, making art of crafts at the end of the day, cooking a delicious meal to nourish yourself, reading your favorite book or magazine…anything that you know brings you peace or comforts with no residual feelings of guilt. 


Read More: Herbs for Seasonal Depression


If you are experiencing symptoms of seasonal affective disorder, or need extra support nourishing yourself this winter, contact our office to make an appointment with one of our naturopathic doctors. They will take the time to create a custom care plan for you, and educate you on steps you can take to reach your health goals this year. 


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Simple Self Care for February

February can feel like a tough month for many, with the dark days of winter lingering on and the coldness really settling in before spring. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and general lethargy are prominent this time of year, and feeling like you’re “in a funk” may last until the first warmer days of April. This is a time of year when we need to assess our emotional and mental health in ways that are a little different than summer and fall and make sure we’re taking care of ourselves in subtle ways to make it through the last push of winter. Implementing simple self-care in February does not have to be excessive or take a lot of time. These self-care activities are meant to take you out of a stagnant routine, enliven your mind and uplift your spirit, even for short periods of time. 


Read More: Mental Health Support in Winter 


  • Keep a mug of warm herbal tea with you throughout the day. Herbal teas like ginger, chai, lemon & honey, chamomile, and hibiscus are great choices for deep winter. These nourishing, warming, and vibrant herbs will keep you feeling cozy and comforted throughout the day.


  • When possible, take a walk outdoors (even in the cold!). Spending even just 15 minutes outdoors each day has been shown to uplift our mood and improve our mental health. This is especially helpful for those who are behind a computer screen all day. Engaging your eyes with outdoor areas helps to alleviate tension headaches and expand your mental capacity after working long hours indoors. 


  • Engage in “play” or creative outlets for a few minutes each day. This works the brain out of a funk by doing something a bit out of the norm. Drawing, coloring, crafting, working with your hands, playing an instrument, designing your spring garden, and even floral arrangements can be fun and unique ways to bring some joy to your day. 


  • Begin tidying up your indoor space if it’s feeling dark or cluttered. Sweeping out the winter cobwebs, cleaning up the surfaces of your communal spaces, deep cleaning your kitchen or bedroom, and getting a bit of fresh air (or aromatic smells like lavender or sweet orange) can make a big difference in your home if it is feeling uninspired or stagnant. 


  • Schedule one day or afternoon this month that is a little unique. Take yourself to a museum, or your local botanical garden (these are still beautiful in winter months!), maybe visit a friend you haven’t seen in a while, take yourself on a local hike, or spend an afternoon cooking up an elaborate meal to share with friends. Getting out of the weekly routine can be something to look forward to and share with people who uplift your spirit. 

If you find yourself feeling the onset of the “winter blues”, or feeling like your mood is a bit different in the winter months and need personalized support, consider making an appointment with one of our naturopathic doctors. They will have an in-depth discussion with you to review your health history, diet, lifestyle practices, stressors, sleep, and any relevant lab work to help support you in your individual needs. They may also be a great resource for referrals to local therapists or counselors if needed. Don’t hesitate to seek help or ask questions if you feel that you need support maintaining your mental health at any time. The staff and practitioners at Richmond Natural Medicine are available to help and guide you to find a solution that works for you.

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4 Tips for Heart Health 

February is American Heart Health Month, and a good reminder to check in on your routine wellness habits to make sure you’re taking the little steps to support your heart every day. Heart disease is largely preventable and impacted by things such as stress management, dietary choices, exercise, and genetics. 


The American Heart Association estimates that in 2019, some 46% of Americans (about 116.4 million) had hypertension. The CDC also reported that cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in men and women in the US. Cardiovascular disease costs the US healthcare system more than 200 billion dollars per year, making it an area of health that deserves a robust preventive approach through patient education.


If you are curious about specific ways that you can incorporate heart-healthy habits into your wellness routine, visit one of our naturopathic doctors for a detailed and personalized plan, just for you. 

4 Tips for Heart Health 


  1. Practice stress management, and understand what your reaction to stress feels like. Long-term stress can dramatically contribute to stress on your cardiovascular system and increase inflammatory markers throughout the body. Take 1-2 minutes each hour to sit quietly, breathe deeply, and calm your mind. This will get your body into the habit of dropping into a space of calm, especially if you are under periods of prolonged stress.

Read more: Using Mindfulness to Reduce Stress


  1. Exercise, even a little goes a long way. High-intensity interval training on a bicycle, treadmill or elliptical is very efficient. Attending fitness classes with others or scheduling a personal trainer is what keeps some people continuing to meet their fitness goals. If time and conditioning are a challenge, start where you are – walking is excellent too! Aim for approximately 30 minutes per day. 


  1. Get your bloodwork done each year, and look at your HDL, LDL, and triglyceride levels over time. It is ideal to start doing this in your mid-twenties so you can notice patterns and changes, and also to see what your “normal” levels may be. Intervening in cholesterol management before medications are needed is always preferred, but we need to be paying attention to this early on. 


  1. Enjoy a healthy diet as often as possible. Reduce or eliminate the consumption of processed fast foods, fried foods, or foods high in saturated fats. Consume foods rich in antioxidants every day. These include colorful fruits and vegetables (blueberries, red grapes, artichokes, spinach, kale, blackberries, and goji berries), dark chocolate, pecans, and green tea. And drink plenty of water each day for kidney health and detoxification support. Read more on staying hydrated here


How can naturopathic medicine be used alongside conventional treatment options, including medications?

When cardiovascular disease is already present, naturopathic medicine can provide support before and after surgery, during cardiac rehabilitation, and in the years following for the prevention of a future event. Naturopathic doctors can educate patients regarding appropriate exercise and how to incorporate a heart-healthy diet in real life. Some diet fads are not heart-friendly and genetics play a role in cholesterol management. Naturopathic therapies are useful when an individual’s blood pressure is not well-controlled by pharmaceuticals, managing early kidney disease resulting from hypertension or diabetes, and providing natural medicines if prescription medications are not well-tolerated.

If you are seeking support with cardiovascular health and would like to incorporate the principles of functional medicine and naturopathic medicine into your health plan. Request an appointment or call our office for more information, at (804) 977-2634

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Top 5 Nutritionist Tips for Making Healthy Habits Stick

Now that we’re one month into the new year, let’s check in on your health goals and resolutions. If you made any dietary or nutrition resolutions, how are you doing with those? Do you feel like they are sustainable for you to continue and actually enjoyable to the point where your relationship with food is thriving? Here are a few nutritionist tips for making healthy habits stick this year. 

Top 5 Nutritionist Tips for Making Healthy Habits Stick

  1. Focus on longevity – not quick fixes. It’s easy to set a goal for 30 days or commit to a 2-week detox or diet. But any nutrition change you’re wanting to make should be supporting your body for the long haul, not just a month. Ask yourself, what is the end goal for making these changes, and how can you achieve them in a sustainable way?


  1. Start with the basics, then branch out. We often over-step our very basic nutrition needs and go straight into more difficult diets. Make sure your basic daily needs are met and remain a habit before adding on. These include 
    1. Drinking enough water throughout the day. Aim for half of your body weight (in ounces) each day through filtered water or herbal teas. Read more: ND Lifestyle – water & Hydration 
    2. Consuming vegetables and fruits throughout the day (aim for at least 4+ servings, or 4 different colors every day!) Read more: Eat the Rainbow! Health Benefits of Every Color
    3. Keeping a balanced plate – this means including protein, healthy fat, starchy carbohydrate, and non-starchy carbohydrate with your meals. 
    4. Reduce highly processed foods and added sugars. These are so hard to avoid, and over time make a big difference in our overall health. When we commit to preparing most of our meals at home, and using food-based sweeteners like honey or maple syrup, this significantly reduces dietary inflammation and keeps us feeling our best. Read more: Thoughts on Sugars & Sweeteners 


  1. Be realistic – your daily diet does not have to be perfect. If there is ONE thing you think you can improve upon, focus on that one thing. This may be prepping weekly breakfasts to make eating breakfast a priority every day; bringing your own lunch to work to reduce getting take-out; Stocking up on your favorite herbal teas to enjoy instead of alcohol at night; keeping healthy snacks available to reduce sugary snack grazing. Either way, choose one thing and don’t overwhelm yourself. 


  1. Seek accountability if you need it. Tell the people you share a home with your nutrition goals and allow them to support you and keep you accountable. Sometimes nutrition habits work best if you can do them together with a partner. Have your co-workers or friends share a nutrition goal with you, too, and work towards reaching your goals together. 


  1. Consider staying off of social media. This space is saturated with health and wellness advice and opinions. It is very easy to just hop from habit to habit based on what we hear or see and not settle into our own embodied experience. This is a profound disconnect in recent years and makes it harder for us to make our own informed choices about what our body really needs. This is something your nutritionist or naturopathic doctor can help you develop. 


If you need help or support reaching some of your health goals this year, schedule an appointment with one of our naturopathic doctors who will work with you to create a custom care plan to see you through the rest of the year. 

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RNM + Whole Journey – Intern Feature & Interview with Dr. Barranco

Whole Journey Services is a local RVA small private practice that provides mental health therapy using holistic values. We are honored to feature one of their new interns, Lucy Cary and invite you to book her services. The amazing thing is Whole Journey shares an office space with RNM so you can get all your health needs in one place.

Meet Lucy

Hi there! My name is Lucy Cary, and I am a Resident in Counseling in the state of Virginia. I provide mental health therapy through Whole Journey Services, a small private practice that values the use of holistic care, and its Richmond office is actually located inside of Richmond Natural Medicine! I provide both in person and online sessions, as well as outdoor walk & talk therapy held in a local park for those who are interested (when weather and scheduling permit).

Therapy with me is quite holistic and collaborative, as I tend to focus on tailoring my style to each individual’s needs while also taking a “whole person” approach in order to highlight the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirt. I value a trauma-informed lens within my work with clients, as well as the use of positive psychology approaches such as utilizing clients’ strengths as tools within the therapeutic process.

While I do have a diverse clientele with a wide variety of issues and goals, I really enjoy working with adults, teens, the LGBTQIA+ population, women’s issues, relationship difficulties, anxiety, depression, stress, life transitions, and those who are seeking holistic healing. I chose to become a mental health counselor because I knew I wanted a career centered around helping others, so I paired this intention with my deep interest in psychology along with my inherent abilities to actively listen, empathize, show compassion, and cultivate a safe, judgment-free
space. I would be happy to connect if it feels aligned with your needs!

Interview with Dr. Chelsea Barranco at RNM:

Q: What are your interests and specialties within naturopathic medicine right now?

My main interests include mental health and gastroenterology, and specifically how there’s a
strong correlation between the mind and gut, so I try to explore the relationship between the two
when working with patients who present with either of these issues. I’ve also enjoyed working in
pediatrics, as well as using homeopathy which is one modality used by naturopathic doctors.
Homeopathy can be used with most patients, and it works to address the whole person at once
which considers the physical, mental, and emotional parts of a person altogether.

Q: What does your approach to mental health support look like?

My approach to mental health support, along with my general approach towards all issues that
patients present with, is to find the root cause of concern and address and implement supportive
therapies that are unique to the individual. For instance, I may work with multiple patients who
have anxiety, but each patient will have their own unique care plan that caters to their specific
presentation. In finding the root cause it will be important to rule out other medical issues that
may be manifesting as mental health symptoms.

Q: What kinds of values drive your patient care?

I value the installation of hope and empowerment within my work with patients, as well as
providing care that’s unique to each person’s presentation, holding a safe space for patients to
share their experiences while validating their frustrations and concerns, and using collaboration
to create a care plan that feels realistic and feasible to the patient.

Q: What is the difference between being seen by a naturopathic doctor versus a traditional doctor
in the United States who practices Western medicine?

Naturopathic doctors typically have longer appointment times than conventional doctors due to
the emphasis on information gathering, taking time to understand the patient’s experiences,
looking for root causes, and customizing care for each patient. Naturopathic doctors also place
more focus on the importance of preventative medicine and supporting the body’s innate ability
to heal itself. Treating the whole person and going beyond symptom care is also a naturopathic
principle that we implement. Supportive therapies may include homeopathy, botanical medicine,
nutrition, and lifestyle recommendations.

Q: As a naturopathic doctor, what do you wish the entire world knew or understood?

I want everyone to understand the importance of simple lifestyle habits such as getting enough
sleep, drinking enough water, exercise, eating nutrient-dense foods, and spending time outside.
These basic practices can have tremendous impacts on our health, and they can also stimulate
the body’s inherent healing capabilities. I also recommend doing something every day that
makes you laugh or smile!

Q: What could someone expect from their first visit with you or another ND? What about follow-
up appointments?

Someone can expect their first appointment to be two hours long in order to gain an
understanding of the patient, collect a thorough medical history from them, and explore their
lifestyle habits such as sleep and diet. After gathering this information, the ND will provide their
recommendations, have a discussion on what they wish to prioritize within their care, and create
a collaborative care plan with the patient. For follow-up appointments, the ND will aim to see
how the patient responded to these recommendations, explore what felt difficult for them to
achieve on a daily basis, and also discuss what was and/or was not feasible for the patient. The
ND will make changes to the plan of care depending on these factors while also providing
additional support with any other concerns.

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The Unsuccessful Spiral of Following Health Advice on Social Media

With the beginning of a new year, it’s common to set health goals and find inspiration and guidance from outside sources. Social media is usually the first place people are presented with wellness trends or bite-sized health tips, but this can easily send folks into an unsuccessful spiral of following health advice on social media that is not appropriately tailored to their personalized health needs. With the best intentions of improving their health, it’s easy for people to become consumed with click-bait health hacks that are ultimately not supportive. 


Realistically, health education and health care affect 100% of people, and the vast majority of people are experiencing at least one health issue. The healthcare industry in the US can be difficult to navigate, overly complicated for simple issues, and inaccessible or unaffordable to many people. Thus, the health and wellness corner of social media has exploded in the past 5 years with health professionals and non-professionals offering snack-sized bits of wellness content for easily accessible, free pieces of advice. But this advice is often stand-alone, and not appropriately positioned to work best for your individual needs.  


While a small niche of social media posts are created for the overall benefit and education of their audience (1), the majority of social media content is created to gain followers, increase brand awareness, and sell products. 


Read More: Perks of a Naturopathic Wellness Visit

The Spiral of Sporadic Consuming:

When you consume a slow drip of sporadic health information over several months or even years, it is almost guaranteed you will be spending just as much – if not more – money on supplements, subscriptions, diet plans and other resources than you would be working with a naturopathic doctor or nutritionist.  It may seem harder to commit financially upfront to a nutritionist, herbalist, or naturopathic doctor, but all said and done they are creating an individualized, highly researched, and targeted plan, just for you at the same – or even less – cost over time. They can track your progress, be available for questions, change your supplements and diet as your health changes, and be a tandem resource along your journey. 


Remember, the influencer or poster who shares information about what worked for them and claims should work for you, too, does not have your health history, genetics, digestive health, stressors or array of other health inputs that you have. So much affects your health and your treatment plan that is different from someone else. This is why when you start a raw foods diet and end up feeling worse, or try several supplements that only add another symptom, you feel inclined to move on to another solution too quickly. 


You need to make healthy choices based on your history, current health needs, lifestyle, and capabilities.

What’s the alternative?

If your goal is to educate yourself on realistic, safe, and effective ways to improve your health, then we recommend starting with a plan and a professional guide. This means writing out your health goals, understanding your current state of health, getting clear on your resources, and feeling realistic about your intentions. When working with a nutritionist or naturopathic doctor, these professionals can keep track of all of the details of your plan and offer professional, well-researched, and specific recommendations to help you reach those goals in a very directed and straightforward way while also carefully tracking your progress. 


In the long term, this can actually save you time and money, and give you peace of mind that you’re not blindly following the next unsuccessful trend, diet, or supplement. 


If you’re feeling overwhelmed at all of the conflicting health information available and want to get more clarity on what will work best for your body and health goals, consider scheduling an appointment with one of our naturopathic doctors at Richmond Natural Medicine.  



  1. Social Media and Health Care Professionals 


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RNM Favorite Holiday Dishes

RNM Favorite Holiday Dishes


Every year we like to round up our favorite holiday recipes to share with our RNM community. December is a festive month to share meals with family and friends, and enjoy nostalgic holiday flavors. Some of our go-to recipes include plenty of seasonal vegetables, delicious herbs and spices, and a nod to healthier ingredients that help to curb the sugar intake this season. We hope you enjoy some of these recipes around your own table this holiday season!


Cranberry Orange Muffins – a gluten-free and vegan version of a breakfast classic. 

Chunky Chocolate Buckwheat Granola – for the sweet tooths in the family. 

Vegan Spelt Pumpkin Bread – a sweet and savory side to your morning eggs or oatmeal. 


Cream of Broccoli & Cashew Soup – a simple one-pot staple for the week. 

Garlicky Kale & Whitebean Stew – light and delicious, perfect for a light midday meal.  

Kale, Arugula & Butterbean Salad – the perfect accompaniment to any leftovers you have in the fridge. 


Lemon & Herb Roasted Chicken Thighs – with only 7 ingredients and 30 minutes. 

Butternut Squash Lasagna – a savory, nourishing one-pan dish for a crowd. 

Spicy Ginger Sesame Crusted Salmon Bowls – the leftovers are just as delicious as the first night!


Roasted Cauliflower Salad – with a middle eastern twist of flavors. 

Classic Holiday Stuffing – a vegan and gluten-free option for everyone to enjoy. 

Balsamic Parmesan Brussel Sprouts – this will disappear every single time – we’d recommend doubling the batch!


We hope you enjoy your time in the kitchen this season! 

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Holiday Self-Care: 7 Tips for a Calmer Season

Do your best to prioritize sleep throughout the week. Maintain your bedtime whenever possible, and aim for at least 7 hours of sleep each night to support your nervous system, immune function, and enhance digestion. 


Start your day with a nourishing breakfast. If your afternoons and evenings tend to lack fruits and veggies, get these in FIRST THING so you can at least rely on 2-4 servings first and foremost.  If you’re crunched for time in the mornings, batch prep some breakfast options so you don’t skip them. This can look like a veggie frittata, overnight oats with 2-4 types of fruits included, or veggie-based smoothies.


Opt for herbal teas most nights of the week. The holiday season brings lots of opportunities for gatherings, and if you find yourself imbibing in alcohol more than twice a week, bring tea sachets with you for dinners, or enjoy a mug of warm tea while prepping dinner at home to reduce your alcohol intake these next few weeks. Try chamomile, holy basil, ginger, or mint teas for a soothing, calming, warming, and grounding experience. 


Continue to take afternoon walks. As the days get colder, these daily walks help acclimate our body to the changing season, gradually introducing us to colder weather so the shift is not so abrupt on our immune system. 


Read More: 4 Ways You Can Redirect How Stress Impacts Your Body


Maintain your boundaries if your calendar is filling up. It’s always OK to not-commit to an engagement immediately. Check your weekly or monthly calendar before adding one more thing to make sure you feel like you can reasonably commit your time to extra things that will not bring you unnecessary stress.


Batch-prep some soups to keep in the freezer. Colds and flu are still going around this season, and having nourishing, already-made soups for when you or a family member falls ill can be a lifesaver. We love Chicken Veggie soup and Butternut Squash soups


Read More: Healthy Holiday Recipe Round-Up


Switch off your devices. We know that many people use their phones and iPads at night to “wind down,” especially after kids go to bed to have some “me time.” Take notice if what you’re doing on your devices in the evening is actually relaxing (ie, scrolling through social media, reading or watching the news, engaging in online arguments, etc). A lot of our online behavior is quite stimulating and not supportive of relaxing our nervous system before going to bed. Instead, try listening to an audiobook, reading, journaling, or sketching to relax and calm your mind. 


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Infrared Sauna Benefits – Book Your Appointment Today!

Richmond Natural Medicine’s Infrared Sauna is Available For Current Patients


Saunas have been used for thousands of years to restore tired muscles and to chase away illnesses or even the chill of cooler weather. Sauna: meaning bath or bathhouse in Finnish originated in this Nordic land where today most households still maintain a sauna for good health and relaxation.


Infrared saunas use wavelengths of heat that are part of the sun’s natural rays, and are beneficial for our health. Infrared rays penetrate deeply beneath the skin surface to the cellular level, heating the body at a lower temperature than that of traditional saunas, and promoting detoxification and improved heart health. This gentle process is usually very comfortable for most people and allows the nervous system to move to its parasympathetic state which supports improved sleep and increased levels of β-endorphins. The lower temperature (approximately 120 to 140 degrees F) than that of a traditional sauna allows patients to enjoy the rejuvenation experience safely over a longer period of time (30-40 minutes on average instead of approximately half that time).

Infrared Sauna Benefits:

Detoxify: Sweating to release toxins is perhaps the benefit most associated with the sauna experience. The process of warming the body increases circulation and triggers the sweat glands. Many studies suggest that sweat helps to detoxify the body by releasing heavy metals, urea, bisphenol-A, and phthalates. Additionally, it improves blood flow and supports optimal blood pressure.

What’s good for the inside is good for the outside too, and sweating helps to unclog pores and improve the health of your skin.

Better sleep: Relaxing in the quiet warmth of the infrared sauna environment is a perfect way to calm the body and the mind. Often a reset of body temperature—from neutral to warm and then to cool—combined with the soothing heat of the sauna can aid in improving sleep.

Also, relaxing helps to balance cortisol, your body’s primary stress hormone, says Amy Myers, MD, author of The Autoimmune Solution who encourages including infrared sauna visits as part of an overall wellness plan.

Immune System Support: As the body’s core temperature rises, it works to strengthen the immune system and promotes healing.  Studies have even suggested that infrared sauna use provides a reduction in fatigue associated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Pain Relief: As the infrared light warms the body from the inside out, it increases the circulation of the blood and the flow of oxygen. This brings a feeling of relief to patients with muscle soreness, arthritis, and related conditions, and helps to speed up the healing process.

Weight loss—the process of warming the body and sweating is likely to produce some weight loss, just as with exercise. This may be an added benefit or, for individuals with certain medical conditions, it may be a low-stress way to elevate the heart rate and improve circulation.

Whether you have a health concern or simply wish to enjoy some quiet relaxation, consider trying out this new wellness resource at RNM.  The gift of self-care gives back for a lifetime. Check out RNM’s in-house Infrared Sauna which is available for RNM Patients. Schedule your Sauna Session Today.


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